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^ I prefer his poetry.

Digging into some non-fiction lately with, Think on These Things, by Jiddu Krishnamurti. It's like taking a squeegee to my third eye, to borrow a line from the late Bill Hicks.
Me too actually.

You Get So Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense, Love Is a Dog from Hell, Mockingbird Wish Me Luck, Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit...It's all really good. I used to have a sizable collection but they are now in the possession of a bitter ex-girlfriend. I think Bukowski would have wanted it that way.

The short stories are great too.
Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko. Fantastic flow and visuals leaping off every page. Really loving it.
Just finished reading Junky
Currently reading Electric kool-aid acid test
My favorite books gotta be Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy
I'm planning on reading Wristcutters next cause I loooooooooooooooove that movie
I just finished the lord of the rings recently, and now I have no clue what to read.
Thinking about starting "scattered minds" or "In the realm of hungry ghosts" by gabor mate.
Just picked up a copy of The Rum Diary after seeing the film, which I very much enjoyed.
Just picked up a copy of The Rum Diary after seeing the film, which I very much enjoyed.

'The Rum Diary' is great. I haven't seen the movie yet, partly because I don't want to be disappointed and partly because I like to think I'm busy.

The written Hunter has never let me down though. I highly recommend 'The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman'. It's a 750 page collection of his letters and they are way more entertaining than you could imagine, even if you imagine they are way entertaining.
^Yeah, that is a good one. I also love all of the the Gonzo Papers.

I thought I would be disappointed by the film adaptation of The Rum Diary, yet I was pleasantly surprised. It has good vibes.
I've only read (parts of) 'The Great Shark Hunt'. That was almost two years ago and I'll still be standing in line at a bank or something and think about a line from that book and start laughing out loud. Anytime I try and explain the joke to someone it just doesn't come off right. HST has to be read with that particular jutting rhythm of speech, like someone on the verge of totally losing it after witnessing an unexplainable happening.

Sadly most people seem to think of him simply as 'that guy with the trunk full of drugs in that weird movie'. He doesn't get the respect he deserves as one of the funniest writers/people of the 20th century.
The Great Shark Hunt, as in the collection not the specific article, is my favorite of the gonzo papers. it was also my first exposure to thompson's writing, which might have some influence over that.
finished On the Iliad by Rachel Bespaloff in a few hours -

and am now half way through the Qur'an...people are crazy, violent, envious, greedy, petty, feeble soft spine creatures.

not books

& if anything, in comparison the numerous Bible translations and versions i have read, or the Gnostic material the Christians tried to destroy all of, the Quran is pleasant.

he, god, is one
god is he whom all depend
he begets not
nor is he begotten
and none is like him
I've started on Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States'. I'm about 100 pages in so far, and while it's all very interesting, you can definitely tell that it was written with a particular bias. But I think that that was probably the point all along, and it has made me realize ever more how all history is biased by writer. You could take the total happenings of the past four-hundred years and make them into a whole lot of things, just based on what you quote and whose stories you choose to tell. This is all just reason to research more and build your own viewpoint from the countless opinions of others.
I'm currently reading the Baghavadgita for my Asian Philosophy class, though I havn't gotten through the intro yet..

The last book I read was Tree of Smoke by Dennis Johnson, which is a beautifully written satire of sorts on psy op's during the Vietnam War. It's hilarious but also hauntingly beautiful and sad.

I'm currently also reading Brett Easton Ellis's Less Than Zero, which is incredibly bleak and desturbing, but in my oppinion the man is a genius. For all those who've only seen the movie American Psycho, you're missing out (it was a fantastic movie though). Similar in theme is Will Self's My Idea of Fun, which is just weird and fucked up as hell.

Just read Haunted - Chuck Pahlaniuk and The Relic, my reading tastes are very broad. I'm looking to read the sequel to the ring, but I can't seem to find it anywhere except online, which isn't an ordering option for me atm, unfortunately.
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Canterbury Tales ~ Much better than I thought.
Mordred's Curse ~ Ian McDowell(?) very good, light read.
Takes my mind of my Organic Chemistry studies.

Demon Box ~ Ken Kesey
The Rebel ~ Albert Camus
How to Think About The Great Ideas
The Secret History of the War on Cancer

I also have about 5-10 books that I've started and plan to continue sometime in the near future.
The Invention of Air by Steven Johnson being one...
Currently reading Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. I love The Hours, a movie inspired by the book, so I had to read the book. Still pretty early in, but it is very good, indeed.