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What Kind of Heroin/Opiate user are you?


Awesome scene. Just watched that movie again the other day. I'm still picking up new lines of dialogue that I never could understand the first 10 times I watched it. hah.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
24, PA, USA

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Heroin addict. Turns out I am allergic to morphine or I may have made myself become allergic. Doesn't stop me. Ultimate opiate high for me is demerol, puts H to shame.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Have not used opiates in 1 year. Used daily, off and on (did a few little bids) from ages 17-23

4. Why do you use opiates?
Umm.... I really enjoy nodding out and the taste of a cigarette in my mouth melting into my comfortable couch wrapped in a blankie.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
My "friends" are not usually heroin addicts.. more into the "party" scene. I go cop with heroin addicts that I normally fight with. I sometimes date a male H addict.. non H addicts can't get down for very long. I go to parties with my little friends, but I am usually very nauseous and lethargic. I like staying home, don't like for people to blow my high.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
IV, only.

I agree with you whole heartedly about demerol.

I have never had a better IV opiate experience or stronger rush (pure sex) than 100 mgs of pethidine IV'd with no tolerance what so ever.

Awesome scene. Just watched that movie again the other day. I'm still picking up new lines of dialogue that I never could understand the first 10 times I watched it. hah.

The imagery gets as close to the feeling of a OD as any other cinematic deal, imo. That feeling of, "Ah, that feels really fucking good maybe too good I think I did too much but it's too late to do anything abo......" Ugly business.
The passage/lines that crack me up is when he's ticking off all the substances they begged, borrowed or stole.
First few times I saw it I was completely in the dark as to what all those odd drug names were.
Now it's kinda like, tried that one, killed that one, that one almost killed me, hate that one, haven't tried that yet but I may next week, etc. Ugly business.
Ontario, then Nova Scotia, now BC.

Started 30 years ago with codeine. Then morphine and dilaudid. Then heroin and fentanyl.

Started casual swallowing and snorting, then addicted and shooting. Methadone last 13 years with occasional top-up with heroin, morphine, fentanyl.

I fantasized about using opiates since health class when I was 8 yrs old. Love the relief it provides.

Not in any drug scene. I buy extras from dial-a-dope and cancer patients.

Started oral, then went IV. Now I snort or smoke.
The imagery gets as close to the feeling of a OD as any other cinematic deal, imo. That feeling of, "Ah, that feels really fucking good maybe too good I think I did too much but it's too late to do anything abo......" Ugly business.
The passage/lines that crack me up is when he's ticking off all the substances they begged, borrowed or stole.
First few times I saw it I was completely in the dark as to what all those odd drug names were.
Now it's kinda like, tried that one, killed that one, that one almost killed me, hate that one, haven't tried that yet but I may next week, etc. Ugly business.

Hah Yeah man I know what you mean. Ugly business indeed. :\
Ontario, then Nova Scotia, now BC.

Started 30 years ago with codeine. Then morphine and dilaudid. Then heroin and fentanyl.

Started casual swallowing and snorting, then addicted and shooting. Methadone last 13 years with occasional top-up with heroin, morphine, fentanyl.

I fantasized about using opiates since health class when I was 8 yrs old. Love the relief it provides.

Not in any drug scene. I buy extras from dial-a-dope and cancer patients.

Started oral, then went IV. Now I snort or smoke.

LOl I faked my first migraine (then migraines) at 11 yrs old (while reading the book Junk) for pethadine 100 mg shots and Sosegon + Morphine. High dose pethidine blew my lil mind omg.

Also not into to the hard drug scene at all, but have many old friends in it who I speak to on occasion. All my close friends have respectable paying jobs, my self (one day and if I don't blow my tuition money on smack again) included. AM sorta into the hiphop scene so have a few nigger/wigger friends too.
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
27, South Australia

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
8 years heavy codeine addiction, recently oxy & heroin on top of that.

