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^What about The Necronomicon?

Nine Years Under "Coming of Age in an Inner-City Funeral Home" by Sheri Booker
I appreciated the perspective from the other side of the death business
Your minds.

then u would know that I'm currently reading
-this thread
-Figlewski (1986) - Hedging with Financial Futures for Institutional Investors
-'The Spin Myth' article by Malcolm Gladwell

next, I want to read 'Sex Worker Tattoos'
I seldom pick up a book nowadays due to back pain having obliterated my concentration and thereby my ability to enjoy reading for long periods. But here's some thing's I've half-read and resolve to finish someday!

  • Swann's Way - by Marcel Proust - (I've no intention of reading all 7 parts of 'In Search of Lost Time', I don't read French so I'm reading English translations anyway.)
  • Finnegans Wake - by James Joyce - (Amazing, possibly the most interesting and esoteric book ever written. One needs to read as much about the book to understand any of it.)
  • Fables and Legends of Ireland - by Maureen Donegan - (I'm reading this because Joyce sparked in me a more general interest of the Irish literary tradition.)
  • Pride and Prejudice - by Jane Austen - (I'm probably enjoying this one the least, so might abandon it.)
  • Brave New World - by Aldous Huxley - (Having enjoyed 'The Doors of Perception', I just wanted to see more this man's writing.)
  • The Picture of Dorian Gray - by Oscar Wilde - (Actually I've read it twice but highly recommend it. Really exciting, concise novel.
  • Confessions of an English Opium Eater - By Thomas De Quincey - (I've finished this too but wanted to recommend it those who love exquisitely descriptive prose.)
Right now im reading this bullshit subpoena for court I got today..
It's all lies. Not true at all..

It states that I am hereby notified to be present on (said day) to speak in front of a group of my peers and a judge to explain..
How awesome I am at leading you on to believe that was true!

Oh yeah that's right, Made ya think..
Sorry, ill leave this thread alone now i know this isn't what it is meant for.. i guess im kinda trolling it.
I promise I'm done.

^ Still made me laugh though... :\.

I'm not reading jack shi ATM. I used to read a lot, I need to get back into it. I miss reading I do need to find the time.
Currently reading the wind up bird chronicle by Murakami along side some Borges shorts. Thinking of giving game of thrones a go next.
Recent books I read:

- Bach - The Goldberg Variations Cambridge Handbook
- Ruby Wax - Sane New World
- Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow
- Some Dostojevski - Notes from Underground
- A Dutch book on autism in adults
- Some other Dutch books, hardly a point in sharing more info ;P

But what I really recommend is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and also very much the sequel Lila

What I was really wondering, has anyone of you read the book called "The Dice Man", I heard about it a long time ago and the premise really intrigues me.
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

There was so much publicity when it first came out that I avoided reading the book at the time.

I read it during August.

I loved it.

Now, I'm reading Mortified: Real Words, Real People, Real Pathetic.
recently finished: The Disappearing Spoon
Author: Sam Kean

Now Reading: Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality
Author: Max Tegmark
I seldom pick up a book nowadays due to back pain having obliterated my concentration and thereby my ability to enjoy reading for long periods. But here's some thing's I've half-read and resolve to finish someday!

  • Finnegans Wake - by James Joyce - (Amazing, possibly the most interesting and esoteric book ever written. One needs to read as much about the book to understand any of it.)
  • ...

Who ever 'fully' read Finnegans Wake?

I'm on book 10 of war and peace. <3

Please, no spoilers! Although seems like a 50/50 chance which one wins..
I finished rereading Atlas Shrugged. It was amazing.
If you enjoy Ayn Rand (I go back and forth myself) We the Living is my all time favorite. Wrote it soon after she arrived in the States and it's simmering hatred of totalitarianism is fresh and feels less overwritten. In my opinion her best work.
All of these picks are on my twice read list. Just finished In Search of Lost Time for the first time outside of an academic setting and realized how much it had truly changed to way I think.
All of these picks are on my twice read list. Just finished In Search of Lost Time for the first time outside of an academic setting and realized how much it had truly changed to way I think.
OOps, this was meant for Libertin