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What do you see when you look in the mirror?

I see somebody who always stays in the yesterday/another place/universe but I'm pretty realistic about my body these days and know that I should make more sports but that also there are some guys who could need more sorry for their appearance than me. I lived long enough believing I was ugly when in reality my personality needs a kick in the right direction but now age's really beginning to take my ass down ... the music I'm listening to and the life I am living belong to people 15 years younger than me.
You spoke words to me so spot on, when we talked about kava and lysergamides, you struck me as very real, no bs, clean and open.

You know I swear so many good people out there don't give themselves enough credit, and yet think of all the nutjob heartless psychos sleeping like a log?

Lol. Knowledge, or just development is all thst counts to me. Not accolade.

Fear of time running out is an illusory trap too I swear.

Because it draws you out of the moment, which is real.

I don't mean not to think ahead. But without fear. And no regrets. Mistskes are lessons.
I also see, to my own eyes at least, a guy who has taken an awful numbervof trips lol. But that doesn"t bother me. It's more of an interest. I mean, at what point, does it really show, how, or if, in who?

That's my personal interested angle.

Psychology university project, buggsr of a thing, this would be a very motivating topic for me you know. It would excite me to do the work and assemble a field of candidates to get measure of, psychoanalyse enough to fit within assessment boundaries etc.
sometimes i see a fraud. like... im living what i believe to be a "balanced" life but most seem to not understand and look in a type of horror.
so, even though i may not be afraid of my reflection... i look deep into my own eyes and see who i am: a broken "human" that is looking for a way out of this circus life we have built for ourselves.
oh shit... i can do quotes after post on phone too. fuckin wow. sorry ass phone finally impressed me.
I put most of my threads in Lounge as they without fail always turn into loungish material... this is in P&S now or did I fuck up again?
Some scared, odd little man who needs to shave 🪒
Being scared is kind of nature. It takes a long time in life to work on those fears.

You are a young man too. Remind yourself that each time you look.

It's bravery to acknowledge fear too IMO.

But as we are on it, I'm actually glad you mentioned the real matter at heart.

Because I wanted to say something but I didn't want to overstep a boundary, didn't want to offend or shatter your self confidence, and I simply assumed, well Snafu must see the problem, if he seems fine with it it must be supposed to be that way.

But now you have finally admitted it to yourself.

Time for the quartely shave maybe if anything lol. 😉

I took mine last week. Only because I found a fresh disposable razor in the bathroom after my mum musta found it during (overly stressful ftr) house redoing.

Also, my respiratory infection treatments work more efficiently for sinuses and throat when less hair interferes with the conduction into the skin.
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ATM I see red in my blue eyes and this indicates a rage building ime.
Will rectify that this instant.
I see something like that too at first, but then I’m only upset at my reflection because I lost my wizard hat a few years ago. I still have my authentic Druid cloak, but even when I wear that in formal settings, most people can’t instantly recognize me as the wizard of the creek?


I'm jealous I will never truly look like a wizard :(

I can grow the beard.... but I'm bald so if I grew my hair out I would look like a mad scientist :/

I can only be the wizard's acolyte, the one who betray's his master....
I see something like that too at first, but then I’m only upset at my reflection because I lost my wizard hat a few years ago. I still have my authentic Druid cloak, but even when I wear that in formal settings, most people can’t instantly recognize me as the wizard of the creek?


You look like you couid be my father - in - law's brother.
I WISH one of these days I could look in a mirror and see something I'D like to fuck.

.. What with my body dysmorphia in general I feel I should be wearing a sackcloth over my head.

... And eyes full of hopeless dreams.