What Song fits your current mood Vs Ears of the World

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You're so Vain is stuck in my head. Just heard it on the way to work while flipping through stations. I was laughing so hard. The words are so funny! I can just picture my dad back in his day!

As Bluelight crew, I have spoken with the council of Elders and it has been decreed that all who listen to the above tune be deemed to undertake the dance of the Carlton; in light and with respect to their particular abilities; those who do not (and who are capable) will be riddled with Medieval diseases; including worms (generally) bats flying through the skull( and throughout the spinal column) also, may be susceptible to more misery than usual (which is an awful plight, considering that most of us on here are tormented by the shit in our lives, in general; because we have been hexed by the economic/family systems/financial androgynous,hags (disguised as politicians that have imbued us with a curse that no cure has been found to avail) YET! - with this dance; there is a cure; albeit mild; some magic is tiny but over time it becomes like Ganesh; a large Elephantic force; the only force. Do it. We love you.
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