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What is a good taper to get off 25mg methadone

Day 50- I can hardly believe I made it this far, but I did, so when you read this and think you just can't do it: yes you can. You absolutely can, and your life will be so much better for it.

I think my sleep habits are returned to 95% normal. I slept 8 hours again last night. That makes such a difference in how I feel. I did wake up with a headache though - I've gotten them on and off lately. They go away after I'm up a while. I don't normally use caffeine, so not sure why I'm getting them sometimes. I've sneezed only once today, have no chills or skin sensations or anything else. I remember those symptoms when they were really rough, and that keeps me moving forward. No way I will go through that again. It's just not worth it to me.

"You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar... of course, how you spend your leisure time is your business :)."

I wish everyone the serenity of recovery.
Congrats on 50 days Dale!!! You are amazing my friend!!! So happy for you!!!

Great that your sleep habits are pretty much at ground zero now too, that's really great to hear.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend,

your friend,
Day 51-
Thanks for the "50" sign and the confidence boost Ashley! It's always nice to read your posts.

I slept 6 hours last night, but that was enough. I woke up feeling pretty good. I had a little sneezing early, but no other issues. I've been keeping fairly busy today checking the cars and working in the yard. I sure don't have the energy level I used to have while I took methadone. I miss that energy, and I wonder if I'll ever get that back naturally. I probably need to eat better. I was going to try out a new cook book recipe, but recipes are like dating services: they never end up looking like the picture :).

Take care everyone and have a nice Sunday evening.
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Way to go Dale!!

Your sleeping pattern is getting pretty good. Man can I relate to not having the same energy, but it was false conflated energy anyway you know what I mean?

We just have to find out what our normal energy is. So many changes but they're good for us.

Great job Dale, don't work too hard my friend.

Day52- Today was so-so. I woke up with a back ache and headache both. Both have stayed with me all day. I sneezed exactly once today, so I guess that's my new normal for now. I did get in a nice hot shower and spent most of the day on the couch just laying down. It's nice to be able to do that sometimes. I don't have any withdrawal symptoms still. I will count that blessing for sure.

"Monday Morning…… Rolling out of bed is easy. Getting up off the floor is another story :) "
52 days that's awesome! This is a great thread that has given a lot of people hope . Thanks so much . Just keep swimming ?
Great job my friend!!!

You're onto 53 today!! Hope you had a great sleep and that you're having a great day Dale!!!

Day53- Today was far better than yesterday. I woke up feeling pretty good - I woke with zero pain and no headache (well, except for watching Trump on the TV) - and zero withdrawals. Not even a stray sneeze so far.

I hope this is the start of a new recovery period for me. I like feeling like this. My head is clearer than in years and calm - sweet calm.

After getting through Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF :)
Have a good day everyone,
You're awesome Dale!!! Day 53.... just wow, so great!!!

I'm really happy to hear that today you're feeling better wd wise than yesterday. Zero pain rocks too!!!!

I am so happy to hear about the calm that has come over you, gives me something to strive for.

Btw your jokes are also helping me get through! So thanks for them. ; )

Huge hugs to you Dale, you're the best.
always here for you,
your friend,
Hey Dale,

I'm at my parents so I have internet access for a few days. I just wanted to see how you're doing?
Hi GreenDark, me waving!

So good to hear from you, I was wondering where you got to? I left you a reply on your "I'm getting there I think" thread a few days back.

How are you doing my friend?


Hey Dale,

I'm at my parents so I have internet access for a few days. I just wanted to see how you're doing?
Just wanted to swing by here to tell you that you are doing awesome, Dale, and to keep up the great work!

Those Trump headaches are a motherfucker though... lol
Hi GreenDark- Nice hearing from you again. How did your move go? Do you like your new place? How's your moods? I hope you're doing great.
Your friend,
ladyhlove- Thank you for stopping over in my neighborhood - and especially for the inspiring message. I am a hundred miles away in withdrawal terms from my early days here. My head is so much clearer now too - like a fog has lifted.
I hope your day was great,

Today has been a really good day for me. I did have some sneezing, but that doesn't really bother me. I think it's from allergies that I didn't realize I had. I slept good last night again - probably 9 hours. Once my feet hit the ground, I didn't stop all day - starting with a visit to my PCP. My blood pressure was normal for the very first time since I started withdrawing. There were times it measured 170/95 (high IMO), but it's going back to normal without needing medicine for it.

In a nutshell, withdrawing from Methadone is tough for a few weeks, but it gradually gets better - little by little - until one day a little less than two months later, you'll feel totally normal again. I hope you want that as much as I did. It is so worth it.

"I don’t mind going to work, it’s the 8-hour wait to go home that I can’t stand."
Hello my friend,

I was busy today but just updated my thread, and had to pop over to yours.....I was wondering how you're doing today Dale?

Lol...we posted at the exact same time!!!!

I am so proud of you Dale, you are a trooper and a great guy!!! I'm glad your bp is normal again, that's really great!!!!

Keep up the great work Dale.

your friend,


Today has been a really good day for me. I did have some sneezing, but that doesn't really bother me. I think it's from allergies that I didn't realize I had. I slept good last night again - probably 9 hours. Once my feet hit the ground, I didn't stop all day - starting with a visit to my PCP. My blood pressure was normal for the very first time since I started withdrawing. There were times it measured 170/95 (high IMO), but it's going back to normal without needing medicine for it.

In a nutshell, withdrawing from Methadone is tough for a few weeks, but it gradually gets better - little by little - until one day a little less than two months later, you'll feel totally normal again. I hope you want that as much as I did. It is so worth it.

"I don’t mind going to work, it’s the 8-hour wait to go home that I can’t stand."
Ashley: you wrote:
proud of you Dale

Thank you for saying that. You're so sweet! I'm learning as I go along in this process. If I help others in the process - it's win-win right?

Today I woke up rested, but I felt sluggish. That lasted all morning but I got my mojo back and got my errands done. I said my mind is clearer now, and I want to go on a bit more about that so you know what I mean. While on my drug, I could think of something I wanted to do while I was doing something else, then get up to go do it and forget what it was and never remember again. I still forget, but I remember now. When I get up to do that second thing and if forget what it was, I'll think on it a sec and it comes right back to me every time.

I don't feel any withdrawals at all - no cravings - nothing. It's going real well for me with that respect. I think it's just going to get better from this point. I am sooo glad I got to this point. I'd say you just don't know how much, but I think most of us in BL do.

"If everything seems to be coming your way, you’re probably in the wrong lane."
Hello Dale,

You and I think a lot alike you know. That's exactly how I feel. Definitely a win win. And if I can help these really great and special people get over a tough time that makes me really happy.

I am happy to hear your wd's are gone and that you have no cravings!!! Excellent to hear!!!! Keep plugging away Dale aka Yoda. ; )

You're a great friend and an awesome person.

your friend ,

Ashley: you wrote:

Thank you for saying that. You're so sweet! I'm learning as I go along in this process. If I help others in the process - it's win-win right?