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What Was Your Morning Fix? v. Nothing Wakes You Up In The Morning Like A Sedative!

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I woke up on

80mg Methadone
3mg Lorazepam
2mg Alprazolam
75mg Hydroxyzine
100mg Promethazine
300mg Gabapentin
Cigs, Marlboro lights
How the fuck do you stay awake methacodone much less be productive man.
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Passed out around 3am after drinking and smoking with my buddy who I never get to see anymore (got darn girlfriend of his). Woke up around 8am to a hangover, a cig, some valium, and water. The hangover was 100% dehydration.

It's easy for me to go easy on the booze when I have weed to combine it with, but I still gotta be real careful about my predilection toward booze.

Anyway, I'll probably have a drink or two max later tonight, but first I need a nap.
300mg Gabapentin
100mg R-Modafinil
A strong cup of coffee

....it's strange to me how many of you start your mornings with sedatives. If I take xanax/oxy/whatever in the morning, there's a good chance I'll be napping by mid afternoon lol.
Methacodone- what's the point of taking hydroxyzine on top of prometh? You definitely only need one of the sedating antihistamines for opioid potentiation. I feel like stacking those w/ benzodiazepines and gabapentin would be overkill and would just make one overly lethargic in a dysphoric, anticholinergic way. IME thats how stacking antihistamines turned out (i.e. DPH + hydroxyzine + oxy when hydrox + ox was all that deemed necessary for proper potentiation).

Morning fix consisted of:
IV 200mg China White heroin
0.5mg clonazepam
Iced French Vanilla Latte w whole milk... Mmmmm
50mg hydroxyzine hcl
300mg Gabapentin
100mg R-Modafinil
A strong cup of coffee

....it's strange to me how many of you start your mornings with sedatives. If I take xanax/oxy/whatever in the morning, there's a good chance I'll be napping by mid afternoon lol.
Well.. it is the weekend :p, granted, I usually do take sedatives to start my day, I really need to get back on a nootropic stack... Also mid afternoon naps are the best. (Especially when you didn't sleep the night before)

Fair amount of Furanyl-Fentanyl
150mg Morphine
1mg Etizolam
1200mg Gabapentin
15mg Amitryptaline (Thought it was one of my 10mg Morphine's as I'm blind)
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....it's strange to me how many of you start your mornings with sedatives. If I take xanax/oxy/whatever in the morning, there's a good chance I'll be napping by mid afternoon lol.

When I was still using benzos pretty heavily I'd start off with a couple mills of xan and a couple diazepam 5s.
then drive for 15 minutes round trip and be asleep by noon after my methadone dose. Lol
....it's strange to me how many of you start your mornings with sedatives. If I take xanax/oxy/whatever in the morning, there's a good chance I'll be napping by mid afternoon lol.

Well if you're anxiety is prominent enough or mental/phys dependence, then for some such as myself: sedatives are a must in the morning to get outta bed and go face society's bullshit.

And for me, benzo's by themselves can keep me awake even though I'm at ease, muscles relaxed and sedated (unless were talking strong hypnotics like temazepam or midazolam). Sometimes, and I don't know if it's a rebound effect, but a decent dose of benzo's in the evening will have me awake early in the morning. Every now and then with the right body chemistry, they'll keep me asleep, more so benzo's like diazepam maybe in combo w a sedating, anxiolytic antihistamine ie hydroxyzine
115mgs oxycontin chased with a 10mg oxycodone kicker 10mins later. Coffee, cigarettes and oddly enough for me I'm nodding.
12mg of my maintaince dose of Suboxone(woulda been 4-6mg, but I didn't feel like plugging,lol) And probly about to take 1800mg of Gabapentin and some klonopin or valium before work....have some roaches saved for after work...My little bottle I keep my benzo's and Gaba in is like a little rainbow right now, blue klonopin, orange xanax peaches, some yellow valiums, and another yellow color of the Gabapentin...would have some blue xanax footballs, but I ate those,lol.
toked a lil NM-2201 (not bad) and AM-2233 (less good)
bowl of cerial
dab of n-ethyl-norketamine aka. "NENK" loooooooooooooool :! what a stupid name =D
plug o 2-FMA
couple of Z'os

waiting for the effin cancer stick shop to open........ kraaaaving dem ciggies
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