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What prescriptions are you Rx'ed?

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# 90 Adderall XR 5 mg
# 90 Klonopin 1 mg
# 30 Xanax 1 mg
Ultram scripts upon request PRN.
And, the non-recreational Trileptal, which I am not sure if I want to d/c or not.
As someone that's been hospitalized several times for severe depressive episodes, that shit doesn't work. Obviously, therapy and life changes go a long way, but my Effexor and Abilify have taken a lot of the edge off of my anxiety and depression. Granted, I've had awful times trying to find good meds - Zoloft and Seroquel made me worse than I was, but my doctor took me off that shit when it was clear that it wasn't working.

ive never been hospitalized for depression because ive managed to stay in control. not to underscore your difficulties, but clearly my depression hasnt taken over my life. i said the hydromorphone was for pain, as i was in an avalanche. manufactured painkillers are lethal, stupid and have done nothing for me. i repeat, "just cannabinoids please."
I have been through MANY medications due to complications from an auto accident years ago but I am currently on;

150 30mg oxycodone(oxycodone gives me horrible nuasea so i only end up taking 50-60 of my pills each month, oh well stockpile for a rainy day i suppose haha)
60 1mg alprazolam (panic attacks,)

also a Rx similar to senkot for constipation from on going opioid use

Old scripts I keep handy:
Wow..I'm just amazed by some of the mix of medications some people are prescribed. I mean Methadone AND Oxycontin?? IDK..who knows..maybe someone will find my mix strange.

Suboxone-16mg/daily (For pain and to prevent dependence..I have a bit of an addictive personality)
Vyvanse-70mg/once daily (ADD..very hard drug not to go a bit overboard on.)
Trazodone-300mg/nightly (For insomnia)

The only "Enjoyment" I get from my list is my hit of Vyvanse every morning....12 hours my ass.
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I'm 26 years old and about a year ago all it took for me was going about an hour a way and finding a pain specialist. This "pain" specialist didn't ask me more than 2 questions then handed me clonazepam 1mg, Percocet 10mg, Ultram 50mg, and Tizanadine I forget the mg on this one..but it's a muscle relaxer that in my opinion is stronger and overall longer lasting than soma. You just gotta find the right doctor.

Ultimately I stopped going to this doc..b/c as I mentioned before..I tend to get carried away on things that make me feel good ;)
I suppose. I don't care for that type of euphoria much..makes my lips numb..and overall I just feel drunk. I just prefer the Tizanidine. Doesn't make me goofy..just a nice relaxing feeling that lasts.
Endep 100mg as an antidepressant that doubles as a sleep med
Solian 50mg as a mood brightener and dopamine agonist
Xanax 3-4 mg for panic disorder
I suppose. I don't care for that type of euphoria much..makes my lips numb..and overall I just feel drunk. I just prefer the Tizanidine. Doesn't make me goofy..just a nice relaxing feeling that lasts.

Interesting! I have tizanidine but haven't opened this bottle yet, I don't want to be too sedated.

8mg suboxone twice daily (though I take less than that)
350mg soma twice daioy
Klonopin 2mg twice daily
Seroquel 100mg nightrly
Trazadone 100mg nightly
Neurontin 400mg x3 daily

Works well for my anxity, sleep, and opiate issues.
Oxycodone 20 mgs twice a day - but generally much more.
Midazolam 15 mgs at night
loprazolam occasionally at night
Tramadol for whenever
Codeine just sorta stock piling.
Listed in order of enjoyment.
Interesting! I have tizanidine but haven't opened this bottle yet, I don't want to be too sedated.

Can tell from the idine part that it's potentially worth opening.

Edit: just googled it. Seems not all dines are opiates. Maybe leave it sealed.
Effexor 150mg a day
Klonopin 1 mg at night

I suppose the effexor's doing alright as I'm not really depressed, but I'm still wary about antidepressants, and I'm still anxious. I fuckin love klonopin tho and I try not to take it if I'm drinking! Cause thats when I start to make a fool of myself
Klonopin 4mg
Dexedrine 30mg a day just switched from adderall and can cash the script in two weeks.
Lexapro 20mg but I don't take it just hoarding it to sell it. SSRI's are a ruse. I do the same with Remeron 45mg.
Neurontin 3200mg a day but I have to get that one renewed.

Pot if it were legal.
loprazolam 1mg: 3 before sleep
nitrzepam 5mg: 3 before sleep
oxazepam 50g: six/day
methadone 90mg/day

Those are hefty doses of benzos to get Rx'd. 8o

/edit, OT:
2x 150mg tilidine
2x 200mg tramadol
3x 10mg diazepam
3x 2mg lormetazepam

Good thing I'm almost off the benzos. :) Then I can get some profit from my scripts lol.
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I was on the pain patch, took myself off it,Almost died from it.

Avinza 90mg 1X aday

Ativan 1mg 3x aday (i sure do sleeep better now, hardly any nightmares)

Percocet 10/325 4x aday

other shit like Cymbalta 30mg 1x a day (works great for restless leggs)

taking Avinza till insurance covers Oxycotin..Oxycotin works better for my pain by far with less side affects.

Muscle relaxers as needed.(I Hate them)

Avinza 30 capsule's 120 mg 1X aday for pain
Ativan 1mg when needed (for panic attack in sleep/ when nightmares get bad) 1X at night
Promethazine 25mg 1X as needed nausea
Lasix 40 mg 2X aday for water retention/adema
Potassium to take when i take lasix
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