• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What do you think about air fresheners and scented products/candles? (Public Health)

designer ones. people in wheel-chairs still can't demand that all seating be for wheelchairs, anyway. :)

most of the formulations that I've run into/smelled in full-organic health food stores have been.. have been "strong", but to this point haven't caused the insane stimulation/response of my amygdala (and whatnot) that occurs that the one that I just ran into did (and others, too, just not to this degree). this one results in days of extremely weird dreams (not completely bad, but that's my brain... still disturbing in ways), flushing skin (burning), burning tongue, tasting the scent for days in varying regions of my mouth, smelling it like it's on me.. as mentioned. something else is with it, other than normal. normal scents mainly cause strange facial irritation, or did until I became sensitized to this especially strong one. now they are liable to produce headaches as well, but i tend to time myself right around places so I minimize human contact... unless i know the person is scent free or all organic.

basically, i hope that an "abused child" reaction doesn't occur, and that in the future I might still be able to smell natural scents without much issue. i'm not sure if that's how it would work, but i'm thinking there might be a thresh hold where the body just goes completely haywire, and it'd be a sort of "guilt by association" thing, you know.

but no, just designer scents.

trailer idea is something i've (but not really) considered, but i would have to find a place out in the sticks (or desert). good idea. I think I would also want to move some place where it doesn't get as cold, too.

I ended up ordering a mask called a "Honeycomb" mask, by the company "I can breathe!". I got a hunter green color as I wanted to minimize people catching me through the corner of their eyes, and green I thought was easier on them, but then after I ordered I realized I could have paid two dollars more to get a sort of floral print on it... minimizing any fear reaction or "wtf"... that people might have to it. I'm a guy but am comfortable enough with flowers and flower designs, and understand that decoration would just make it easier... the one I would have went for was still darker in color- not too "fruity" or bright.. here's link to a photo:


I would go for the green and beige one, probably. Perhaps my next purchase, as these apparently wear out.

Chose this brand over others in part because the others are way too eye catching, and in ways menacing (Respro), but as well, cool looking. Something I might wear riding a bike or doing some kind of sport... but I'm trying to remain social, here.
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I don't know how handy you are at sewing/stitching, but if you're looking for something while you're riding your bike/doing sports, you could always sew a layer of mesh on the back side of a regular bandanna, with one of those carbon filters inside the two layers. It's pretty common to see people wearing bandannas over their face or mouth while bike riding. I wear one on my head at least. If you didn't want to go through the trouble of sewing your own, you could always get a respro from the drugstore and tie the bandanna around your face on top of it so you're avoiding that 'menacing' look you mentioned. I don't personally think seeing someone wearing respro masks in public is all that menacing, but I suppose it depends on where you live.