• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

What College or University are you attending, what are you studying and why? - MERGED

Attending UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio) currently. I don't want to go into the details of why I had to attend UTSA for a year... but currently I have already been accepted to UT-Austin for the upcoming fall semester.

I should know whether I got into Rice University or Cornell in the next few months or so.... I expect to only get into Cornell though.

I intend to study either Biology or chemistry perhaps... and the exact kind of bio or chemistry option that I study really depends on the school I go to next fall...

At Ut I will prolly study chemistry the BA route so I can get more of a liberal arts foundation.

If accepted to rice or cornell.. I'm not entirely sure..

I love biology.. the living world around us is amazing and just well.. I can't think of an adequate description right now.. but just WOW.

I also however love chemistry... right now I think I would like to go to medical school.. but I might end up going to business school or even realistically law school.

Medical school will prolly be my choice though.. I constantly volunteer at hospitals and while I was in Houston I deeply enjoyed volunteering at M.D.Anderson.

Anyways, sorry for all the info that wasn't needed..
Psychology @ Rutgers College 2008

I'm really interested in Psych, and I plan on going to law school so my major doesn't matter too much.
whaaaat? i just started at rutgers this semester. (new brunswick)
University of Western Australia, currently enrolled in Biomedical Sciences, and want to finish majoring in Pharmaceutical Science, or Pharmacy.
THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY! majoring in optometry. Was going to dental school but decided I'd rather look at eyeballs instead of teeth and cavities.
Very happy at OSU, we've got a hell of a football team( 37-21 over those bitches from Ann Arbor), and a basketball team that is getting screwed over something that isn't there fault. FUCK U JIM O BRIEN!

I am a second year student at Albright College in PA, majoring in Digital Media and Business... For such a ghetto town there is nothing going on here
1st year law
University of Adelaide, South Australia

Have Cand Phil (M.A.) equivalent in English from University of Bergen, Norway.
Just got accepted early decision to Emory University in Atlanta....I'm really looking forward to it. If anyone else is at Emory or in the Atlanta area, feel free to hit me up.
I attend Harvard College in Massachusetts and plan to get a degree in Social Studies or Neuroscience... I don't know which to choose
Wayne State University in the heart of Detroit. I'm a chemical engineer major because I love and understand math and science well. Plus I've always wanted to be an engineer, I like that title.
MA in Pure and Applied Mathematics at Cambridge University, and going to be staying on for Part III of the Tripos (4th year course).

Couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. The work is interesting, the place is great. Lots of history, and surrounded by some pretty incredible minds.
Endicott college
Fine Arts

Why: my mom made me
What do i want to do: Broadcasting (unrelated)
University of South Carolina
Major: Biology
why: It's the only acceptable time to call someone a cock :p

macquarie university sydney australia

anyone else here at club macq?

im doing BA:
-ancient hist
I'm currently attending Austin Community College in Texas. This coming fall semester after summer though, I'm heading to Corpis Christi to attend Texas A&M. My campus will be right next to a beach and so will my housing.

I'm studying in 3D animation and art.
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University of Sydney, Australia
Completed undergraduate last year..did a B. Commerce
Doing my Masters there at the moment in Applied Finance