Diet Weight loss drugs

Qsymia is another interesting weight loss drug but it's scheduled IV I believe in the U.S. so I don't know if it's hard to get prescription for it. Although I'm not familiar with it until today.

There's another one that's otc called Orlistat (called Alli in the U.S. and Xenical elsewhere). I haven't seen them otc before possibly because I've never looked for a weight loss drug before.

Vyvanse was an excellent appetite suppressant for sure.
I wouldn't mess with orlistat. Since it blocks the uptake of fat in the GI tract, it tends to form globs that can result in accidental sharts. Look up "alli oops" for peoples reports on it lol
Out of curiosity, does lemons, green tea (or coffee), with hot water actually work for losing weight? Of course no sugars. Lots of people seem to make "life hacks" videos and swear by this procedure, even I've seen one with Mike Tyson.
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Out of curiosity, does lemons, green tea (or coffee), with hot water actually work for losing weight? Of course no sugars. Lots of people seem to make "life hacks" videos and swear by this procedure, even I've seen one with Mike Tyson.

Drugs and diet

For me it's mostly drugs, HGH to be specific

Drugs and diet

For me it's mostly drugs, HGH to be specific

I've used those Kigtropin HGH years ago, didn't do much for me. A strong amphetamine does a better job in appetite suppression and eventual weight loss.
I've used those Kigtropin HGH years ago, didn't do much for me. A strong amphetamine does a better job in appetite suppression and eventual weight loss.

Kigtropin was a scam. They were all garbage.

Real pharmacy grade HGH like Norditropin, Humatrope, Saizen, etc are all better than amphetamine and allow you to eat how you like

They're expensive though
I've used those Kigtropin HGH years ago, didn't do much for me. A strong amphetamine does a better job in appetite suppression and eventual weight loss.
HGH and amphetamines can both help with weight loss, but in very different ways.
Amphetamine, will make it easy to eat in a deficit and still be active, thus helping you burn more calories via increased activity and also by slightly increasing basal metabolic rate.

HGH will just cause fat release from fat cells, which makes it available as a source of energy if you are in a caloric deficit.
Does Ritalin work similarly as well?
Similarly to Amphetamine, yes it should but I never tried it, closest drug I tried was 3,4CTMP and yeah it was be pretty good at killing appetite.
I'm curious about the new prescription drug Pitolisant, prescribed for narcolepsy. It does cause weight loss. Interesting profile. Not scheduled, must not be recreational. It is stated as a CNS stimulant but go figure. Although not dopaminergic nor norepinephrinergic, more histaminergic.
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But not mode of feeling lol? I just took 10 MG of Ritalin. Feels ok but not as strong as 5 MG dextroamphetamine. These are all quick release btw. I've used Bupropion before and they say it's a poor man's cocaine...not really! If it's not a controlled substance, it's more likely shit.

Ritalin/Concerta has a similar MoA as cocaine.
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Are stimulants generally thermogenic?
I would say: kinda
They will increase caloric expenditure so core temperature may increase. But they also cause vasoconstriction so extremities may be colder.
I have yet to see some weight loss on 10 MG Ritalin. I was able to observe weight loss on 70 MG Vyvanse partly because I was hyperfocus and forgot to eat on time. Plus my workouts were intense at that dosage.

I would say: kinda
They will increase caloric expenditure so core temperature may increase. But they also cause vasoconstriction so extremities may be colder.
I have never taken drugs for weight loss. Sport and diet helped me tremendously in this
Weight loss drugs are for lazy people. Like myselfn (the why is difficult though). People forget from time to time that we are different, have different strengths and weaknesses.
@chrdDev Just looked up clenbuterol, it's a beta-2 agonist, ouch this doesn't sound too good since I'm on propranolol for tachycardia - my heart didn't like years of deschloroketamine abuse but somehow I suspect the pharms like 300mg venlafaxine were equally bad. I don't need to be on the propranolol, I mostly take it because it's OTC here and helpes with nervousness and anxiety a bit, and as a secondary effect protects the heart., Without it I have a resting BPM of around 100-110. Weirdly didn't I have problems tolerating amphetamine/stimulants, but I didn't check the values too often.

Btw, do beta blockers then worsen overweight by limiting the metabolism through blocking adrenergic receptors?

I'm 35 now, around 80kg and unfortunately quite lazy. This is why I considered drugs in the first line. As I have ADHD which is quite bad since I've quitted opioids and SSRI antidepressants I should be able to get legit Adderall script and have so in past but I'm still looking for a decent doctor around here who speaks English - most people speak only Spanish and I'm still learning the language.

About drugs, the most pronounced stimulation was from bupropion + DXM + caffeine (energy drinks) and second place for methylphenidate + DXM + caffeine. Both had me so stimmed up that I was constantly moving throughout the day and actually wanted to. Also chatted strangers up at some occasions, something I'd usually never do. But in the years in-between I've abused the DXM and other dissociatives so they stopped working, recently tried the bupropion combo again and just felt a tiny bit of energy and some side effects like strong tinnitus why I stopped using it.
The best fat loss drug that wont kill you is triiodothyronine.

Add in a small amount of a stimulant and tour be golden, especially if you train hard, eat clean and are active.
Well, I went from 178lb to 94lb in 4 months on amphetamine sulphate as I literally never wanted to eat and had boundless energy....but I also ended up being sectioned to the acute mental health ward for severe psychosis and life-threatening weight loss....sooo maybe a terrible idea lol.

It went very similarly to the Sara Goldfarb storyline in Requiem for a Dream.
The best fat loss drug that wont kill you is triiodothyronine.

Add in a small amount of a stimulant and tour be golden, especially if you train hard, eat clean and are active.
I'd be careful with t3. Can definitely cause some issues when dosed too high