WARNING to all!!


Jan 9, 2000
There is no worse way to screw up a nice restful weekend than a run-in with the cops. I am sharing this with all of you just to keep you on your toes.
Yesterday, being Sunday, I was driving to Taco Bell for some grub. Not speeding, not doing anything wrong I thought, except being a little high, and I get pulled over. What the hell could I be getting stopped for I am thinking? So I roll down the window and as soon as the cop walks up next to my car and I look at him, he gets a really weird look on his face. I hand him the license, insurance, registration crap, and he asks me to step out of the car. Pats me down, blah blah. Anyways, he stopped me because I had my fog lights on during the day without having my headlights on! WTF is this?? I didn't even know it was against the law!
So basically to make a long story short, when I rolled down my window, he got a huge whiff of pot, searched the car, found some "stuff", and now I get to spend a nice day in court trying to explain why I was in possession of marijuana. And now I also have a nice criminal record. Lovely...
I posted this just to alert you all that you never know what the fuck is going to happen at anytime. STAY SHARP!
PeaceLoveUnityRespect, even for the cops.

Wow, thats sux dude

I wonder how many other bad stories out there begin with "I was on my way to Taco Bell..."
Consult with a good lawyer. If the lawyer determine the cop does not have a valid reason to stop you, then you may get the case dismissed.
This kind of cases had happened before. A cop pulled over a car, after the driver steped out, he asked the passenger to step out the car as well. When the passanger stepped out, a bag a weed that was on his lap aslo felled on the ground. Both guys were arrested. However, the judge determined that the cop had no valid reason to ask the passenger to step out of the car, therefore, case dismissed.
unless he had another reason to stop you, or it is illegal in your state to have fog lights on, the initial stop was illegal and any subsequent evidence that was discovered from the stop would be inadmissable in court. However, if you consented to the search it may be a little stickier. Just hire a lawyer, it's worth keeping your record clean.
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
i feel where you are coming from, lastnight, also being sunday i just went to get some pills for my friends just across town. well my friend that is from out of town was driving and he was speeding, so bam!!! there are the lights, so he tosses his beer in the back and it spills all over the place and i just take my little baggy of tabs and stick em im my happy spot, cause i hear that the cops dont check there. luckily he didnt make us get out or that he didnt see the beer spilled in the back, my boy driving ended getting three tickets, but 2 can be dropped. another thing was there was a small pinner sitting on the consol and when the cop wasnt looking i dropped in between the seat.
"...I wonder how many other bad stories out there begin with "I was on my way to Taco Bell..." - e_is_for_ecstacy
Ya know, buddy...I think all of them do...
Damn that sux. Ive had some close calls on gettin pulled over when bent or rollin face. One time i was so close to trin to beat the yellow light and there was a cop stoped at the intersection. I would have been so screwed. And its surprisin how many cops there are creepin around at 2am in the morning.
Are there any purchaces a from taco bell that arent marijauana inspired? Notice how the drive through stays open all night but the lobby closes. Its a conspiricy to make all the stoned kids drive, so the cops can bust them.
If i were you id plead not guilty. I doubt the cop will even show up. Even if he does you could prolly get out of it.
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
where do you live? I always drive with my fog lights on.Just curious.
Here's a story for ya. My best bud and I were at this music festival in Florida called ERA.
Well we had VIP tickets, but for some reason we still had to wait in line. We waited in line for about 1.5 hours because they were not ready to let people in yet. So my bud and I are tired of standing out in the heat so we decide to go back to his car and sit in the air conditioning.
As we are sitting there listening to some tunes two cops walk by the front of the car and shine their flashlights in the front windshield. I wave and they wave back and move on.
Then like 5 minutes later two different cops come knocking on our windows. We roll down the windows and they ask what we are doing. We explain the situation and they pretend to be listening while they shine their flashlights in all around the inside of the car like they are looking for something.
Just then they tell us to step out of the car. Now mind you, I had 11 pills in my sock. So they start patting us down and as the cop gets like 1 inch (no lie) from searching my sock, his partner finds a bag of K on my friend. So right away the cop that is searching me walks over there to take a look.
Close call for me! So in all the confusion I reach up and take the bag of 11 pills from my sock and set it on the back tire of our car. One of the cops sees me moving and runs back over and starts yelling at me. What'd you throw, what are you messing with. He kept trying to look behind me but I kept moving in his way. Finally his stopped trying to look for anything.
Well anyhow, before the festival I told my friend that if we get caught with anything we must DENY what it is. So this is what he did. The cops were all over him, up in his face and shit. But he held his own and denied knowing what the substance was. So anyhow, they arrest his and he spends the night in jail.
At the courthouse the next day, the judge tells him that since he didn't know what it was and they had to send it off for testing, that he was to be released on an ROR. No bond or anything. So to this day we are still waiting to hear from the court for a court date. It's been like 6 months now.
And as for the 11 pills I went back out there later in the night and got them back.
All you have to do it show no fear and keep yourself under control.
The police are not the judge nor the jury. If they find something on you DO NOT admit to what it is. NO MATTER WHAT!!!! "What you say can and will be used against you in the court of law!" Remember that. DO NOT give any incriminating evidence. Just give the cops your name and that is it!! If you are caught, you are going to be arrested and you can't stop that. But you can help your court case by SHUTTING UP!!!
sorry for the tangent guyz, but i'm tired of the shit we have to put up with being bullied by our fearless city police departments.
Stay positive and love your life.
-Nicholas Lofton Hexum
Talking about Taco BELL-
A female patron of Taco Bell was really in a hurry one day so she just stopped off at a Taco Bell and got a Chicken soft taco and ate it on the way home. That night she noticed her jaw was kind of tight and swollen. The next day it was a little worse so she went to her doctor. He said she just had an allergic reaction to something and gave her some cream to rub on her jaw to help. After a couple of days the swelling had just gotten worse and she could hardly move her jaw. She went back to her doctor to see what was wrong. Her doctor had no idea so he started to run some tests. They scrubbed out the inside of her mouth to get tissue samples and they also took some saliva samples. Well, the doctors finally found out what was wrong. Apparently her chicken soft taco had a pregnant roach in it, then she ate it the eggs then some how got into her saliva glands and well, she was incubating them. They had to remove a couple layers of her inner mouth to get all the eggs out. If they hadn't figured out what was going on, the eggs would have hatched inside the lining of her mouth! She's suing Taco Bell! Of course. Wouldn't you??? If you need to find out more about this, it's in the Nov. 19th New York Times. If you still want Taco Bell after this one, you're really brave. PASS THE WORD AND BE VERY CAREFUL!
I hate for anyone to get busted, but maybe it was better not to get to Taco Bell at all.
Rotten - great story