3. How often do you use opiates?
Every day

4. Why do you use opiates?
I don't know. The euphoria. The sense of 'contentment'. "Everything will be alright" "The world is beautiful". Mainly nowadays to fend off the sickness.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
None. I was a raver, i have raver friends. But I'm not actively involved in any scene right now.. I dont know of any active scenes here that I could be. I want to be part of something. The internet drug scene i guess.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Oral codeine (obviously). Oral oxy. Nasal/smoked heroin.
23, female, CT/ NY Area

I used oxy for the first time at 16. At 17 I went down the line and stopped at heroin.

Ive been iVing heroin everday for 5-6 years with 2 real cleanup attempts. One period lasting about 4 months, the other 2. I use 2 to 3 times a day depending on my cash flow.

To feel normal, to avoid being sick, to nod out/go to sleep and forget about my problems. Im addicted to the rush as well.

Im in a weird situation. I left the drug scene over 2 years ago attempting to get clean. I talk to NO ONE that uses. Most ppl dont kknow and wouldnt guess i use. Some would suspect something is wrong since my ambition is gone but prob wouldnt suspect drugs. I use alone, everyday. I have a saint of a boyfriend who does not use, whom I just exposed my relapse to. My parents are from villages in the mountains of europe and didnt understand addiction at all. My dad found out and im nothing but a disappointment, and mother wants to help but rather then actually helping just releases aggression on me. Im young, very attractive, I used to act and model, had a promising playwriting career while studying pre med at an incredible institution. I left school 3 semesters ago and now I sit here in secret everyday, my dealers deliver right to me, and I use. I try to work on art (sculptures, drawings) but even that doesnt get accomplished. Its called the lonely ass drug scene. I guess thats why I am here. Ive lurked for years here and there but am only making posts now. When I write it out like that...wow..sounds mega depressing! Lol.

IV is the only way. I will sit there sick for 2 hours trying to find a viable spot than snort. The rush is too good.
I realized I had to. I wasnt going to get anywhere not doing it, it would just lead to more and more lies which were becoming hard to keep up with. And deep down I know they would try to help me. There are details I keep to myself but they know I have a problem. It sucked cuz you got ppl down your back but thats kinda what you need when ur trying yo get better. I try to teach my mom on addiction here and there and her perception is changing a bit thankgod, cuz hearing my downfalls everyday was making me want to die. Very tough love they are. My bf has been supportive from the beginning, bless him but he got with me knowing i had a heroin issue. I was very very functional at the time. Though hes supportive hes very clear on the "these are your demons to kill and you have to want it". When im using anf keeping it from him he will get very distant. When I tell him "give me a ride to the suboxone Dr. Or the therapist" he will do it in a heart beat. Its just hard because all I can think about is getting high. What does it take to want to stop this time around? Are you thinking about telling someone?
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
19, Georgia (Augusta area)

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
Right before I turned 15 I was making a pitiful attempt at being a weed dealer, one day my friend who had 37 percocet 5/325s wanted to trade. He didn't like them (what a fucking psycho :\) and didn't realize they had any value so I got them all. I pretty much fell in love instantly and for the next few months took or snorted hydrocodone/percocet whenever it was around. Yeah I know, snorting percs and hydros was dumb but I like doing lines and I've always figured the more powder the more fun, plus I would pretty much drink water through my nose so that it would all go down and it didn't bother me at all. Then, I had my first OC40, right before the reformulation. Snorted the whole thing, had my first real nod, my dad walked in on me and knew, so I had to lay low and not use any drugs for a couple months. Got back to it though, and for the rest of my sophomore/junior years just kind of went steady in a cycle of occasional use, a few weeks of good luck and heavy binges, parents finding out, having to get sober, waiting for them to forget about it, and starting again. Tolerance stayed pretty much the same the whole time, until late in my senior year when I started stealing opana 10's and roxi 30's every day from my friend's medicine cabinet. I was always high on opana or oxy, always snorted it. Got arrested right before graduation, went to rehab, got on the Vivitrol shot, then after a few months came home and did a couple months minimum security jail time for my drug charges. Living with a bunch of junkies for 3 months of course ruined my sobriety. When I got out I found out another friend of mine got 360 roxi 30's a month and never kept much of an eye on them. This was a year ago, I started a 2 month long habit of snorting or shooting what peaked at a 310-420mg habit, and didn't pay a dime for any of it. Then my parents found me overdosed one morning, and made me get the Vivitrol shot again for 12 months. I've got 1 or 2 months left until no more of these dumb fucking shots.
Opiates I've used so far in order from most to least used: oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, morphine, kratom, methadone, codeine, subuxone, hydromorphone, demerol, fentanyl

