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What can be expected of weekend binge of 2g.MDMA + Alcohol

^^^ I'd do it though, lol....hard head tolerance plus I'm THAT GUY who prefers intense experiences. VERY unlikely I'd actually go through with it on MDMA though - not from the intensity but more due to knowing how bad the comedown would be compared to a reasonable dose lol
^ You say you'd do it then you say that you wouldn't actually do it. Think about what you say.. set good examples. People look for any reason they can find to abuse the FUCK out of MDMA, let's not add fuel to that fire..

I guarantee if anyone took a single 300mg dose of the MDMA I have they would be WAY too high.
I agree with Folley on this. 300 is absurd IMO. I took 220 in one dose...was at home. I was beyond functioning fun to be out in public. I was super HIGH but not the type of buzz I seek with mdma. Less is more. For me atleast. Needless to say I NEVER dose mdma that high now. I rarely break the 150mg mark on intial and rarely redose. I enjoy mdma much MORE now since I started lowering my doses.
You might feel ok at first, and the next day you'll feel way out, but oh boy the day after that you're going to feel suicidal. Really don't advise this. I've ODed a couple of times on mdma and honestly it's just not worth it. Have some respect for yourself and your beautiful amazing body and use max 150 mg 180 mg. Really it's better.
First mistake is bringing 2 grams with you. Typically, the more someone has on them they will end up using more. Leave the rest at home and bring 250mg for each of you max and even that is alot. Drinking too much booze with mdma isn't that safe either. If you are going to be taking all that mdma then you should stick to drinking water. A few drinks before you roll wouldn't hurt but getting shit faced and then rolling will leave you pretty dehydrated.
sorry for my dosage's, I have very little experience with molly since I'm 99-01 type partier (pills). I was thinking 1 pill per 100mg. I also only roll every blue moon and truly enjoy "rolling ballz" so maybe I do too much and recommend too much.
I have a question myself. For the past few months I've been using mdma on average every 2 weeks, and I always abuse it. Generally I use .5 - .7grams over the course of a night. I know this is abusing it and stupid, so I'm asking politely to be spared that speech. Anyways, last weekend I used anywhere from .8 to 1.2 in one night. By the end of the night I felt really tense and speedy/geeked out, the rolling feeling was gone which is ofc to be expected after using and redosing mdma that much in one night.

But anyways, I slept a bit, felt kinda weird the next day but by the day after I felt pretty fine again.

So my conclusion is I either have a crazy tolerance to this drug that let's me dodge long lasting comedowns , or my mdma which comes in nice chunks of slightly brownish crystal is actually cut with Speed and other inactive stuff, or I've just been getting lucky with long lasting comedowns this far.

I must admit I don't test it but I get it from a reliable source and all my experienced mdma friends use, and abuse it although not as much as me, In a similar fashion.

Anyways, my question is basically if anyone else has used mdma at these dosages and have felt fine or if u guys think it must be cut m. I have to say though, even doing a g in a night last weekend, i never at any point felt really overwhelmed.
I have a question myself. For the past few months I've been using mdma on average every 2 weeks, and I always abuse it. Generally I use .5 - .7grams over the course of a night. I know this is abusing it and stupid, so I'm asking politely to be spared that speech. Anyways, last weekend I used anywhere from .8 to 1.2 in one night. By the end of the night I felt really tense and speedy/geeked out, the rolling feeling was gone which is ofc to be expected after using and redosing mdma that much in one night.

But anyways, I slept a bit, felt kinda weird the next day but by the day after I felt pretty fine again.

So my conclusion is I either have a crazy tolerance to this drug that let's me dodge long lasting comedowns , or my mdma which comes in nice chunks of slightly brownish crystal is actually cut with Speed and other inactive stuff, or I've just been getting lucky with long lasting comedowns this far.

I must admit I don't test it but I get it from a reliable source and all my experienced mdma friends use, and abuse it although not as much as me, In a similar fashion.

Anyways, my question is basically if anyone else has used mdma at these dosages and have felt fine or if u guys think it must be cut m. I have to say though, even doing a g in a night last weekend, i never at any point felt really overwhelmed.

I have back in the day. I can say that I don't feel all 100% mentally because of it now. My memory isn't as spot on as it used to be and I mix up words on occasion. I am functioning just fine though.

The fact that you recognize you are doing too much and too often is enough for you to realize that you have a problem. E is a wonderful drug, space it out and enjoy it. 3 month 6 month I don't care but give yourself a schedule, you'll enjoy them way more. promise
I have back in the day. I can say that I don't feel all 100% mentally because of it now. My memory isn't as spot on as it used to be and I mix up words on occasion. I am functioning just fine though.

The fact that you recognize you are doing too much and too often is enough for you to realize that you have a problem. E is a wonderful drug, space it out and enjoy it. 3 month 6 month I don't care but give yourself a schedule, you'll enjoy them way more. promise

Alright awesome, thanks for the reply. The next time I plan to drop M is on the 26th of April because I already have tickets for an EDM event, so I will have had about a months break. I'm going to try to only dose once, and only once I am already there and it is after 12pm (so the roll lasts most of the night), and at most re-dose one more time with a smaller cap around 1:30am. After that event, I'm going to try to take a 3 month break until my birthday.

I've read over and over again that less is more with MDMA. I just have to get it through my thick skull that popping pill after pill while peaking isn't going to make me feel any better or even make the good effects last any longer. It's just going to make me a geeked out on speed looking and feeling idiot. It can be hard in the moment though, so I will try to not have access to anymore then 2 caps of pure M in total.
I know this isn't a great HR note, but for those saying 300mg at once would be an overdose, I have to disagree. Having taken 1.5 Green Androids (300mg+) in one drop before, I can say that I survived...Yes it was pointless and nothing was achieved by doing this, but I didn't die and I definitely enjoyed myself.
^ Just because it isn't fatal doesn't make it not an overdose. That level would be extremely uncomfortable, honestly I think the roll would be much worse compared to if you just took a fucking sensible dose to begin with.

More does NOT equal better.
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Coming from the pill generation we had nights where 1 pill would flatten you and then a different one would take at least 1.5 to 2 to get there. But we never needed more then 2 ever. 3 to "Roll Ballz" though but still that's a lot and most likely a waste.
You may or may not have permanent damage. IMO the fact that you're rolling 2 nights in a row is just as bad as the high dose. I've had friend take 300-600 mgs in a night and they had a blast, granted these are people that only roll once every few months. But 2 grams over the course of 2 nights would definitely impair your brain functioning for awhile, will probably cause long depression, and may even cause you to OD and seize out.
You might get away with it, you might find the comedown excruciating. Who knows really. The thing with MDMA is that less is more. Get the dose right and you'll have a better evening that just binging on more and more. So the point of just smashing lots in the attempt of having loads of fun isn't really there (unlike say alcohol). If I was you, I'd reserve one day specifically to MDMA and consume about 250-300mg over the evening, starting with about 120mg and re-dosing smaller amounts. Take different drugs on the other days.

If you really want to take MDMA two days in a row, which is ill-advised, make sure doses are reasonable. The first day I'd take maybe one dose. Then the second I'd take about the amount I first mentioned.

Sound advice here
I took one gram over a weekend last september at a festival, and even that was simply way too much. I rolled three of the days and got almost nothing on the last day. i think a maximum of half a gram split over two nights is reasonable for a weekend festival. if you have to be high the WHOLE time there are plenty of other drugs that can get you there