Mental Health weight gain worsened my depression. Tips on weight loss please


Jul 31, 2017
Ive gained like 27 pounds during the pandemic and my depression got a lot worse. Ive quit antidepressants 1 month ago, been through light withdrawals and now im fine. But cant even look myself in the mirror. Any tips on weight loss? Doesnt need to be a healthy weight loss. I just want to lose weight cuz I feel like then ill be absolutely fine mental health wise. I just dont like puking so thats a no no. Tips? Safe OTC drugs that lead to a hunger supressant effect?
The only med I take daily is vyvanse (been taking it for a long time so it doesnt have effect on my appetite) so i think taking termogenics on top of that could lead to unpleasant heart racing effects.
Ive gained like 27 pounds during the pandemic and my depression got a lot worse. Ive quit antidepressants 1 month ago, been through light withdrawals and now im fine. But cant even look myself in the mirror. Any tips on weight loss? Doesnt need to be a healthy weight loss. I just want to lose weight cuz I feel like then ill be absolutely fine mental health wise. I just dont like puking so thats a no no. Tips? Safe OTC drugs that lead to a hunger supressant effect?
The only med I take daily is vyvanse (been taking it for a long time so it doesnt have effect on my appetite) so i think taking termogenics on top of that could lead to unpleasant heart racing effects.
I agree 100% with what @mal3volent said about how to shed weight.

However I would like to talk about the depression. The first sentence in your post you said your depression got a lot worse. Then in the second sentence you said you quit antidepressants. While I am aware of antipsychotics causing weight gain, I'm not sure if I have ever heard of antidepressants causing weight gain. IMHO if you are feeling depressed, then it makes sense to continue with the antidepressants. If you believe the antidepressants are causing weight gain, then I think it is your responsibility to report it to your psychiatrist and let him/her help you work through this by changing your dose or changing meds altogether or finding some other way to manage your weight. I mean we and our insurance companies pay our doctors big bucks, why not put them to work?

One time I expressed the desire to lose weight to my psychiatrist and he recommended that I read the book The Case for Keto by Gary Taubes. I bought the book but never read it and decided I don't care about my weight, which isn't that high anyways. But this isn't about me. I encourage you to, in addition to diet and exercise mentioned above, please consider that the antidepressants probably are not what is causing you to gain weight. If you want to lose weight and not be depressed, why not do both?
Bro i recently got out of two placements. In total i was gone for a year and five months. I weighed about 150 coming into the placements. I left at around 235.

Been excersizing and eating healthy for a month and lost 11 pounds already.

Dont starve yourself it will not work in the long run. Eventually you will binge after not eating or you will atleast fuck up your metabolism. Meaning you go quite a bit without eating then next thing you know you start eating normally then your metabolism is all fucked up and you start gaining more weight.

I understand you. I used to have an eating disorder. I used to go three days without food then binge. Hell one time i went ten days without food. That only fucked up my metabolism even more.

What im saying is excersize healthy, eat healthy portions, cut back about 500 calories less than 2000 to lose weight, and drink water and coffee. Black coffee helps lose weight i believe. The doctors told me to cut back 500 calories a day to lose weight.

When i was in a group home i met an anorexic teen. She told me she almost died from her disorder. She had to get force fed food a lot, her heart almost gave out. She weighed about 75 pounds entering a facility. She had to go in an eating disorder facility for about half a year.

I know you said that when you get back to your normal weight youll stop but you may develop an eating disorder and wont be able to stop. And you know what theyll do? They will send you to an eating disorder facility where you get force fed and you will end up gaining more weight.

Eat healthy, excersize, drink water and black coffee, and eat about 1500 calories a day. You got this 💕. And sorry if i sounded stern. Even though i do not know you i care about your well being.

This is what ive been using to help me lose weight

Best of luck
Losing weight is largely about eating healthy and staying in a caloric deficit. However, this does not mean to actually starve yourself. I've been in a caloric deficit for the better part of 6 years - it's why I am fundamentally incapable of gaining weight no matter that I was going to the gym with the intention of piling on the kilograms. The fact of the matter is, my body was constantly in starvation mode. For 3 months I managed to start eating 3 meals a day and I packed it on rapidly in addition to going to the gym - I gained around 7 kilograms that fast, purely from being in a caloric surplus.

