• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

What is a good taper to get off 25mg methadone

Lol this one's for you Dale! ; )
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Happy 66th day today my dear friend Dale!! I hope you have the BEST day!!! Hugs,Ash.
Day 68- It's been a good week for me. (I hope for all of you too). I am keeping way more busy than I ever did while on methadone. I don't do it as a distraction, but because I want to do more. As I've said before, methadone (and likely most opiates) tends to "dull" life experiences, and along with that goes feeling tired more often because of the depressive effects on us. I am surprising myself at how much stuff I get done now.

I think my energy levels are about normal now. I sleep every night for the most part too. I have one symptom that came on during withdrawal that just won't go away - sneezing. I can go all day long, then suddenly I get sneezing fits that go on and on. I think I have allergies that were suppressed while on my drug. For those that missed reading it, my cure for sneezing is to stick my head in the freezer and inhale the cold air through my nose for a minute or two. It usually works real well to stop the sneezing.

About pain: I still have the pain that was the reason I took pain medicine. I had that pain even when I took the meds because I had become tolerant of the drugs. I chose not to take more and more because I knew someday some doctor would say no more - and then I'd get tolerant again. The drugs did help, but not nearly as much after I'd been on them for a long time. I can deal with the pain I have far more than I can deal with another drug withdrawal.

As a bonus to me after getting through the withdrawals, my recall memory is way way WAY better now than in any time I can remember of the past 20 years. It takes time for the withdrawals brain fog to lift, but when it does, it's amazing seeing the world all over again (in a better light).

An optimist sees light at the end of a tunnel and thinks it’s an exit. A pessimist sees light at the end of a tunnel and assumes it is an onrushing train. The train conductor sees two stupid guys on the train tracks :)


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Man I am so happy to hear how well you're doing Dale and how much you are accomplishing!! There's hope for me, I still feel a bit sluggish, though every day is getting better!!

Keep up the great progress my dear friend,
Hi Dale, Just like you I am still in pain but what you said here is EXACTLY how I feel. I would rather suffer a bit and struggle to find other ways to manage my pain than ever go through the WD's again. The physical part I could do any day, but.....the depression, low energy and insomnia NEVER AGAIN!!!

Hugs my dear friend,
I hope you have a wonderful day Dale!

I can deal with the pain I have far more than I can deal with another drug withdrawal.


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Happy 70th day my friend!! You are such an amazing person and have had one hell of a journey!!! With you all the way!!!

Have a FANTASTIC 70th day Dale!!!

So proud you're my friend,
Love and strength,
Hey Dale, I've not been posting or following you for a long time, but I'm so glad you're doing so well.
I've been taking 1 step forward and 2 back, I'm so upset with myself.
Had a really bad seizure a few days ago and scared myself, but I'm getting back on track. 1st-stop drinking, as I posted today, I just had an MRI and I have no masses or tumors, but the cirrhosis is of course worse. I GOTTA stop drinking, but can't do it CT. Then start tapering with the methadone. I just got approved for "take homes" which should make it easier as they're not watching me drink it all down.
Ok, didn't mean to get off track. I'm so glad you're doing so well!! You are truly an inspiration!!
I'm back and gonna get back on track to Soberville.
Hi. I'm sorry for posting in here but I can't figure out how to start my own thread. Hello. I have been on suboxone for 9 months now. I take the pills, not the strips. I've noticed since ive been on suboxone that I am REDICULOUSLY tired all the time. Even if I go to bed early, I cannot wake up until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I am on 16mg a day. I told my doctor this recently, because I thought it was a normal side effect, and he said that is not normal. So he put me on Requip, saying it's a dopamine antagonist, and releasing dopamine might make me less tired. I haven't taken it yet for one reason. I read the insert and it said Requip can make you extremely tired. Like people were reporting they would be in the middle of having a conversation with someone or be in the middle of driving and just pass out. That's fucking scary man. If I'm already so tired from suboxone and I have low blood pressure, I'm afraid to take anything else like I'm afraid I just won't wake up again (which trust me I wouldnt mind I just don't want my mom to find me dead). Has anyone experienced this with Requip? Or has anyone been overly tired with suboxone?

Hi Brittany,

I don't know much at all about Suboxone or it's side effects. Maybe you are taking something else along with Suboxone that "in combination" is making you so tired? Do you take vitamins and eat enough each day? Do you get any exercise? I remember feeling very run down during my withdrawals, but if I made myself get up and move, it did help.

Do you feel a lot of depression? If yes, are you on meds for it? Being depressed can leave you feeling like you don't have the energy or motivation to do much.

Last, if you don't fully trust your doctor, go see a different one for a second opinion. Most doctors do understand when someone wants more than one opinion on something. The passing out thing - don't mess with that as you can really hurt yourself and/or others. If I were you, and I decided to try Requip, I'd only take it if I could go several days without driving so I knew how it would affect me.

I've asked the moderators to consider starting a new thread for you and put your post above in it to get you started. One of them may contact you about it. I think that's a good idea because then your posts can be more easily found by others who might have better advice to offer you than me.

I'm glad you found BL, and I hope you find the help you need here.

