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What is the most addictive substance?

Crystal Meth. It turned from my least favourite drug into my favourite and my addiction, says a lot about it's psychological addiction potential.
literally can not give the stuff up

edit: seriously though cannabis people dont think its addictive but end up justifying there habit and attempting to sound intellectual in the process
I've pretty much been able to abstain from using any substance by changing my environment. There's a special place in my heart for almost any of the drugs I've tried or used on a regular basis, but I've found that not having said drug around or being in a setting where there's no association with it eliminates any cravings for the most part.

Personally & psychologically, ethyl alcohol to me is the ultimate poison. Being dependent on it is not far off from having an eating disorder - there's simply no avoiding it in the western world, especially if you had a relationship with it in the past. I broke up with that motherfucker and haven't had a drop in 2.5 years but I'm still heartbroken. Using the changing environment strategy has left a big hole in my social life (including enhancing work relationships). I still feel as if I'm missing 80% of the social interaction I had when I was drinking.

Nicotine kicks my ass too, mostly psychologically. I am disgusted by it. The smell, the cost, the phlegm, the stigma. The good thing is that society has come to look upon us smokers as drug addicts, forcing us into crammed areas outside buildings shivering in the freezing winter and taxing the shit out of our addictions. I've quit many times -- sometimes for years -- and every time its either due to a major change in environment or an illness that makes the stuff taste like total ass.

So in summary the 2 legal ones to me are the most addicting.

As for some others...

* Cocaine - if its there I'm snorting it until its gone. Put my face in that powder, New Orleans beignet powder sugar style. Makes me feel like super man.
* Crack - 1 night was enough for me. When I hit rock bottom I ended up randomly hooking up with some homeless dude and smoking it all night. God knows how many rocks we went through. When we ran out and I went home the dude stole my car battery and some other worthless shit out of my $450 junker car. Tyrone Biggums, is that you?
* bk-MDMA / Methylone - unlike E, this stuff is moreish as hell to me. Its very cocaine like imo.

For some reason I'm just not into other downers. I have stockpiles of benzos, Seroquel, Tramadol, and easy access to several kinds of opiates. They're all very powerful tools but from a recreational standpoint they're just not for me. I'm very socially anxious and have low self-esteem (hence the love affair with alcohol), but these drugs just dumb me down and don't even seem to feel that good. Well, I guess my 2 year almost daily Kratom usage might be an exception, but deep down I actually didn't enjoy the stuff...it just numbed me out and kept the sorrow from missing alcohol at bay.

I usually abide by the "try everything once" philosophy. After reading the responses on this thread though I can say for certain that I'm never going near MPDV, Meth, or heroin-strength opiates. There's an instinct in me that tells me I should stay clear of GHB, due to its similarity to alcohol. I recently got my hands on some K too, which I hear could be problematic. Guess we'll see how that goes.
I noticed people either like uppers or downers (eg. coke or opiates), but very rarely both. Coke never did much for me, but opiates I loved
i have to disagree with this where as i might have once agreed. i enjoy the odd stim binge as much as jelling out on a couple of benzo's or codeine. leaning more towards the downers nowadays as i am not into going out and partying as much as i used to and the comedowns are a bitch but once upon a time i would take any upper i could get my hands on. its nowadays the opposite way round.

on topic
nicotine - my biggest addiction.
anything i find that helps me to sleep. this is what ever i can get my hands on but never the same thing all the time. z drugs, mild painkillers, benzo's. what ever! just never consecutively. i would say i am addicted to needing to sleep not specifically a drug.

although many say cocaine is extremely addictive i have dabbled for years and never felt its grip, this is the same with amphetamines and crack. maybe stims just can't get that hold on me personally than they can on others.

on the other hand though i do believe if i were to try heroin i would like it too much and i am also very very careful with my benzo stash as i know i like them a lot too.
Life. I tend to stick to Heroin, ETH, GBL, Diazapam

Toyed a bit with methamphetamine but not a thing in the UK (ThaK FUCK)

um and Cocaine shot it last year alot but I don't get it much but judging my addiction with ETH, Ethylphenadate I am fucking keeping off it, Heroin sucks my money enough
Opiates. I literally have not stopped thinking about them since the first time I tried Vicodin. It probably had something to do with finding the wrong drug at exactly the wrong time in my life :) I've been doing heroin for three years, and god I love that shit, but it's finally kicked my ass enough that I can sort of control myself.
Coke for me is sort of like a month of heroin addiction packed into a day minus they physical withdrawal. Ten minutes after I do it I turn into a crazy fiend. I'll spend all my money and then finally fall asleep and when I wake up I never want to touch it again.
Cocaine. Hahah. If that shit wasnt so expensive id have a serious problem. Felt to fucking great, but only for a lil bit. Coke made me crave more than heroin, and meth have so I would say coke.
I said benzos here earlier. Eventhough I'm still of the opinion that its w/ds are the worst I've ever experienced by far, I'm gonna have to say it's actually opiates for me. I simply can't get that stuff out of my head. It's not that I want to use them 24/7 but I haven't been able to say even once I'd quit them for good and mean it.

Though both are a bitch to kick, the psychological addiction to opiates is far worse.
the combination of caffeine and HFCS is almost too much for me to resist. mephedrone had me by the neck, and I always go overboard with benzos, but goddamn, soda is evil incarnate. I love it sooo much. dat insulin spike %)
Dilaudid hands down or should I say hydromorphone any style it comes my way, I'm ashamed to say its the only thing I've rigged up using cotton filter and tried to do the wash three times cause it was the last one I had or could get for a while. I truly think its THE perfect drug. (just my $.02).
Dissociatives easily takes the cake for me. I haven't had as many experiences with them as others but i have the feeling they would completely destroy me if i let them. To me they produce effects that i like from multiple drugs all rolled up into 1 compound.
For me without any doubt ketamine; I'm pretty sure it's the only drug I still want to take after having my bladder actually bleed, having suffered k-cramps well over 20 times.. Stíll it's on my mind 80% of the time, I did finally, fínally, cut down to weekend use though. For two weeks now.. and after this summer that's a massive improvement. I never really became addicted to anything else (and I tried, recently counted, 28 drugs of which many are considered rather addictive), but dissociative addiction has been intense on me the past years...
Out of H, meth, crack, etc. Nicotine. By far. If its delivery kills me, just cant do without. Always thought if I was in jail, hospital whatever for a week would build on that. I would light up first thing.

I somehow have kept opiates from becoming a physical need for almost a decade. Coke and speed, I have zero control, pills especially. Half my life spent chasing that initial rush knowing the more I take the worse I feel. Till my last dollar but nothing Id steal or sell my ass for.

I recently beat severe alcoholism, something inconcievable at the time. A fifth a day for years, I was one of those dudes who reeks of it 24/7. Then somehow just stopped.in the last 9 mo. Or so drank. Didnt have a burning desire, feel guilty after, anything. Like there was never a problem
nicotine is by far the most addicting drug ive tried... 2nd and close to it would be cocaine... for some reason i never really got into downers
but i litterally cant stop smoking cigs or doing coke... prob checking into rehab in the next couple weeks
Probably alcohol. I became reliant on it to mask my anxiety in social situations.