So you have to figure out what your caloric intake is (which you can do by figuring out whether you are active, semi-active or sedentary) and then reducing your caloric intake just *slightly* to get into a deficit. And I do mean slightly, like barely. If your intake should be 2,500 a day, you should be reducing it to no less than 2,000. You still need enough energy to function optimally and this prevents you from going into crash diet mode. It's even better if you just slowly reduce the deficit, so start with 2.400, then go to 2,300 then to 2,200 and so on over a couple of weeks until you reach a healthy goal deficit.

This also means if you exercise any one day, your deficit goes UP as well. So if your normal caloric intake is 2,500 but you just went on a 10km run? Guess what, now it's 3,000, and now your caloric deficit goes up from 2,000 to 2,500. It doesn't stay the same at all. It needs to adjust based on your activity.
If you could only do one e excise skip the cardio and strength train
kettle bells
resistance training, even body weight exercises
cardio just burns calories and sugar stores in the body there is no after burn effect and it does little to change the shape of your body and most importantly it doesn’t build muscle which over time raises your basal metabolic rate and burns more calories all the time
an hour of cardio every day will do less for you then 15 minutes of hiTT cycles with the strength training of your choice you get the short term instant gratification of high calorie burn from hiTT esp. good if you messed up and had a weak moment and the long term building of muscle from the addition of resistance

I love kettle bells, and hand weights the heavier the better work your way up and try to stop short of muscle failure
and the beauty it’s easier then slogging out an hour of cardio
go find a split set that works for you
take your rest days those are the days you build muscle on when the tears in the fibers heal

don’t eat too much but don’t over restrict calories because you will not have the energy to work out and heal your body because we all party and beat on our bodies here I’m assuming

i used to just not eat and be happy with the just really skinny look even though I felt unwell a lot of the time
when I hit 30 I got flabby and vanity was the motivation same thing that keeps me putting on skincare when the whole room is spinning

avoid fast food
that is common sense
it’s poison
plus they are trying to addict you to it which makes my oppositional defiance be like f—k off with that shit
the more people eat it the more they crave it
it’s designed that way
they work on it in a lab to create the “bliss point” to flip the same opiate receptors as heroin if I want those receptors flipped I’m going to do it with heroin; no calories

and why is it ok to get high off their food which kills people but not drugs?
It’s hypocrisy
but that’s hardly new

It's all about cutting out sugar and fat completely

1. Nothing sweet (including fruit juices). Nothing alcoholic.
2. No fried foods (including chips of any kind), butter, mayo, No shortening!

Don't worry so much about carbs. It's mainly sugar and fat. No oil. Nothing fried!

Sleep as much as you can. Drink plenty of water. No fast food of any kind. No sweet drinks!
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It's all about cutting out sugar and fat completely

1. Nothing sweet (including fruit juices). Nothing alcoholic.
2. No fried foods (including chips of any kind), butter, mayo, No shortening!

Don't worry so much about carbs. It's mainly sugar and fat. No oil. Nothing fried!

fat is essential for absorbing the nutrients in food. its considered an essential part of any diet for this reason. carbs are not essential and you can be perfectly healthy without them.

fats are higher calories (9 per gram compared to 4 per gram for protein and carbs) and some sources of fat are bad for the cardiovascular system. but good fats such as those in nuts and avocados are beneficial, and improve satiety, thus reducing the likelihood of a binge.

i eat mostly whole foods, am vegetarian, not dogmatic (can't be cos of history of EDs) and have lot over 28 lbs in just over a year mostly by cutting out 'little biscuits.'
I find that just understanding what a craving is vs. what real hunger is, is key. See if you can spot the difference! It may be quite hard at the start, but taht is how the hard work gets done!
Burn more calories than you consume. Seriously, I lost a lot of weight by consuming 1700 or fewer calories per day and going to the gym 4 times per week. I even allowed myself a cheat day. And that doesn't mean starve yourself either. Eat lean meats like chicken or fish along with veggies, you can actually intake quite a bit of food for very few calories.After checking the weight scale consistently, I have lost 150 lbs in the last two years. This is all I've done. When I tell people that they get less excited about the possibility of weight loss, because I think they want a shortcut or secret or something.
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