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What is your favorite Opiate/Opioid?

Wat is your favorite opiate/oid?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 225 26.1%
  • Fentanyl (duragesic, actiq)

    Votes: 26 3.0%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 15 1.7%
  • Oxymorphone (opana)

    Votes: 80 9.3%
  • Hydromorphone (dilaudid)

    Votes: 68 7.9%
  • Morphine (kadian, avinza, mscontin)

    Votes: 44 5.1%
  • Meperidine (demerol)

    Votes: 10 1.2%
  • Oxycodone (percocet, roxicet, oxycontin)

    Votes: 200 23.2%
  • Hydrocodone (vicodin, norco, lortab)

    Votes: 56 6.5%
  • Codeine (tylenol 3)

    Votes: 20 2.3%
  • Dihydrocodeine

    Votes: 3 0.3%
  • Buprenorphine (suboxone, subutex)

    Votes: 9 1.0%
  • Opium

    Votes: 40 4.6%
  • Kratom

    Votes: 18 2.1%
  • Propoxyphene (Darvon, darvocet)

    Votes: 5 0.6%
  • Tramadol (ultram)

    Votes: 22 2.6%
  • O-Desmethyltramadol

    Votes: 7 0.8%
  • Other Not Listed - Post and I will make option for any forgotten ones

    Votes: 13 1.5%

  • Total voters
Ha Mr clean what your talking bout the name brand white stop sign shaped Suboxone pills? I have a whole bunch of those in 2mg strengths.
1) Hydrocodone
2) Morphine
3) Kratom
4) Codeine

Not a very experienced opioid drug user obviously. Could pretty much count how many times I've taken them on two hands.
Ha Mr clean what your talking bout the name brand white stop sign shaped Suboxone pills? I have a whole bunch of those in 2mg strengths.

Yeah man, check out American Suboxones when they had pills (I think they only use films now or the superior Zubsolv). They were orange, exactly like ours, but orange and orange tasting. I know a girl at the clinic who I had a chat with in the waiting room saying the lime and citrus natural and artificial flavours were so acidic her dentist was saying her front lower teeth were being eaten at by our white subs. I imagine the orange pills would be less acidic.
Hydromorphone by far, moreso than heroin... the rush is just orgasmic. The only downside is the short duration.
Yeah man, check out American Suboxones when they had pills (I think they only use films now or the superior Zubsolv). They were orange, exactly like ours, but orange and orange tasting. I know a girl at the clinic who I had a chat with in the waiting room saying the lime and citrus natural and artificial flavours were so acidic her dentist was saying her front lower teeth were being eaten at by our white subs. I imagine the orange pills would be less acidic.

Yea I know which ones you mean I don't think they make em anymore its all strips for the Suboxone brand in the US. I'd rather have the pills over the strips though. The strips are shitty and a lot of pharmacies make you bring in the individual cases the strips came in when you pick up each script. Thank god we live in Canada.

I never had a cavity my whole life even on heroin and neglecting my teeth,then I go on these white sub's for a year and I have had 5 cavities. Doesn't take a genius to put two and two together these things are bad on the teeth. But oh well I'll suffer through a bit of drilling into my teeth over being a heroin addict any day. Fillings these days are not even noticeable. Still its not good but I do take extra good care of my teeth now I brush 3 times a day and use mouth wash along with rinsing my mouth after dosing. I only put 0.5 mgs under the tounge 4 times a day so its not like I'm putting a whole 8 mg tab in there or something and having my salvia fill up with overbearing critic juice.
Oh God, Heroin... By a long shot (shot... Mmmm). Ive been clean now 5mo, but would kill for a dub.

Shooting oxy is meh for daily maintanence banging. Did it for a long long time. Dillies here and there, but they NEVER gave me a rush. Neither did oxy, it only gave me energy and 'cloudiness'. WAHahaha!
Hydrocodone but pure China white heroin is quite nice when smoked or IVed.
Hydromorphone by far, moreso than heroin... the rush is just orgasmic. The only downside is the short duration.

Solution : Eat a large dose of morphine, as most pills are not possible to shoot safely, except for Statex, which is like MS IR but go up to 50mg. Only in Canada though. I also have a friend in america who really liked to eat some of your ridiculous Exalgos 16mg (which was the max dose then, I think they were upped to 32mg now, but they're for 24 hours...our HM Contins last 12 if eaten), his insurances would pay for it, and would IV some 8mg triangles. Anything that works orally in large or small doses will work. In my honeymoon phase I would eat oxycontins 10's (chewed) up to 30mg max to have a background high. But I'm not one who's in love like oxycodone like so many, I'm kinda allergic to it, I'll get random tachycardia and itching so bad that will wake me up at night from it, sometimes not, very weird. It's kinda nice to be able to speak again of my opiate days now that bupe makes me not jones for these words. Sorry if triggers!
I hardly ever IV, only done so a small handful of times but since I IM ketamine almost every time I get my hands on it I own a micron filter. I either plug or in the case of hydromorph I rail. Morphine feels alot different than dilaudid ime so I'm not sure how that will solve my problem, unless you mean eat some morphine with my hydromorphone to extend the duration? Morphine is less euphoric with more histamine release, which is why I prefer the former.
I hardly ever IV, only done so a small handful of times but since I IM ketamine almost every time I get my hands on it I own a micron filter. I either plug or in the case of hydromorph I rail. Morphine feels alot different than dilaudid ime so I'm not sure how that will solve my problem, unless you mean eat some morphine with my hydromorphone to extend the duration? Morphine is less euphoric with more histamine release, which is why I prefer the former.