3. How often do you use opiates?
I'm on vivitrol and have been since last April, but at the end of every month right before my next shot i'll usually IV a roxi 30, morphine, or 1-2mg from a suboxone strip. I just get kind of a body high, none of the mental/emotional effects. As for the rest, I guess I already answered.

4. Why do you use opiates?
I don't think this is a question I could ever find the words to answer, but I know that probably everyone on this thread understands it. Opioids are an all-purpose drug, I could use them for energy and focus, for anxiolytic effects, for confidence and a better personality, for overall happiness, for making me feel more alive than anything else and intensifying emotions, for making me feel nothing, for nodding, for getting really fucked up, you name it. i hope nobody replies to this with some kind of "you're young, don't get back on it" response, i have fully learned and become aware of the nature of my addictive personality. my justification for the next time i use opiates after naltrexone is that i no longer know anyone i can steal pills from, and opiates are so expensive now i couldn't even afford to do heroin occasionally with how little money i have. at best, i'll be able to get high twice a month. i know this justification is bullshit and that i'll end up finding what i want somehow, but i still make this justification.

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
I'm not. No one in the pill/junkie scene will have anything to do with me because I just don't look right. Either that or they try to rip me off, I tell them to fuck off unless they're serious and I never hear from them again. I definitely look like/come off as someone who doesn't and never has done most of the shit I've done. So people who could be sources or using buddies for me either think i'm a poser or a cop. As a teenager I had a couple of friends who would use drugs with me, but for the most part I was in the whole straight edge/hardcore scene. Now my old friends I would do opiates with either don't use drugs anymore or I don't talk to them anymore. My girlfriend and handful of close friends just occasionally do whatever I'm doing, which is just drinking and occasionally benzos, psychedelics, or mxe when it's around (not often anymore).

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
Whenever I try and use anything being on the Vivitrol(naltrexone) shot I IV it because I figure no other way would make me feel anything at all. If I wasn't on it, I'd probably be snorting 75% of the time and shooting 25% of the time, at least that's where I left off.
Yo dog above me, if you override the naltrexone blockade, you die.
Wasted a lot of bags trying to shoot past it.
Citizenbennet, I totally know where your coming from. Im not going to scold you and tell you your making a terrible decision blah blah blah. Ive been there. When I wad away at college in NY I managed to stay clean there. I was focusing really hard on trying to stay clean and in recovery. As it got closer and closer to the end of the semester all I could do was fantasize about getting high. It was my mission. And I did, and I had never relapsed so hard. (Sry for my shitty spelling and such, im using my phone) I often like to deny the idea that this could kill me, it very well could. And it may possibly kill you. Its just how it is when ur jamming a needle into your vein. Sometimes you just dont care because living with this is just terrible..and other times the thought hurts because I, like yourself, want to fulfill all of my artistic ambitions. I was like yourself for a really long time, due to a complex my parents gave me when I was a child it was always very difficult to open up to them about anything. It wasnt until my mother found needles and denyying it over and over until she really knew. Then my friend told her, yes im on drugs thinking it would help me. At that time...they were better off not knowing and like yourself..would have probably kept me clean. The addiction and depression and all that comes with it has progressed so badly that one day not too long ago I had a revelation that made me realize that if I stand any chance at getting better, my mother atleast had to know. And id rather be honest with her and admit it then have her find out through someone else. The lying to her was a much bigget let down and dissapointment. I had a hard time dealing with it, to the point where I locked myself in my room for 3 days no joke because I couldnt face them due to shame. I would do the "im alive by the way" yell so they would atleast know that. Guilt and shame are difficult to deal With, esp when you and those around you have high expectations. I like your idea of writing for people to know your thoughts. Esp chronicaling this interesting point your at. I give you props for being honest about it too. Many ppl who are clean get on a high horse around months 3 plus and if they fall off or are thinking about it arent honest about it. I realized after my last post that you were new as well. It feels good in this way to let it out, esp when you are alone or in secret most of the time. We should keep in touch for sure. Can you PM on BL?
1. I am a 23 year old female from NJ.

