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What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

What is the worst drug to have withdrawals from?

  • Heroin

    Votes: 100 13.5%
  • Methadone

    Votes: 98 13.2%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 27 3.6%
  • Tramadol

    Votes: 22 3.0%
  • Benzodiazepines

    Votes: 292 39.3%

    Votes: 20 2.7%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 45 6.1%
  • Meth/Amphetamines

    Votes: 39 5.2%
  • Cocaine/Crack

    Votes: 13 1.7%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/TCA/TeCA antidepressants

    Votes: 21 2.8%
  • Other Opiates/Opioids

    Votes: 65 8.7%

  • Total voters
I've never experienced full benzo withdrawal but I had some rebound anxiety after using xanax for sleep for a few weeks. It felt as if 'something is very wrong here,' like 'something really bad is about to happen' with a sense of 'impending doom'.

This gets especially bad for me too, as I'm already prone to paranoia. Coming off benzos makes me think everyone around me is out to get me or something.
For me when I have had to endure withdrawal -- usually this was self-imposed to head off dangerous constipation or wash out tolerance, I was always mystified and irritated that the nose was at all involved. I couldn't figure it out medically, and there is the running nose, the post-nasal drip which for me eventually triggered nausea and vomiting, and one frightening and sort of impressive thing that happened was a string of 50 sneezes, one sneeze after another. "OK, that's enough" I said, and got my works. I achieved my goal in kicking down that time -- the nicomorphine hit me twice as hard, and for the first time in a while I had that feeling I like of pressure on the back of my neck when the dose hits. When I took dihydromorphine and ketamine together the first time, I also had a tightness on my scalp which make it feel like someone was sitting on my shoulders with her leather skirt hiked over my head.
I don't understand this post, what are you actually asking?? If it's about Opioid Withdrawal then I can tell you acute withdrawal from 120mg IR of Oxycodone isn't nice at all. You end up bed bound with a wide array of nasty symptoms.
and is there one which particularly drives you up the wall? Every narcotic user has one, as I think it was either Lou Reed or Hunter S Thompson that said. Maybe it was Burroughs. Maybe one was quoting the other. Like the folks who are weathering Stage III withdrawal as well as can be expected until the legs start twitching and then they are running down the street to cop some smack or on the phone to the doctor fighting with nurses or what have you.
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Oxy detox my anxiety was by far the worst out of all the symptoms. I have anxiety problems as it is and my first detox i was going delirious and anxiety through the roof. Made the physical symptoms seem like nothing
Comming off methadone and suboxone it was the rls(well restless body for me) was by far the worst. I was flopping on my bed and throwing up once after missing my dose for 5 days during Christmas.
I was begging for oxy withdrawals over methadone. Methadone withdrawal is a beast.
Does anybody have a theory as to why Krokodil withdrawal is supposed to be ten times worse and last six weeks? It was long, long ago and only a couple of times, but when they gave me Permonid it was fine but it lasted only a couple of hours.
Nico you’re ranting again ????

Palladone SR withdrawal (Hydromorphone) is the worst I can remember, still scares me to this day. However off subject slightly, Gaba withdrawals are the thing I will never ever put myself through again.
I remember hydromorphone withdrawal as a 9-hour downright dissociative and hallucinogenic violent spike of symptoms that had me in post-acute withdrawal by sun-up the next morning . . . Palladone, Hydromorph Contin, Exalgo withdrawal would be Satanic . . . on the other hand, when I was in much worse shape than today and the doctors, board of health, and manufacturers were working together to literally give me a one-twelfth of a kilo morphine base equivalent per month and my main GP shuffled off this mortal coil at the age of 93, probably being a multi-decade morphinist for reasons lost in the mists of history himself, my wiseacre new "specialist" insisted I get off the "shitload of meds" and after a four-hour debate with her said she would put me back on a lower dose afterwards. Well, given that I was also rapidly losing weight and was full of lipid-solubles like hydromorphone and oxymorphone in addition to morphine, the backlog in my body staved off withdrawal to one degree or another for two weeks and by that time I was on an aeroplane back to Austria for good. Arsehole.

