Career Advice What is your Trade?


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006
Got any skills?
If so, whatcha know?

I've always wanted to be a coal miner, went and got MSHA certified, 2 weeks later I was taking an elevator 45 minutes, near half a mile down, to run cabling.

Not sure if you ever played chess/checkers,mine was made so airflow can not let us die.

Worked there doing that job, until one of the mines in AL collapsed. Nope

So coal miner, cable laying lineman.

Now I climb 40 foot poles daily and or throw a rope like a weapon.

-_-_ college dropout,bc of 'stuff'.

What can you do?
High school dropout and my trade is currently finance related surprisingly, but I truly love motorcycles and working on them. If it wasn't for liability risks and other risks, then I'd spend my time working on other peoples motorcycles to keep them safe and in working order for free, plus the community has one of everybody, lawyers etc. Good to meet and know lots of people.

A lot of people crash due to lack of maintenance or improper maintenance.
I'm a cook; I've always loved it personally and professionally.
Also I've worked with animals a lot-- mostly dogs, some horses, a few cats, some reptiles & amphibians.
I have some gardening and landscaping skills.
I'm a closeted artist/writer. My creativity only pops out now&then.
Also, I'm pretty good at sitting around and bullshitting. Never capitalized on that skill but I should. I hear the kids these days call that "podcasting."
Now I climb 40 foot poles daily and or throw a rope like a weapon.
My buddy is a tree guy, and I never realized how much I suck at throwing ropes and climbing until he came over to cut up a tree for my mother and he could hit nearly any branch on the first try, then climb right up there like nothing, crazy.
hair stylist
dogs love GIF by The Videobook
I'm at a crossroads where I really need to find a new career path. I'm so indecisive, though.

I always believed I would be a software developer, it comes naturally to me. I worked in IT for 5 years. Phone repair, etc... but I've really lost my passion for computers.

So many years of deep depression in which I spent all my time isolating on my computer... I have negative emotions associated with computers now. I'm not sure I want to have a career like that anymore.

I just don't know what to do with my life anymore. I'm considering getting into construction or plumbing or something.
I'm a disablity support worker. I hang out with other autistic people. Currently have 3 clients, an 11 year old, 17 year old, 26 year old. All male.

I play videogames, magic the gathering, and do crafts. In that order with those clients.

Best job for an autistic person ever.
I'm at a crossroads where I really need to find a new career path. I'm so indecisive, though.

I always believed I would be a software developer, it comes naturally to me. I worked in IT for 5 years. Phone repair, etc... but I've really lost my passion for computers.

So many years of deep depression in which I spent all my time isolating on my computer... I have negative emotions associated with computers now. I'm not sure I want to have a career like that anymore.

I just don't know what to do with my life anymore. I'm considering getting into construction or plumbing or something.
If the US is anything like where I live, electricians are in very high demand right now and the work seems to be pretty good. Very preferable to plumbing in my opinion.
If the US is anything like where I live, electricians are in very high demand right now and the work seems to be pretty good. Very preferable to plumbing in my opinion.
I've been looking into various apprenticeships, electricians looked promising, but a lot of them seemed to require a bit of experience or at least college related electrical theory knowledge

still looking into it tho, might be going back to college here soon
Earned an MA in anthropology 10 years ago and got a real job as a social work case manager in supportive housing/homeless services immediately afterwards. Four years later I quit and got a job as a project manager at a roofing construction company. Eventually transitioned into crew manager, which I thoroughly enjoyed due to getting to speak spanish all day every day. What I didn't like was working 60+ hours/week earning a salary, which meant no overtime. After my cat/emotional support animal died a year and a half ago, I freaked out and got laid off from the roofing company. My freakout continued and I'm now trying to get back on Disability Insurance, which I was on before and during grad school.

Now I'm a full time ne'er-do-well, very part time technical editor for an environmental consulting company. Tech editor is a fancy term for proofreading technical reports. I also work part time at a restaurant a couple days a week.

If I can get back on Disability, I will quit one of my part time jobs and focus more on making music, recording songs, and maybe some art/painting as well.
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I'ma guess it's not the horticulture you been schooled in...
Isn't that tree trimming? One day you are chain sawing limbs, the next you are a horticulturist professor, you can tell by the gurth of his chain.