• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What do you think about air fresheners and scented products/candles? (Public Health)


Jun 5, 2008
While I'm aware there's a huge market for these things, and I was brought up in a house where scented candles were going a good amount of the time. I also grew up suffering headaches through these periods, and perhaps they were linked to candle use. I know now that they effect me, causing suffering. It took quite a bit of separation to realize, and I'm still struggling with finding out what effects me. I probably need a respirator.

Anyways, recently there has been some movement to ban air fresheners (most common forms. there are forms i imagine i might be able to handle, like Ozium, possibly, though I'm not sure.). I'm not sure if it's just in public places or in general. I'm all for it. They give me headaches, and scented candles make me sick. Their smells permeate environments, and in apartments with shared ventilation, it's really bad. It's worse than loud music, in my mind. Not that I have a problem with loud music most of the time, but at least it doesn't assure a headache. It's like something so "loud" you can't hear yourself think, you know? It's unfair that natural smells in the environment, a gas leak, the smell of my dinner cooking, or my wife's or children's natural smell, which I might enjoy or come to love, should be overwhelmed at all by these scents.

I even have a problem with perfumes, and colognes and the list goes on and on. There are some that don't seem to effect me, but some feel like the coldest winter air entering my nostrils when I've already got a sinus infection, or something, and soon I get stinging in my throat... and it even slightly closes sometimes. Symptoms vary by varied products.

I know how this might come off to some people. "This guy is crazy"- while maybe true, I can come up with a lot of reasons to back my views. Many like me, including me-independently (before I read it, I felt it), have drawn a metaphor to it being assault, even. And some like me have won lawsuits involving health hazards of these products in workplaces, getting them banned in those places. There has been legislation to get it passed (Banning of these types of products, not sure the extent.) very recently. I can't wait until that clearer, cleaner future.

But I know that the majority might hate me. Only four years ago I was still lighting candles, too, and somewhat enjoying their presence.. but I was also popping four Ibuprofen a day or so.

So, what are your views? Do you have a right to do this? Do you have a right to smoke a cigarette in a car with your children... up wind from another's infant? How is an adult any different? See what I'm saying? It may not seem realistic at first because of what we're so used to, but it's where we're going.
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And while I can argue that a person has every right to do what they want in their own home (Marijuana, Etc.), I believe shared living/apartment communities should be a different story when it comes to harmful things/things that cause pain in an increasing number of people. I can see in the future there being laws passed that would actually make it illegal to have things like the scented candles, perhaps like you can't have your music up too loud/disturb neighbors, especially at certain times. Different, but some overlapping.

Further, though, I can ask, if you have children that can't say "I have a headache" when a candle is lit up, or pets that just can't tell you, should you be allowed to pollute their air/harm them?

We're just unconscious. I did say it was assault, and it is sort of, but as much as I sometimes want to, I know I can't be mad at people. It's (what I'm trying to conquer/get past) almost the equivalent of an super-overgrown child trampling a city, people like ants under him. Godzilla. But eventually we have to take control of it/subdue the unconscious beasts.
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The smell of air fresheners (like Febreeze) makes me feel ill. Something about it just makes me think I'm inhaling something toxic.

Some scented candles aren't bad, as long as they are a mellow scent. Nothing floral.
Have you ever suffered from hayfever, twentysix? I have reactions to floral artificial scents as well as the real thing from flowers (plus dust, animal hair etc). The sinus symptoms made me think perhaps yours were an allergy as well - hayfever for me can cause headaches and sinus pain.

I have suffered my whole life when subjected to incense and various forms of smoke (cigarette smoke being a big one). It makes me cough and splutter and always brings on sessions of acute asthma.

All I can do is move away from the source. I'm waiting and dreaming of the day it becomes illegal to smoke on the street and they have to do it in an enclosed room. :|
i agree with you when it comes to shared living/apartment communities and also if you have kids. ya i know some people get physically ill, headaches n' upset stomach when around fragrances.

personally, im obsessed with scent, i wear a fragrance everyday (eau de parfum) so a pretty strong scent, and burn scented candles that cost like 80 bux for an 85 hour burn that have hella throw and fill my entire living area ( guest house ) with scent. i dunno it just lifts my spirits. like my jacket i rocked today still smells like patchouli 24 from le labo and god i put my nose up to the sleeve and was drunk on the smokey leather laid over a hot motorcycle engine scent and i exclaimed out loud "Annick Menardo (creator), YOU FUCKIN GENIUS"

i saw an interview with one of my fav porn stars (rhianna rimes) and she said her biggest turn on was scents and she is like a fuckin vampire that will literally bite your neck. so yea im rockin scents for life. lol
I used to love incense however haven't used it in years. Just before Christmas I ventured into a store that sold your regular garden-variety (Nag Champa, Spirit Guide, etc), and i thought i was going to die from sneezing! Interestingly, i've recently developed an allergic reaction to mango skin too :(

I can't stand air-fresheners in a can, but there is one orange-scented one in a pump bottle that is made from pure orange essence that i'm ok with. I'm also fine with burning pure essential oils. I'm also fine with a majority of perfumes, but there are some that make me a)sneeze and b) vomit.

