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Weed and ADD/ADHD

To my suprise, my psychiatrist diagnosed me with ADHD when I was 21. I was perscribed adderall for this. I don't really think I have ADHD, but I didn't mention this since I wanted the meds. I seldom take this anymore, as it makes me anxious. For me, weed is much better for studying. Partly this is cause I use it as a reward for finishing a chapter/assignment, etc. :) But I can definitely testify to the fact that it can help concentration to some degree. Definitely helps clear the mind of distractions that might disrupt study. That said, I work slower on pot (though more carefully), and It definitely impairs memory and other mental functions somewhat. I do all my important thinking while sober or almost so.
i find that it calms me out quite a bit. if i need to smoke some before work I try to eat about an hour after to kill the stone a bit. but as i say, it adjusts the frequency...

my best friend also is ADD and she find that it helps her focus too. but she can study while high, she been doing it for years. for me it hinder my memory a bit. and i prefer to know that stuff sober.
The only time I can say pot truely helped me in a class was my art history class I took last year. It calmed me down so I could really read into the artworks, and notice things about them.

As for ADD making you a smartass, I must admit that it made me that way. The younger, cooler teachers always really liked me because they said I made class fun but the older teachers (especially the gym teachers) hated me. I was very disruptive, plus I went to a Catholic highschool. It was wierd how I found all this stuff out, after you graduate you will see alot of the younger teachers at graduation parties, I drank will several of my teachers on multiple occasions.
On adderall, I focus on my art a lot. But it would take me a loooong time to just draw something. Here is a good example of how I draw when on Adderall. I drew this in class Springs Semester of my Senior year.


WHen I was on weed last night, I drew this

there is no such thing as add or adhd

but I love seeing people get diagnosed add and get prescribed addys
i have a light bit of ADHD, but i experience no bad effects when i use weed.
one of my mates with ADhD says he doesnt feel stoned when he smokes bud, he just says it calms him down and we all notice that he isnt a fuckhead like he normally is :p
this thread looks pretty old but for anyone reading this who's interested, medical marijuana works as treatment for a certain kind of ADD. It makes a lot of sense, the hyperactive thought patterns are slowed down for those who have that type of ADD. heres a link to a site that can explain it much better
i was diagnosed with ADHD in 1st grade, and generalized anxiety disorder in 2nd.
i was on prescribed meds until 8th grade when i was like FUCK YOU GUYS
then came the weed. which i LOVE
i didnt do good in high school , i just didnt go. i was in 9th grade 3 yrs before dropping out
im 18 now and have my ged and all that happy shit, but still supposidly have these 'disprders'. i dont think i ever did , i wasjust a hyper 6 year old they wanted to fill up with chill pills
my mom thinks i 'self-medicate' with weed ,and i agree. it is a great mood stabilizer ( sp?) and i get less irritated

in short: humans as a fucking population (expecially us lazy americans) have 30 second attention spans, i dont think that add/adhd are valid at all. you cannot put a diagnosis on EVERYTHING, people in general are all add/adhd on occasion.
im personally sick of that bullshit alltogether, elementary school kids arent SUPPOSED to be calm and tranquil. the ones who are have something wrong with them

i dont know if smoking weed affects adhd ppl differently, b/c ive always been concidered adhd, and weed affects me the same everyday i smoke it ( which happens to be everyday)
silentone said:
In highschool i started smoking weed mostly during the weekends, but grew into smoking before school, during, after.thoughts/insights.

My friend has severe ADHD, he's hyper 24/7 and is always tryin to keep himself occupied and can't pay attention for shit. He's still my nigga tho. He can't seem to keep his hands off weed, he wants to be high 24/7. Like you mentioned above, my friend did the same thing. He began smoking a little and started smoking all the time, before, after and sometimes during school.
Liquid SNake said:
my friend has ADHD and when i smoked some weed with him he became really hyper and he was so fuckin annoying

HAHAHA... I have ADHD and I am the same way. Well, not really anymore cuz I've fried my brain on it for 12 years straight, but in my teens when I smoked, I would get so out of control - especially if it was mixed with alcohol. I was like a fucking spidermonkey bouncing off the walls man.

Also, to this day, I only need like 2 good hits and I am perfect. Any more and I get all fucking paranoid and burnt feeling.

