WET - Springfield, MA 8/10/02

Oh I remember Freedom...sort of. I was in my own world that night to say the least. That was definately one of the craziest nights of my life. I will never forget watching those dancers work there way out of those black bag things on stage... I also met my fiancee because of that night so it was even more important to me because of that. That was definately the last hoorah for System though. After that there was nothing. I tried to go there a couple times after that, but it was dead everytime, even for their second Superheros party. All this talk about System is makin me wish it was 2 years ago and I was in the System main room in between the waterbar and the dance floor in the blacklit area......ohhhhh memories....
lol Teddy.. That's crazy that you were as much of a System addict as I once was..I was there every Saturday for a while. I believe yall are forgetting the people repelling from the roof during "War".. which held up the line about 45 minutes, as they didnt want anyone getting hit by falling objects or people... Then there was Halloween where the bouncer who looked like the rock dressed up as The Rock, complete with WWF Title Belt and all.
Crazy times indeed. :D
Not trying to be an asshole here, just trying to be a mod (aren't they the same thing? ;) ), but since this thread contains more than 100 posts, the party has come and gone and the current topic inside the thread has nothing to do with the actual thread....it's closing time. Thank you all for coming, hope you enjoyed your stay. :D
[ 14 August 2002: Message edited by: MrJaMaL ]