and you work for who ? mcdonalds ? burger king ? ranch1 ? just kidding

Plur ...
ah and sorry to hear about your bust and yeah we should all be carefull
On the nights that I think I'm going to do a little smokin, I make sure I have a couple of frozen Totinos pizzas and a 2L of coke in the fridge. That way, all I have to do is walk to the kitchen in between commercials on the cartoon channel or during South Park. I shroomed one night, and I THOUGHT I had timed it right so I would be down, by the time I had to pick up my girlfriend from work. I was wrong. It was like looking out of a fishbowl, trying to drive. I couldn't leave her either, cause she would've been extreemly pissed. By the time I got to her work, I told her to drive cause I said I wasn't feeling good. She told me "Yeah, you feel like you have a fever"
I'm sorry, Rotten, but this sounds suspiciously similar to "Bubble Yum has spider eggs in it," or "my friend knew this guy who went to the doctor because his ass had a rash. Turned out his college roommate was knocking him out with ether...blah blah blah..."
Nothing against you my friend, I'm just a little skeptical of anything that sounds like an urban myth. The internet pops these stories out like...well...like baby roaches out of your salivary glands

I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...
I have to go with Mr. Sticky on this one....sounds very urban myth. Granted Taco Bell is rancid, but how do u not notice eating a pregnant roach? They're awefully big and crunchy i would imagine, unlike chicken soft tacos. (well normally).
Yeah, I agree with what you both are saying about the urban myth thing, but it came from a buddy in NYC, who is a good source. Who knows?! Anyway, I thought it was a good story. I'm going to try to look in the NY Times archives to validate it or not. I just like the story, because my GF loves Taco Bell and I don't. Since then, we haven't been there once.

I don't see anything wrong with people driving stoned. They're more careful, and they drive in the slow lane out of your way. Plus it helps the local economy at fast food and convenience stores.
I'm your roommate, you rat bastard!
I can't stand the itching but I don't mind the swelling...