I also seem to be allergic to walking past certain stores - Dusk (Australian candle store) and Lush (they specialise in soaps and other stuff) both make me feel hayfevery and sick to my stomach.
too many scents give me a headache as well, which ones are harmful tho? does anyone even know?

still i can't advocate the all natural smell as it's worse imo. I try to have no smell.
Twentysix, I hope we both see the day when scented candles, air fresheners, and the like are banned in public spaces.

Anything that smells like citrus or ginger will make me instantaneously ill, on the verge of throwing up, though that is mostly psychosomatic due to heavy NDTISO a few years ago. Mostly the artificial scents just make me feel lightheaded, as though I just took a hit of it, even though I'm just walking near it. :-/ Strangest thing I discovered too was that a grass (you know, you're lawn ;)) scented candle I bought gives me a wicked burning sensation in my throat. I had it burning for a few days and could not imagine what I was eating to make my throat hurt like that--It was unlike any heartburn I've ever gotten.

Kinda funny but I actually shadowed a woman at a local hospital who told our instructor to make sure that people who are going to shadow her do not wear any fragrance. A classmate of mine "only wore a little bit!" and the lady had an allergic reaction. :(
I'm really glad these are the responses that are happening... overwhelmingly sharing my views for the most part. Not what I expected, but makes me happy. Thanks for sharing, everyone.
I don't mind them (they don't bother me), but for the most part they're toxic chemicals that just happen to smell good. I would never burn scented candles and I think subjecting people to them in public places is pretty unfair.
sometimes i will diffuse oil or oil blends. normally i enjoy fresh air in fact i have a window cracked. almost 55 in chicago today.
The problem with fragrances is that they're overdone. A quick spritz of nice perfume or a subtle scented candle are really pleasing to me. A lot of the time though, people go too far and that's when it becomes offensive. As far as toxicity goes, I've read wax candle smoke can be toxic in an enclosed area so a lot of companies are selling soy candles now.

I have to agree with the above poster also - I'm one of those people who has windows open, even on cold days, because there's nothing nicer than fresh air. I don't have a problem with Lush or Body Shop but I cannot stand walking through Myers or Djs' makeup/perfume section, it's just too much. It's not surprising people develop headaches and allergies.

And one of my favourite smells is a fresh and natural fragrance - eg clean laundry just taken off the line or freshly washed hair or someone you love just out of the shower or bath - you know that smell? It's delicious :D
I'm actually now double washing all of my clothes because I was, or believed I was having issues with ingredients in even the most hypoallergenic methods of washing. I wouldn't have done this but I read that it's the agitation of the washer that does the work anyway, and considering I don't do dirty work. and shower daily, so as of right now I've stopped using detergent all together. I may occasionally use it, like every few weeks on certain loads, but extra rinse it. I'll see how my clothes smell in a few more weeks, but right now they are fine. I just started doing this a couple weeks ago, so I will see.

The free and clear detergents that I have used recently all contain coconut oil, and/or corn oil. I react to coconut oil (and am allergic to corn)... although I'm not sure about it on skin. I tried these things called "soap nuts", but started suspecting those of making me ill as well. The problem with allergies is that it's just really hard to find out what you're reacting to, when you have as many as I seem to... and their subtle nature often, in my case, barely showing up much of the time (just enough to annoy me constantly, among other symptoms) makes it all the harder to locate the source.

As well, I don't use soap, shampoo, or toothpaste, or even wash my dishes in soap... (I only use one bowl, anyway). I use baking soda for all of that. Since I stopped using soap, all dandruff- although it was always (usually) just minor, has disappeared. My skin appears healthy almost always... and I have yet to experience any cracking of my hands this year from the cold, although it hasn't gotten that cold. I would have still experienced dryness by now, but I haven't had one flake fall off of me in that nature, like before, and my skin is always soft. This could be because of all of the hemp seeds I eat, and the fact that I'm getting apparently the perfect ratio of oils from them, and them only.

