What Song fits your current mood Vs Ears of the World

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^Yep, yep! :) Also, Machine Head's cover is pretty good imo (as covers go!) ;)

Too many Angelic people in my life, now and when I think back on it. A lot of dark times brought really beautiful people around - weird way of nature showing you how to survive.

Got that 'Dude' vibe-ish-ness, ah-going...how bad?
''Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.''


For the sake of Mental Health, I'm going to add some dark music to this thread.

It's been far too upbeat and that reflects too much plastic optimism...it's my pleasure to present some of the darkness that we need; that reflects us.

How the fuck did this get subjected to page two? This needs more posts - too many people forced to conform to thought and worry; not expressing their feelings!
Not conducive to living!!
Hearts need to sing - even if it is vicariously done - it is exercise for the heart - very important! Believe me, im alive and I shouldn't be...so there's evidence ;)


Song reminds me of so many heartbreaks- one in particular that was soul-destroying. The beauty of having your heart-broken is in that realizing it's worth and your worth and soon, you come to realize that romantic love is tentative and brittle and real love, has a foundation and comes in many forms is built, strong on foundations - the fantasy of romantic love is akin to honeymoon-periods in relationships and it's bandwidth doesnt stretch farther than that! ; If it does - then it's real love. hehe
..but love takes many forms. Mostly stems from you respecting yourself and finding what means the most to you and thereafter, you find who means the most to you and it spreads like a beautiful disease; some kind of anti-carcinogen; you find it when you know what you are and what you need and it finds you - it spreads, like wildfire and softens the cage of folly and hardship we are stuck in. ;) <3

Real love it tough to find. Not always in a honeymoon state of mind but definitely together with you in the ups and downs of life. <3
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