Now I have a serious addiction to it. Not like a traditional addiction - I do go through withdrawl symptoms for about 4 days after quitting, like having a super-short fuse, anger rages, road-rage, and just an overall pissy attitude. But after that, I'm really in good shape. I tend to feel more motivated and focused.

Only problem is, I just can't stay away from it cuz boredom will always get to me... and I have to do something with my mind, so I go back to pot cuz it totally occupies my mind even if there's absolutely nothing at all to do. Totally sucks, to be honest. I wish I could kick it forever because I feel it's totally trashed what little motivation I had to begin with. But it's too late cuz the damage is already done. So now I fear I'm just a fucking looser with no life and no future, talking about it in forums. :p lol - (I'm actually not kidding!)
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Xenomaniac said:
I am pescribed to Adderall and I use to take it everyday untill a year ago. I tried it for the first time in a year yestereday and I hated it. I hate the crash and I hate how I feel when I'm crashing and after the crash. I don't know if I should be taking it anymore but I use to in High school all the time and it helped me get through school.
(not directed against you in particular)
If you have a serious case of AD(H)D and take medication for it, don't use other drugs. Anxiety and paranoia, worsened ADD. The medicine won't work as well either. You'll just turn into a fucked-up person. It happened to me :|
Luckily I realized what it was doing to me pretty fast, but I still have friends that complain about all these side-effects, but deny that it's because they smoke weed. Yeah weed the harmless legalized drug blablabla.. It can't be bad for you, can it? It's got to be the condition that's worsening, or the ADD med that looses it's effect.
HatchetHarry said:
there is no such thing as add or adhd

but I love seeing people get diagnosed add and get prescribed addys

Yeah... and Neil Armstrong never stepped foot on the moon... and Pathfinder never really landed on Mars, nor the Spirit Rover, nor Opportunity... and the Holocaust never really happened.

You, my friend, have no clue of whence you speak.

But it's cool... you have that right! I ain't mad atcha :)
^^ Yeah but you have to admit that 95% of all the people that have "ADD" are just people that are a little bit demotivational and have a little bit more trouble concentrating than others. I think that doesn't justify the prescription of heavy drugs like amphetamine or methylphenidate.
I've had anxiety disorder all my life and weed has helped tremendously to calm me the fuck down, it helps me concentrate and back in high school I used to get migraines once a week due to stress, and I haven't had one since last christmas and i've been smoking for a year now :)
I heard on a TV show that medical marijuana is being perscribed for ADHD. I was stoned when I heard it though & I was too happy to remember what the dude said. i have add & would like a pot script, so has anyone else heard of this or is there any truth to it?
For thoes of you who say it helps, does it help in general, or only when your high?
silentone said:
I have been curious of how weed effects people with ADD differently than it does those without. I was diagnosed with ADD a while ago during my earlier childhood and with my ADD it has caused me to have a short attention span, lack of motivation, distractability.. etc. In highschool i started smoking weed mostly during the weekends, but grew into smoking before school, during, after. I noticed a complete turnaround in my concentration and seemed as if the weed helped me to concentrate 100% on any given thing. While reading music for the first time i was able to read ahead and mentally sound out the song before playing it, which dramatically improved sightreading, and i found that after reading a book or piece of writing, that i had a greater understanding because of the concious effort i put out to interpreting the language in the author's style. If any of you know or suspect you have ADD or ADHD and have noticed similar effects or know for a fact how weed effects people with ADD differently. Share your thoughts/insights.

I've never had problems concentrating but my girlfriend was diagnosed with ADD when she was younger, but never took any drugs for it because her mom didn't believe in it. She got very bad grades all through school, because she said she just couldn't make herself pay attention or care or do homework. She barely passed high school, and really only did because her math teacher liked her and realized she was going to be a musician.

In the first semester of college, she likewise almost failed out, and was placed on academic probation. Then the second semester she met me and started smoking most every day. Instantly, she found she was able to apply herself to school, and ended up graduating with honors. Now she's in graduate school and has yet to get anything but an A... on anything. I'd call that quite a turnaound :)

But, I still wish she'd try to get some Adderall... good stuff ;)

Now, keep in mind I don't really believe in ADD either. It was just a matter of her seeing herself and her situation from a different perspective and realizing she had to take responsibility for her actions, and not blame them on some phantom mind disease.
I get addys for add. but if i could get weed for add as well, and possibly a benzo for sleep, i think i'd be set.