I do wish I could tolerate more, just to be able to live with people. I used to enjoy a lot of these things... used to wear cologne, and even dabbled with scented soaps, trying out different bars because they had interesting smells... but I was always "sick" and just didn't realize what it was...
I totally despise all that synthetic junk. It's gross when someone febreezes the hell out of their home or uses those "air fresheners." The only way to get something fresh is to actually clean it or open a window.

I know lots of people who put like 3-4 dryer sheets in with thier laundry too. It can overpower a whole neighborhood. Cheap cologne and cheap perfume is disgusting. Lots of guys around here think pouring a half bottle of Curve on is a good idea. Disgusting!

As for fragrance/incence/and candles, mild and all natural is the only way I like it. You can find these nice oil blends in health food or middle eastern food stores sometimes that are just natural oils that smell great for both men and women. One dab is worth all the mall bought perfume in the world.

P.S. some of those synthetic things just might be harmful. Some contain pthalates.
I burn stick incense quite often. Nothing fancy but definitely nothing cheap or filled with chemicals either. At the moment I'm using a box of japanese style sandalwood :)
I've never had any issues with scented candles or air fresheners or what have you. I do however think there's a limit and although I've never had any health related issues with these products, obviously inhaling smoke of any kind is not good for you.
I stay well away from perfume/cologne areas of department stores for example, as well as stores that specialize in this kinda stuff. A scented candle store, how the fuck could anyone shop there let alone work there? 8o
^Japanese brands are my favorite! I do like the old stand-by of the original Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa too.
I like subtle scents but I'd much rather people don't wear them because it makes me wonder how clean/healthy they are when I can smell their perfume reek a metre away.
I've become highly sensitive to perfumes and colognes, and I've attempted to ask my neighbor to stop using scented products. As a precaution I've actually sealed up the ventilation port in my bathroom, and any other structural defects I can find, between us... For a long time her "fresh scent" was propagating through my place. It has made me have a headache that did not quit. I still don't know if she has quit using or not, but it seemed at least for a day I finally didn't smell a constant "masking" fragrance covering up the halls... but right now I'm suffering from a reaction to something else that makes me smell things that aren't there, so I can't tell.

I laid out educational packets concerning my disease/sensitivities... Explaining that I actually experience neurological difficulty, sickness, and that I can become increasingly worse the more I'm exposed; I said that with increased exposure, I might become more and more sick over time, more sensitized. At first with this all I wanted to compromise... because I try to work with people... But there's no way anymore. My issue isn't even with gasoline smell, or things not designed to stick around. Not that I want to go rolling around in those things as I'm sure they are not good. My issue is with a perfume like I smelled last week, and then again-- a perfume that I didn't have to touch but that made my face beet red and me feel like I was fucked up on some kind of narcotic... except with a burning tongue, its taste the only thing on it... It disrupting every other smell signal entering hours and hours after (it lasts for days)... Even if I never touched it... I STILL SMELL, AND TASTE it. No other perfume smell has done this but it serves as an example of why I want this shit banned outright, until people understand what it is they are doing. I was 10 feet away from a newspaper, with samples in it and my mouth burns, tongue, and I keep on thinking I'm smelling perfume in my apartment now... And it was 10 feet away and I spent 5 minutes in the vicinity. ...now again over 12 hours after exposure. Not as bad now.. but still there.

I'm hardlining. This stuff .. these odors are made up of particles and they are designed to stick with you. You smell them. Many nerves in the area of nose and mouth hook directly to the deep brain, the core... Limbic system. Blood vessels in the nose have no BB Barrier en route to the brain... Essentially making these like pesticides... Worse than just most organic oil or other things not designed to wedge themselves in tissues, and stick... but with repeated exposure might make one even sensitive to the most natural of fragrances, perhaps like how a battered animal is afraid of all men, not just certain ones, or black ones... or all people.

Until we know more about the intricacies of things, these things should be rigorously tested (they are not), and I imagine there's a lot of toxic stuff in them which shouldn't go on bodies... So as of right now all designer scented products should be BANNED completely from manufacture... Especially now that things like what I came in contact with are being spread around in newspapers. It's not fair that I now have to smell this for days... My mouth on fire unless I'm redirecting my senses to eating all of the time. In my case these fuckers have become too successful with their "stick".

So yea... Until then, I've purchased a carbon filter mask, and would rather do this looking like "the shredder" or darth vader before allowing myself to be exposed to ANY fragrance. I'm just too sensitive. I'm not the only one. It's disabling, and allowing this to continue is like giving people in wheelchairs ramps made of rotting wood, or perhaps worse. I don't even know how to say it.

I also don't want to hear your argument to this. If I had absolute control this would be a mandate going into effect immediately. We would cut our "losses" and move on. Anyone caught using would simply have their houses searched, the stuff taken away, and properly disposed of. Unlike marijuana use, this is not a personal choice, and these products do not stay in your personal space... and don't naturally dissipate... according to their "sticky" nature.

