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What is your favorite Opiate/Opioid?

Wat is your favorite opiate/oid?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 225 26.1%
  • Fentanyl (duragesic, actiq)

    Votes: 26 3.0%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 15 1.7%
  • Oxymorphone (opana)

    Votes: 80 9.3%
  • Hydromorphone (dilaudid)

    Votes: 68 7.9%
  • Morphine (kadian, avinza, mscontin)

    Votes: 44 5.1%
  • Meperidine (demerol)

    Votes: 10 1.2%
  • Oxycodone (percocet, roxicet, oxycontin)

    Votes: 200 23.2%
  • Hydrocodone (vicodin, norco, lortab)

    Votes: 56 6.5%
  • Codeine (tylenol 3)

    Votes: 20 2.3%
  • Dihydrocodeine

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Buprenorphine (suboxone, subutex)

    Votes: 9 1.0%
  • Opium

    Votes: 40 4.6%
  • Kratom

    Votes: 18 2.1%
  • Propoxyphene (Darvon, darvocet)

    Votes: 5 0.6%
  • Tramadol (ultram)

    Votes: 22 2.6%
  • O-Desmethyltramadol

    Votes: 7 0.8%
  • Other Not Listed - Post and I will make option for any forgotten ones

    Votes: 13 1.5%

  • Total voters
I've tried every pharma including dilly and fent etc but oddly my favorite (orally or nasal anyway) is Percocet.

Only IV pharms I've had was dilly which was awesome but I have nothing to compare it to. Orally it just made me itchy, though even in high doses I've never even able to get high from pills.

Never had any interest in dabbling in street drugs (namely heroin). Just dont want to go down that rabbit hole as I've had enough addiction problems with taking melds strictly as prescribed for pain management. Quite a shitty thing to deal with without ever getting to enjoy getting high!
Wow this post is old but I usually prefer pills because you know what you got h is usually tar mostly around here and is cut to shit
**O-Desmethyltramadol added to the list -Thizzer 1/7/10**

1. What is your favorite opiate/opioid ( only choose ONE)

2. Why?

1. Heroin.

2. It hits you quickly, is easy to obtain, doesn't fuck with your liver as much because you don't have to swallow it, it's sedative and makes you drowsy (which I like), it's got the best "mental" high of all the opiates/opioids IMO. Like, I don't necessarily get the body high from heroin that I get from oxycodone or even hydrocodone, but it's the mental high I enjoy. That mindset that everything it alright, there's nothing to worry about, everything's cool - and there's almost this sense of "overcoming" from it. Can't explain it as well as I'd like to because I'm nodding on it right now, but it feels like you've overcome some task and have succeeded, and now you're enjoying the satisfaction of knowing you've succeeded in accomplishing something.

Basically, it's like the entire time I am high on heroin, my mindset is thus : "It's all good, baby. Yeah. Groovy baby, mm-hmm, that's right. Groovy."

Mine is buprenorphine with diazepam and promethazine.All IV mixed in a 10 ml syringe.but I don't recommend any drugs
1. Dihydrocodeine

2. Feels much warmer than codeine and lasts MUCH longer. Makes me more happy/chatty and is easy enough to get. Here in the U.K it's much more difficult to get hold of anything stronger
I like the "Buzz" from vics (NOT THE NOD) vics to me are speed.........but alas now I have to take 15 of them to feel it, I don't know what to do but quite for 6 months to a year.........any ideas?
1. heroin
2. hydromorphone
3. oxycodone (anything but OPs)
4. oxymorphone (old formula)
5. hydrocodone
6. morphine IRs

no comment on the others because I either havent done them (Methadone), don't find them useful for recreation (Fentanyl) or just dont find them useful period (Tramadol, Kratom).

Suboxone is nice but not in a "fuck you up" kind of way. its just nice to have for a rainy day
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Actually I voted for Methadone. I love Methadone as the effects last that entire day and provide you with very stable plasma levels in the blood, whereas opioids with shorter half life will make you euphoric then you have a comdown and takes repeating the process. I do not think that this is health over time for your psychologically state.

1) Methadone
2) Ketobemidone
3) Oxycodone
4) Hydromorphon.
5) Morphine (only IV, if the ROA is oral you can place morphine at the 654 place instead.