It was one of those karma things too -- I found out that the specialist who wanted to go all Clockwork Orange on me narrowly avoided the calaboose for something with stock fraud and the GP I had for those couple of weeks was this very sweet small Russian redheaded lady about 145 cm tall who despite the politics of it really wanted to help and offered to give me some levorphanol. I run into her in Zagreb 18 months later, and two days later meet her for pastries and tea and she jumps my bones later that afternoon. Otherwise I would have had to find a doctor at another office and then wait 731 days after the last appointment.
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Mate I can only pull out the information as best I can from your personal story, you should be a playwright ????.

I agree though Hydro withdrawal was a fucking nightmare. This may sound like I’m a pussy but worst mental anguish I have ever had was Phenibut withdrawal. Can’t even describe the ideology that puts in your cerebral capacity.

Wouldn’t it be much easier if every opiate/opioid has exactly the same withdrawal effects. We could help each other equally then!!
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The only saving grace is that agonist-antagonists and partial agonists can reach Stage III or IV withdrawal and then it starts ebbing away, rather than hitting the familiar peak of morphine withdrawal. But . . . I hear stories of tramadol habitués fighting bats and ants and the equivalent of the Coke Bugs and even getting an analogue of the full-scale bottleache when suddenly cut off. I wonder if tapentadol does that too. Allegedly, that is what precipitated the CSA 1970 Schedule IV scheduling in recent years. Riiiight -- hey folks, I have a bridge in London to sell, call me at any hour and I'll lay it on you . . ..
My bridge is not for sale, you can have tower bridge though, that’s an eye-sore.

Tram as you know is a double whammy, it isn’t just an snri on top of an opioid that is myth. It is a genuine SRA and therefore like coming down off MDMA and Opi withdrawal when stopped abruptly!! Hellish yes, but Pheni, gabapentoids etc still take top spot!!
I was a former IV heroin addict. The only WD's I ever got were RLS (which made me want to kill myself), extreme night sweating, and hot/cold flashes.

I asked my doctor for Requip (which is for RLS) and that took away the RLS the very first day, so I only had to deal with the sweating and temperature changes. Which really aren't that bad.
You’re a lucky man Chris, but I hear ya, writhing around with spiders under your leg tissue is a torturous process.
Tramadol was good on top of dihydrocodeine for some reason and had the side benefit of making it possible to last up to five hours in the sack, even in high-intensity situations . . . I got a bottle of it that looked like a liquid soap dispenser and would squirt it in my mouth on the way out the door in the evening . . .
Has anyone else more than halved there bupe dose with little to no ill effect,, I went from 14 mg to 6 to 4 over 4 days on the 4th day now feel fine pretty surprised! But all good, I've been paying a lot of attention to existential philosophy and the better known psychologists. Been on it for 6/7 months moved over from 30 methadone
I took a fair bit ketamine on the Friday I smoke weed no tobacco most nights don't smoke tobacco at all makes a big difference to your overall well being. Anyway the ket really lifted my mood broke me out of the opioid depression, beautiful colours watched the sun set walked about the beach. Put me in an appreciative state of the non opiod state, so just took a 2mg when I felt w/d coming and yep that was sat and it's tue eve only had 2*2 today and feel great see if I can drop another tomorrow if I'm at 4mg for a while I don't mind that's a massive drop! Just thought I'd share, see if anyone else had a similar experience.
Restless Legs is by far the worst withdrawal symptom possible for me. Give me the flu, chills, puking … but the leg kicks are what get me the most. That and insomnia, not sleeping for 7 days straight takes a toll on your body when you can't eat either
Restless legs and arms are what get me every time . Just drives me crazy . I can deal with the hot and cold and bathroom issues but the restlessness there is just no escape from.