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what the fuck is goin' on here ???

Squares&Circles, who cares what you think? you hold the minority opinion, which simply put, makes you an isolated loser. To everyone else, don't reply to him its what he wants. Why dignify his comments with retaliation, ignoring him is much better justification of his thoughts. Can we close this thread now plz Johnboy, its past is use by date. (Not that it had one really)
oh right so its ok for you to reply and add nothing except you think he is a loser...
jezuz people, you think before you open your mouths right? (at least i hope you do) why is it so hard to think before you type?
ill close this thread when im good and ready, so far its serving the useful purpose of showing up all those people who will rush in with a "me too! you suck! look at me!" before they've put their brains into gear
(oh btw big trancer once again you have added a well thought out post, ta again, you're an example to us all)
[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited 19 April 2000).]
hmmm, I wanna know who you are. Its a shame, I was in the mood for a little newbie bashing. Oh well. Its interesting what you said jb, about you not being able to flame, and it does make sense, because the minute anyone sees you going off tap, they think *wow, if the moderator is getting shitty, ill flame the crap out of this guy* well, I dont know where this is heading but... um...now im REALLY lost. ok. bye
i gotta agree with you johnboy i can't ever remember, in the history of bluelight, so many replies so quickly to a single thread.
Amazing yeah
hehe well i dont think that it is everyone is rushing in to say 'what a loser' or stuff like that (well im not anyway). i think it is more ppl having a laugh and decide to post. I mean , seriously, who reallly can get upset at this sort of stuff...hehe its funny...and squares&circles obviosuly is just doing it to get a reaction and Im happy to give one but its not like i dont know that is the only reason behind his post. For a reaction..
SO anyway, FucK YoU Squares&Circles, and your little dog too
Cause life aint nothing but a good groove
A good mix tape to put you in the right mood
i dunno, i think is very lame yet I have included my fair share of posts here. Its only because the ppl who are online now are board. Still shits me though
LOL MorpheusDaq, my thoughts exactly. I think this whole thread has been taken out of context. Squares&Circles has obviously tried to create a stir amongst us bluelighters and congratulations u may have succeeded but as MorpheusDaq said, when us bluelighters have a go it's more in jest cos of the sillyness of this thread, we never said we mean it
The bottom line is though its a pointless thread.
he he he...he he he..*thinks* ..he he he..
Sq&O's: True your post did get a huge response and reaction. And if that was your plan you get to collect $200 and put a hotel on Park Lane! BUT.....
Given that you absolutely told all here that what they write and chat about is shite and total dribble..What else would you have expected to happen? And true ppl take what they read, etc on these boards with a grain of salt (we hope!) cos really what else are you gonna do? Reach inside the PC and throttle the other person who offends? HA! I'm sure the anonymity of the Web makes it soooo much easier to 'let loose' with the forked tongue..And does anyone have that look on their face (grit, determination, slight anger) when they type back a reply, and it's full of your best repartee and abuse? he he he....
Yes we get heated but for God's sake it's words and opinions only. Does this mean that EVERY bluelighter would OPENLY resort to physical violence were these chats/boards done let's say in a live forum? Think about it. Maybe we would! So let's have it out!! Bluelighter Royale Rumble @ The Docks! See your fave bluelighter come out and bludgeon the newbie to death....with a ez-tester!! he he he...
Life's too short ppl! Chill out!
But sq&o's DID start the flaming..in a way. Is this place is getting cliquey? I don't think so! Met some bluelighter's through coincidence and what-not...seem friendly enough!
Cheers....Smoko break!
ok i'm over it !! lets just move on 'cause the more shit thats gets spoken on this thread, the more repetative and pathetic it gets.
[ squares&circles reaches out grabs your nose, twists it and goes HAHAHA!! ]
*what a grand entrance as a bluelighter*
oh i cant be bothered with these mind games
do some thinking outside of both the square and the circle.
hey, at least I was kind of justified in jumping in here, since I was the 'butt' of the abuse! and I quote: "who really gives a shit about old crusty people who drop pills or jamming a pill up your arse ???"
I'm not that old, mmm'kay

Everyone on this thread obviously have problems as we are the ones who check for new posts every 2.37 minutes all day every day.
well, square&circles, did ur post acheive anything? were any of the replies what u wanted to hear? -no, im not being sarcastic at all... merely wondering...
and i dont suppose ur going to say who u were....?
thanks johnboy, as you say I found 'crusty' the post initially very interesting, but stopped reading it a while ago. Well well, it seems that most of this is directed at you and your posts, S&C really IS just trying to suck up to you
actually i was stoked with the response, i think it gave all bluelighters a chance to vent their anger at, and abuse someone. we all needed it, me too. i even told squares&circles what i thought of them. anyway it was worth the abuse... and who said i'm male ????
who wants a rewind ???
[This message has been edited by squares&circles (edited 19 April 2000).]
ok thats it.... this will be closed now unless anyone has any real obljections... two pages? puleaze....