I haven't tried smoking or shooting Heroin, if I had Heroin would probably be on the list but not as number 1. Oxymorphone (Opana) is not available in most of the world outside the US so I have not tried that either. I am sure that will push oxycodone down to a 4 while Oxymorphone take the third place, and also removing IV morphine from the list.
My favorite in terms of euphoria would be oxycodone...pure bliss. The most functional for me is hydrocodone...I can maintain a 20mg a day habit on it no more no less for 5 years no issue. Oxy the dose rose too quickly and I could not keep from getting swept up into a full blown addiction. I also love morphine in liquid form but overall it is hard to come by and oral of the pills sucks big time.
Ohhhhh. I've done IV heroin. It was pretty pure as confimed by dancesafe.com test kits. Dilaudid 8mg is better IV than any other opiod, hands down.
Hi guys! Just was curious to hear some opinions on opiates! What is ur favorite! U can name it or u can list yours in order! Also let me know details about why its your fav and how you take it. Mine is Opana. By far, the best feeling in the whole entire world. Im in love with it. Mind you ive never iv'd anything. I snort my opana. Also i will try plugging if it actually is higher BA(let me know). When i do get heroin i smoke it off of tinfoil. I know snorting would last longer but i think smoking lasts just fine. And of course hits way harder. But like i said i would choose snorting opana any day versus heroin.. ive never felt better before. And i have a gf.. and im so in love im obsessed with her and want to marry her(we're 21)and shes so fucking beautiful and is greatttt in bed.. and so am i.. and i still say opana is better than sex and id take it over sex!!!! Pure straight euphoria and blissfulness. You can feel it in your stomach right when you snort it. You get high literally right when the powder touches your nose! My whole body feels amazing my legs feel like im walking on clouds and mentally is straight euphoria. And i lose all inhibitions..which i love.. i talk my face off.. to anybody and so nice to everybody and have the best conversations. I say things i would never say if i was sober. And i never nod off. Of course im soo relaxed but at the same time get like a wild hyper high running around the room just having a blast with so much energy. I really think opana(or opiates in general) are even better than xanax for anxiety!! Which is crazy cause xanax is made for anxiety (obviously)!! Like i dont have a care in the world while high. I use a hose clamp to scrap my pill.. (usually an opana er 30 but love 40's and 15s and insant 10's) to get the finest fluffiest powder and also so i can precisely cut my pill in thirds or half and save the rest. I mix it 1:1 ratio with baking soda so it dosnt gel up in my nose. Snorting it is the easiest thing ive ever snorted. Dosnt hurt or burn one bit. And i feel it right away! I use the same straw everyday. Because boy i put a lottt of powder throught it, and it gets filled up!! So when i cant get anything i scrap the inside of it, usually gets me a nice line. My typical dose is 10-15mg a time and dose that typically twice a day and im high all day long. I love how long it lasts. Now.. i could snort a whole 30 or even 40 to the face but i never have money like that. The best i had was 10 30's and i was looking at it like pure heaven gold in my hand.. but i still dosed my usual.. cause i knew itd run out eventually. Opanas are superrrr expensive where i live, in buffalo. So ya i love everything about it. Let me know your preference how you take it and exactly what you love about it.
KID CODY (KC). It's a designer opiate from the poppy plant. It's in my up and cunnnning book, "The Fruits of The Spirit."
I like the rush from fentanyl the best, which is why I was so addicted to it... other than that I would have to say OPIUM (While I could get high off it, tolerance kinda ruined it for me) runners up: kratom, tramadol, buprenorphine.

I KNOW I KNOW, these all sound like terrible choices. Its something I like about having a stimulating feeling alongside the opioid effect.

I've done all the hardcore opiates too. Oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin, morphine, hydromorphone, opana, methadone etc etc. There's something I like more about a functional high then just being blasted not being able to open my eyes.
Dam bro thats insane! I had no clue u could get high off krstom!! Especially if ur doing fetty patches!! And same with tramadol!! I thought it just gave ppl seizures lol! Bro i feel u 100% about the stimulated opiate high! Thats what i said too! I love it! Thats exactly what opana gives me i get soo hyper but rlly relaxed and opiate high at same time! As for bupe.. i took it like twice before i was addicted to opiates and got smacked.. then i only took it when i couldnt get anything else so i wouldnt be sick and dint get high tho.. now info im prescribed it and dont feel anything obviously. U say were so addicted to fetynal.. how did u quit? Or do u use here and there? Do u have cravings?

Oh and also ive never met anybody with or seen opium before!! Where the hell ya get that from lol?? And did u smoke it?
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Dam bro thats insane! I had no clue u could get high off krstom!!
Especially if ur doing fetty patches!! And same with tramadol!! I thought it just gave ppl seizures lol!

Yeah... it definitely can give you seizures. But I wasn't taking enough for that. They say don't take more than 400mg or you run the risk of getting a seizure. I would take 65 - 80mg. And I got a nice warm fuzzy stimulated feeling. Thats another drug that doing harder opiates kinda ruined for me.

Bro i feel u 100% about the stimulated opiate high! Thats what i said too! I love it! Thats exactly what opana gives me i get soo hyper but rlly relaxed and opiate high at same time! As for bupe.. i took it like twice before i was addicted to opiates and got smacked.. then i only took it when i couldnt get anything else so i wouldnt be sick and dint get high tho.. now info im prescribed it and dont feel anything obviously. U say were so addicted to fetynal.. how did u quit? Or do u use here and there? Do u have cravings?

Well, I switched to suboxone from fent. It gave me a nice all day buzz... for a while. I was on it for a year solid, then I started doing fent again. I would switch back and forth for another 6-ish months. Eventually, this december, I went on a huge fent binge and blacked out and did some really stupid stuff. I decided to get off both fent and subs. Now I just take kratom. It takes away pretty much all my other cravings. Really great plant.