What Song fits your current mood Vs Ears of the World

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Heard that watching Kingsmen, I used to make fun of my sister in 80s because of this song. Terrible..

This I heard when they were first recording the initial 'tapes'. Good reference for those who enjoy the Cure.
Today is a good day.
There was some good Will done and i took no shit. Getting rid of my passive-aggressive, alcoholic housemate; who has everyone manipulated to the hilt (he's ok deep down) but it is not wise to test me that way; have been well educated in dealing with other peoples bullshit. /he don't like me but thinks im a soft touch - Im soft but like MC Hammer on crack - NOBODY fucks with the 'Sclepius, crossing lines is bad juju! (especially when someone unleashes on others that can't defend them selves - that WILL not happen in my presence, nope). That is a fact. :)
Today is a good day.

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^ Cool. I like your taste for songs Asclepius! :)

I also found that other post of yours pretty amazing.
You are very determined. I want a little of that feeling. ;)
They brought the bells of Metallica's 'for whom the bell tolls' (just bells really but a statement none the less) and intro'd it into electronica - how fkn cool is that?! :D

...some vintage, P-Funk...they may seem mad but far from it - integrated rock with funk (the black and the white/ the same) most beautiful music integrates the nightmares; that politics has created)

They liked star trek, they were beyond genius but toned it down for the sake of meaning and creativity - and the magik of absurd enjoyment (yes there were drugs lol but that was just a coping mechanism (different from addiction - when you have no creative/emotional outlet) I think a lot of people in the US confuse creativity with Substance taking - as a vehicle - it is good; as a surrogate for your imagination; it is a pale, imitation). Real Addiction is about loss of self - far more serious; people who have been ignored, left, neglected (emotionally; spiritually misunderstood/neglected.)

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^ Cool. I like your taste for songs Asclepius! :)

I also found that other post of yours pretty amazing.
You are very determined. I want a little of that feeling. ;)

Ah, my friend I can be the weakest and the strongest - it's all extremes with me, it's the way my nervous system is wired. ;) Everyone has their own ways of coping, no one is any 'better than another'. I'm not being politically-correct; its true - omnipotence is a myth - everyone has got their own strengths and weaknesses - that's why we got to nurture ourselves, in both aspects -band together; respect our weakness and strengths (unless they've gone to extremes)to fight any real psychos/psychopathic systems (their are many, tinfoil hats aside - Governing elites and ignorant people who support them - just fukin' no! :p) - know ourselves and keep looking out for each other - together we are mighty, eh?! ;)

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