Perhaps at some future point when things have been recalibrated, when we have learned a great deal more about these things and how to fix the growing number of people like me (and people like me who don't know they're having issues, who are numerous), and properly allow these things to diffuse (and stop using mercury in our dental fillings, a potential cause of extreme sensitivity... and pesticide use)... and understand simply this better, then maybe some light amount of certain natural or real harmless fragrance might be allowed (nothing that sticks). But as of right now, even if I were to suddenly not be effected, I would take what I've learned down this line... none of it is healthy. I'd never subject another to what I am.
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The problem with fragrances is that they're overdone. A quick spritz of nice perfume or a subtle scented candle are really pleasing to me. A lot of the time though, people go too far and that's when it becomes offensive. As far as toxicity goes, I've read wax candle smoke can be toxic in an enclosed area so a lot of companies are selling soy candles now.

I have to agree with the above poster also - I'm one of those people who has windows open, even on cold days, because there's nothing nicer than fresh air. I don't have a problem with Lush or Body Shop but I cannot stand walking through Myers or Djs' makeup/perfume section, it's just too much. It's not surprising people develop headaches and allergies.

And one of my favourite smells is a fresh and natural fragrance - eg clean laundry just taken off the line or freshly washed hair or someone you love just out of the shower or bath - you know that smell? It's delicious :D

QFT :)

I love fresh air when i'm driving - especially on the freeway :D I also don't mind the Body Shop smell, as it's not overpowering - Lush, on the other hand, is so totally overpowering that i can't even walk in without gagging.

As for naturally fresh scents - i love the smell of freshly washed and line-dried laundry - especially sheets :) The same applies to just-out-of-the-shower smell *swoon* <3
I've become highly sensitive to perfumes and colognes, and I've attempted to ask my neighbor to stop using scented products. As a precaution I've actually sealed up the ventilation port in my bathroom, and any other structural defects I can find, between us...
Is it possible for you to move to your own separate place? I'm not talking only of buying a house as those are rather pricy, but have you looked into renting a house or a trailer? This way you'd have more separation from your neighbors--The only time I smell anything from my neighbors is when I have the windows open. :)

I laid out educational packets concerning my disease/sensitivities... Explaining that I actually experience neurological difficulty, sickness, and that I can become increasingly worse the more I'm exposed; I said that with increased exposure, I might become more and more sick over time, more sensitized. At first with this all I wanted to compromise... because I try to work with people... But there's no way anymore.
People generally don't care about those around them, let alone the stranger in the next apartment. They just want themselves to smell good. 8)

Until we know more about the intricacies of things, these things should be rigorously tested (they are not), and I imagine there's a lot of toxic stuff in them which shouldn't go on bodies... So as of right now all designer scented products should be BANNED completely from manufacture...
I'm sorry to hear about the issues you've been having as of late with your mouth/throat/nose burning. When you say "these things" and stuff, are you simply referring to designer scented products, or do you mean anything with a scent? I mean, I use deodorant sparingly--Would something like "natural tea tree oil deodorant" upset you? I'm just curious as I'm trying to become more knowledgeable--I already had to shadow a woman on the job who said not to wear strong perfumes/scents prior to coming up to her floor. I did not, but another student did and was asked to leave, and I think the lady had to leave for the day. :(

So yea... Until then, I've purchased a carbon filter mask, and would rather do this looking like "the shredder" or darth vader before allowing myself to be exposed to ANY fragrance. I'm just too sensitive. I'm not the only one. It's disabling, and allowing this to continue is like giving people in wheelchairs ramps made of rotting wood, or perhaps worse. I don't even know how to say it.
I've seen a woman in my town with a carbon filter mask. She decorated it and stuff to make it prettier than the plain white thing. If I were in your or her shoes, I would wear a mask any day than suffer with scents causing me such debilitating agony. I'm not saying you should doll it up with lace or pretty colors (unless of course you want to ;)), but just be aware that other people wear these masks whenever they leave their homes and it's nothing to be embarrassed about. If anybody inquires, just tell them in 10 words or less that you can't handle scents. On that note, do the masks help?

I also don't want to hear your argument to this. If I had absolute control this would be a mandate going into effect immediately. We would cut our "losses" and move on. Anyone caught using would simply have their houses searched, the stuff taken away, and properly disposed of. Unlike marijuana use, this is not a personal choice, and these products do not stay in your personal space... and don't naturally dissipate... according to their "sticky" nature.
As I asked before, would this entail all scented products or just those "designer scents"?