Well yeah, if you want to experience the hydromorph rush, you need to IV it. I was proposing morphine as a kind of background high so it's not so disappointing 10 minutes later when all feelings are gone from the shot. Not that I encourage you to shoot. Reading too much about hydromorphone is what made me do it...because heroin is non existant here. I enjoyed snorting hydromorphone, it has that very sleepy, lethargic but blissful kind of feel where you just want to lie down, I guess that's why, with morphine, is what is mostly injected in people at the hospital.

To make morphine more fun in large oral doses, I recommend hydroxyzine, nothing very dangerous, just a very effective antihistamine that actually is used to lower doses docs script to people sometimes, same with promethazine pills, but hydroxyzine doesn't have that anticholinergic activity I kind of dislike (thank god I'm canadian and used to get pure codeine and hydrocodone syrup with nothing else mixed in). The only crappy antitussive that's mixed with something I wouldn't say is safe is Cophylac, normethadone with 4-hydroxy-ephedrine, a normal dose was 15 drops, that did nothing, had about 40 drops and my heart started beating real fast so I never got to feel it. It's rarely used these days, but the girl I got the rest of the drops from had one hell of a car accident slicing some of her left lung...a year later and that road was a 4 lane seperated highway where the same accident couldn't have happened. Anyway, I'm ramblin', I'm enduring the beginning of a no benzo phase of 4 days...unless I get something in the mail tomorrow or monday (no mail on saturdays here, hell, soon we'll have no home mail at all, goddamn Harper).
I get a rush from rectal and insufflation, my definition of "rush" is different than heavy IV users of course. A big line of dilaudid comes on instantly and packs a bunch as long as I water my nose. I have IV'ed hydromorph and there's nothing like it, I get a better rush than IV heroin but I'd rather not pick up the needle... It gets hard to put down which is why I never have more than 1 or 2 needles around, as you couldn't pay me to re-use one. I've also been given IV morphine at the hospital many times and I agree that had I been an IV user it would make a good substitute, it's miles ahead of oral.

I have a ton of hydroxyzine which I take for occasional anxiety which does go great with opioids, but too much and it dulls the high and makes me tired... not as much as DPH or prometh but it's noticeable. It's poor for histamine release though ime, which I enjoy to an extent but with high dose morphine and codeine it becomes too much.
Ugh, this thread really blew my buzz, as I was just coming here to tell yall that Im tryna hop on my Kratom game.

But I guess I have to post and fantazize that its in my body Opana <3<3<3 is the best opiate/opioid I've experienced .
Oh God, Heroin... By a long shot (shot... Mmmm). Ive been clean now 5mo, but would kill for a dub.

Shooting oxy is meh for daily maintanence banging. Did it for a long long time. Dillies here and there, but they NEVER gave me a rush. Neither did oxy, it only gave me energy and 'cloudiness'. WAHahaha!

Yup better to eat oxy than to shoot it for maintenance. Best B/A, great duration if you not all IR, as in here in Canada, let's say you got 4 60mg generic oxycontins and a couple 20mg OxyIR. Well back when I was a dilaudid / HM Contin IV user, when I could only get oxycodone, I'd crush 2 of the generics (they're like the old stuff), I know a guy who's insisted real hard to have his script NOT be OxyNeos, he got his doctor to accept when he compared the prices...OxyNothings costing about 40% more.. anyway, I'd crush 2 generic 60mg and have a 20mg IR with em and 1 APO-Oxycodone CR (the generic) as is, as to get a background unaltered XR action, and another 6-8 hours later. I'd get okay through the day and in the morning when I woke up I wasn't in a rush to find dillies or hm contins as much.
1. Heroin or fentanyl (hard decision for me)
2. Oxycodone
3. Codeine (cough syrup, not pill)
4. Hydrocodone
1) Hydrocodone
2) Morphine
3) Kratom
4) Codeine

Not a very experienced opioid drug user obviously. Could pretty much count how many times I've taken them on two hands.

LOL the salad days of youth...oh how things have changed!


1) Oxycodone (although I very rarely get to take it, as its availability is limited and it's overpriced/a rip-off)
2) Black tar heroin (IV)
3) Morphine (IV)
4) Buprenorphine
5) Hydrocodone
6) Kratom
7) Codeine

I kind of have love for all opiates/opioids though...they're all good in their own unique, special ways :)
I've done Morphine, my first opiate/opioid 3 times, Vicodin maybe 5 seperate occasions, Percocet once, and idk if tramedol counts as one or not, but if it does, maybe 7 or 8 times. These are total times in my life. I was told to be extremely caution with these drugs/meds, and respect them. No problems with them thus far. That goes to alcohol. Morphine hands down favorite. I was sober, never knew such drugs existed, back in 2006, and never dreamed they could cause such a good feeling. I remember it most, and in great detail as it was indeed my first, and the surprise when I woke the morning after. Took two at night, as I would with tylenol, went right to sleep.. And rolled the magical wave throughout most of the next day!! I hear Percocet is stronger than Vicodin, but the one time, I was well past drunk, and split it with a friend, who crushed it and we snorted it. I remember it was nice, but it was very late, and went to bed shortly after. So I guess that is second, then Vicodin.. Never had any others.