2. I started on them when I was 11 and its been on and off on everything since then. My favorite is h and that's the one I use the most.

I use opiates because they make me feel good. They take away my anxiety. They make me feel like myself. I always suspected that my brain had a problem producing endorphins or some problem with my neurotransmitters. I am incredibly serious and have a difficult time just feeling good and I am never relaxed. Opiates make me feel normal like what I imagine a happy person feels like. Not to say that I'm miserable... It's somewhat difficult to explain.

To everyone else I am a good student. I have a good life. Nobody suspects that I am currently using although they knew in the past.

Now I only snort the h or swallow pills.
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I'm addicted to herion. i mostly get black tar herion and i muscle it everyday about six times a day about a g a day. i want to quit, and ive ruined my life a couple of times i have a laundry list of charges from theft to poss drug par, poss controlled sub, and a couple of other things, burned down my house, lost jobs, family members and girlfriends, i know the diffrence between right and wrong, and im aware of what i have to do to turn my life around and get pn the right track but the cold hard truth is when i do quit the anxiety of wanting to get high is over powering and i fall back into it. people suggest methadone, i dont have money or insurance for that, some people say suboxene, and i dont have money to go to the docter and quite frankly it taste really bad and if it gave me a buzz we wouldnt have a problem. where i live in houston i've molded my life to where i know six different dope dealers that are very consistent, i know alot of diffrent people that do it but dont have a hookup and i skimp their sack, and im getting--

-SNIP- No price discussion

--its hard to get off the shit when i need it.... sorry for ranting i had to get it off my chest. if someone has any suggestions on what to do to save my live or what you would do let me know. i do want to get sober but about the 6 day ill have a anxiety attack and ill go score..
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are you doing white powder h, or tar. im in the same boat its my little secret.

it seems like we have similar problem with the endorphins, cool now i know im not the only one who feels this way
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
25, michigan

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First opiate was hydrocodone, then IV dilaudid, then onto everything else....now... heroin / hydromorphone / morphine

3. How often do you use opiates?
1-3 days a week

4. Why do you use opiates?
euphoria, relaxation, warmth, anxiety relief, to stay off sick

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
not really in a scene, i know a lot of different types.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
oral hydrocodone, oral oxycodone IV heroin IV hydromorphone IV morphine
1. Whats your age and your geographical location?
21, Tennessee

2. What is your experience with opiates, which ones do you use?
First was hydrocodone.. Since then I've done percocet, dilaudid, oxycontin, methadone, hydromorphone, subutex, and heroin.

3. How often do you use opiates?
I was using daily, or trying to. Now, I've got 11 days clean. Only because I just moved across the country. :/

4. Why do you use opiates?
something about the whole process... hard to explain. It's relaxing, numbs, makes the anxiety go away, & to not get sick..

5. What kind of drug scene are you in?
well, i don't hangout with many, but all the ones i do use some sort of substance.

6. Also, what kind of administration do you use?
I've taken everything, but heroin, orally. Smoke heroin. Also have smoked oxycontin and subutex.