Your BL friend,
Hi Ash,

You wrote:
So proud you're my friend, Love and strength,

I send those feelings right back to you. Thank you for following my thread and posting so much encouragement, and for the timeline reminder pics :) I hope people don't think I just turned 70 :)

There are some rules about aging though that I am following - never pass a bathroom, and never trust a fart. :)

Bahahaha Dale, no doubt!!! I once sent a happy Birthday wish to a friend on facebook...who wasn't all that happy with the funny pic I sent with it!!! Lol, I'll show it to you, it's always good for a laugh!!!

your friend,

Hi Ash,

You wrote:

I hope people don't think I just turned 70 :)
. :)
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Day 75- Two and half months has passed since I started my thread on BL. Seems like it was much longer.

I take each day one at a time. Most days, I feel good, but others I wake up with the pain I originally took drugs for and it can last all day long. I have not taken anything stronger than aspirin though. I remember the rough first month of withdrawal real well, and I'm not willing to have to go through that again - it was far worse than any pain I've had. I'm better off now than when I took drugs and I am glad I stopped. I don't feel any withdrawals anymore and haven't for a while.

Anyone reading my thread thinks it this was somehow easier for me - no it wasn't. The physical withdrawals were really tough for weeks and only got better very slowly. Like many others, I always knew that some day I would likely have to go through withdrawals. I"m so glad that day is in the past.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind - don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind." Dr. Suess

Happy 75 days my dear friend!!! I relate to the pain you still feel,as do I, but what I really like, and how I feel too, is that we're better off like this...Massive accomplishment my dear Dale/Yoda!!!

Here for you always,
your friend,
bupe was a life saver for me

First of all nice job on saving the klonopin for such a long time, thats called will power. If they were in my hands they would be good in 3 weeks. But anyways, buprenophine is the number 1 drug to kick all opiates. All you have to do is have 200-300 dollars and go to suboxone dr. All you do is put it under your tounge for 15 min then swallow and your sweats go away, diahreeaha however you spell it, it makes you feel like the old you before you started doing drugs. I would only take it for a week or 2 and get off it. But i couldnt believe how good it worked, and has kept me from doing dope for almost 6 years. I have a full time job now, back in IT, i still take xanax and adderall, but those have been prescribed for almost 15 years. I dont even feel them, just keeps me focused and calm at work. I swear this is a miracle drug if you use it the right way. Methadone always seems like the route to go because you still get high, but miss a dose and your day is over. They made it so drs can call in subs, cuz i got them when they first came out in the pill form, but with nalaxone. But now i get straight generic buprenorphine, the little white ones with the round 8 and the arrow. Best ones ever. The crazy thing is one will last me all day. So best of luck. Apologize for rambling.

Thanks for your advice. I have a very old Rx for clonazepam. I can take it if I need it, but so far I don't. It's many years old though and I don't know if it gets weaker or stronger with age - do you?
I imagine I could get buprenorphine if I asked my doctor for it and if it isn't an opiate. What exactly is it? Is this off label use? I read a story about someone that recommended loperamin?.. the anti-diahrea medicine that's over the counter. I don't have the runs at all, but it seems to be some kind of opiate if I read correctly.

You know I kind of thought I could stop this without a lot of problems if I cut 5mg every week for 5 weeks. I could be wrong though. Anyway, let me know what you know about dissolving one of these in a liquid so I can precisely control cutting back. I get 10mg pills now and I already break them in half. There's no way I could break those halves into 5 sections.

Thank you.
Today is 80 days for me since I began my journey to getting clean. I am still "opiate" free. I don't feel any withdrawals of any kind. I sleep good at night now and I have decent energy (not as much as I'd like, but it's good).

I still have pain though - I wake up with it every morning and it has been wearing on me. I was taught mindfullness, but it doesn't work for me unless I'm really concentrating on distracting myself from pain - and that's hard to do very long. I won't go back on opiates after the withdrawals I had, but I need to do something about the pain I feel. I tried Lyrica and had a bad reaction it to it (severe burning in my chest area). I had that exact same reaction when I tried gabapentin too (they must be similar drugs).

I wonder - does everyone have daily pain and I just need to "get over" it bothering me? I don't think so, but it does cross my mind that I might be too sensitive to it. I know this post sounds like I'm feeling depressed. I'm really okay - maybe just rougher morning than usual.

"If you have sex, then you smoke afterwards, you're doing it too fast :)
Hi Dale,


Man I totally relate to you, you and I were on pain management for a reason. Yes, I still feel the pain too and wonder now what I am going to do for it. I hope you feel better tomorrow. I wish I had an answer for us.

your friend,
Today is 80 days for me since I began my journey to getting clean. I am still "opiate" free. I don't feel any withdrawals of any kind. I sleep good at night now and I have decent energy (not as much as I'd like, but it's good).

I still have pain though - I wake up with it every morning and it has been wearing on me. I was taught mindfullness, but it doesn't work for me unless I'm really concentrating on distracting myself from pain - and that's hard to do very long. I won't go back on opiates after the withdrawals I had, but I need to do something about the pain I feel. I tried Lyrica and had a bad reaction it to it (severe burning in my chest area). I had that exact same reaction when I tried gabapentin too (they must be similar drugs).

I wonder - does everyone have daily pain and I just need to "get over" it bothering me? I don't think so, but it does cross my mind that I might be too sensitive to it. I know this post sounds like I'm feeling depressed. I'm really okay - maybe just rougher morning than usual.

"If you have sex, then you smoke afterwards, you're doing it too fast :)