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What was your morning fix? v. All part of a balanced breakfast

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80mg oxy IV, about to take my bromazepam (12mg). I'm also smoking a spliff of the strain 'Outlaw'. Starting to get very stoned, which is lovely combined with the oxy. <
Had a big shot of H, and I'm smoking the spliff I didn't manage to finish last night because I nodded out. =D
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Lets see here I guess I took a swig out the codiene bottle and hit up some afrin. Then I lit up a ciggy.

Dropped the rx of kpins, lyrica, muscle laxers, prometh.

Ate a moon pie. I was feeling stuck as fuck for a minute cuz well the lean put me out for a good 9 hours.

Just downed a redbull. Gonna drink some beer and delsym.

Beer drinking, Brass monkey, Sniffing Glue.
Bout to up the ante a bit and get straight comatose wit it.

Sip sippin on that sizzurp
So I woke up early today, my morning fix was: green vein kratom, a cup of milk coffee, 3g of salmon oil and a hash spliff.
Just chilling playing guitar and enjoying this cold and breezy sunday morning, going to cook some breakfast soon.
Oxy & H & caffeine (redbull) & nicotine (L&M)

Good morning fix. =D Gonna stick to oxy for a bit now. Keep some H for next week.
2mg of klonopin, 2mg of bupe IV and a Marlboro light. I love the first dose of my meds in the morning, when you aren't feeling too great and within minutes your feeling really awesome.
Did a wake-n-dab with Super Silver Haze + Fire OG
150mcg clonazolam
120mcg etizolam
5mg oxy

and 2 more modest dabs - 1 every couple of hours
5mg of Klonopin , a fat dab , and 3-4 shots of whiskey depending on the day I'm planning. Nothing but smiles after that for me lol
First a cigarette and a red bull (in retrospec the red bull was probably not the best idea, but whatever), then a proper speedball with very high doses of each. I have no scale, so eyeballed it and it was around 200mg of each, I have 0 tolerance to cocaine so they were strong doses of each to me.

It produced an insane rush in any case. =D I have heroin & cocaine left for exactly 1 speedball, I already put them in the same baggy as they are destined to be (used) together. But I'm gonna actually try to wait at least a few days, ideally a week and just board the oxy train meanwhile. I want to do this because I did notice there has been an increase in tolerance from that gram (minus the 1 dose I kept with the heroin, ~150mg, maybe even a little less) I used over the last ~24 hours.

So to make that last bit count, it's best I let my tolerance drop. It wil be no problem for me to leave it alone. I won't be tempted by the cocaine, because I'm simply not particularly fond of cocaine, I do enjoy it on occasion when it's good, which this coke actually is (1-2x/year MAX; usually 1 or 0). The heroin won't tempt me either because I have my oxy..
Valium and coffee. I was a real piece of shit yesterday, hardly did anything after work. Today I need to actually get shit done before fucking off with beer and spliffs tonight. :(
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