Want to get clean from fentanyl, but why is there no info about other methods than Suboxone


Aug 20, 2022
I am feeling so hopeless. I want to get clean so bad. Opiates have taken so much from me, I never should of been in this postion to begin with. It started because I was prescribed a heavy dosage of oxy after a surgery in 2020, my doctors always promised they would never cut me off cold turkey and when I was ready we would taper… until my doctor just decided one day to drop me as a patient after I failed a drug test for weed! Which is legal in my state… anyhow she would not even write me a prescription until I saw a new doctor and I was thrown into heavy withdrawl. Then I met this guy who was supposed to bring me pills to help my sickness and the pain I was still in from surgery and he brings heroin. I smoke that shit and I start crying because I could not believe how much better I felt.
Flash forward over two years, I have been self medicating with heroin for most of this time but about 4 months ago fentanyl took over in Oregon and I’m smoking on average maybe 15-20 blues a day or a half gram to gram of fentanyl powder a day. I feel so hopeless because I actually tried to get clean a month or so ago with my partner with suboxone and he took it first and I watched within an hour him go from the worst withdrawals I’ve ever seen, we did some research and it was perciperated withdrawl because apparently suboxone is basically useless for this stuff, I talked to people who waited a week and still were thrown into precipitated withdrawal. I am not very stable mentally right now and neither is my partner and had I not made sure to had pills still and help him smoke only to avoid the hell he was expieriencing either of us could of easily killed ourself. I also felt a deep sorrow and grief after this because I feel like there is nothing to help me, I feel like information on this is being suppressed because when I try to search for help I cannot find anything.
I want to know how to get off fentanyl and get my life back when I’m mentally unstable and very fragile. I want to get clean but I don’t even know where to start, I had a paramedic tell me that this is just how it’s gonna be and I’m just gonna feel awful but it’s the only way. That cannot be true, I want to be tapered down… I want help… I never wanted this.
I want to know if methadone is successful for this? Or would I be better off using klonopin after a short taper? I am prescribed 90 1mg klonopin a month or 3mg a day and I never thought I could say this but because I was so high on opiates I have gotten off them completely in the last few months. Like 5 years ago I used Xanax to get off a heavy oxy dosage . I am not worried about being dependent on the klonopin I actually really should of not stopped taking it but I’m gonna pick up my prescription tomorrow which I need so bad and I want to start taking it as prescribed 3 times a day again. The reason I never did a benzo taper before is because I’ve been on these daily for 5 years so like they do not make me feel much different from normal but seeing now as I’ve been off them for a few months I think I could use this as an opportunity to get off fentanyl without methadone.
I just want to live my life happily again. I try to tell myself this doesn’t affect me but the truth is I am not living to my fullest when all I worry about is getting money to make it through the day just to be sick and do the same thing again.
I don't know situation in U.S.,if you from there..mtheres a methadone programs too.Some claims even suceed lower their fent tolerance and go to Kratom....so it's not only about buprenorphine....try different methods....fentanyl addiction is hard
Listen, a lot of people have been in your situation... Those of us who are still alive have thought outside the book. Please don't internalize all that guilt and shame bc you are addicted/physically dependent on opiates. Humans have been ingesting opiates since 6000 B.C.E so 8000 years. They have been criminalized for for around 80 and I guarantee more deaths have resulted from prohibition related causes than anything else. Your life is fucked up bc of the cost increase associated with the black market. A dosage of clinic methadone costs less than 50 cents to produce. Your life is fucked up bc their is a war on people, vulnerable people who are not in a position to fight back. Vulnerable people of whom society has been taught do not deserve empathy.
Well fuck that.
So, you're addicted to a plant. A plant that is legal to grow. A plant that is actually legal to possess unprocessed. Think about horticulture. Figure it out.
In the name of harm reduction I would love to tell you exactly how to take control of your situation and save your own life bc Fentynal will kill you (I lost 2 friends this week to fent sold as COKE)
But ironically this post would get struck down and I would be banned for source sharing or some other bullshit.
This is why I miss Opiophile. I could have just laid it all out made some obvious suggestions.
I'm going to pray for you. I'm alive bc other junkies told me how to survive and shared their wisdom and knowledge with me.
It is entirely possible to use maintenance therapy for fentanyl. The issue is half life of various opiates. I successfully inducted onto Suboxone from poppy seed tea, which is notoriously difficult to do because the tea contains close to two dozen different opiate analogues and has a stupidly strong half life, with a withdrawal/detox timeline of 20+ days. Pure hell.

The key is that you MUST wait until you are in actual moderate to severe withdrawal from whichever opiate you have been taking. For me, this took until day 4 after my last dose. When I went onto Suboxone from codeine I was able to start the induction the day after my last dose. From heroin/codeine, also 1-2 days.

The reason your friend got precipitated withdrawal is because they didn't wait long enough before doing the induction. Many people dose too early because being dopesick is so horrendously bad. You need to do it and get through it until it's time to take the dose.

There is also a chance that the dose was completely wrong due to how ridiculously strong fentanyl is. The most recent time I went onto suboxone I had to guess my tolerance (as poppy seed tea is impossible to say what my dosage equivalent was) and they guessed me to need 4mg of suboxone. I needed 8mg and then swapped to sublocade which is the monthly depot.

Your best bet, if you can't tolerate being off fentanyl for the necessary window of time to induce properly in the absence of being able to go on methadone, which is a very good option, is to reduce your fentanyl use as much as possible and up your use of less potent opiates or swap back to heroin if you can find that anywhere, then induce onto Suboxone from those instead of fentanyl if it just won't work.

Ordinarily I wouldn't encourage someone to use heroin or other opiates, but harm reduction wise if it means they use less fentanyl and can then transfer onto maintenance therapy then it's the only solution I can offer.

You would need access to an endless supply of benzos to ease your fentanyl withdrawal to detox without using maintenance therapy, in my opinion. I honestly don't think you could do it comfortably or easily, it might even be as bad as precipitated withdrawal without a big enough supply. If you can access that, then it's worth a try, but I can't stress how many medications in such a large amount you'd need.

Don't be so quick to dismiss Suboxone as an option. A lot of people don't induce right and it puts them off it entirely because they just cannot wait long enough (understandably) to be ready for the medication to work. Many people try once, it's done wrong, and they never try again and die from their addiction.

Anecdotally I've heard and read about a certain method of inducing onto Suboxone from fentanyl to get around the issue people tend to have, which is microdosing the Buprenorphine. There would have to be some threads on the forum where people have discussed this as I'm sure I read it here. Worth looking for. Basically, you don't take a full dose of suboxone, more like 1/8 or something and then more 12 hours later until you work your way up to a dose that holds you.
Yo we all make choices that can lead down bad roads. At the very least you identify its something you need to deal with. I can't offer advice for specific fent withdrawl but you do need to know no matter what course you take, it won't be easy. Some may be easier than others but it'll still suck.

Life is very much a Rollercoaster and all those highs need to be met with lows eventually. And while the period of adjustment will be hard, the time beyond that will be amazing. Keep your eyes on the prize.

I quit oxy by lucking out on getting into a govt boot camp for unemployed. 4 weeks of sobriety surrounded by good food, excercise and routine. I left feeling like I would never do opiates again. And for the most part, with the exception of a few hits of black tar heroin, which completely reminded me why I don't do opiates, I've stayed clean. Hell I've got a bunch of morphine left over from a surgery a year ago that's just sitting there on my desk. It can be done. But as I said I was lucky to have such an opportunity and also was not years deep but just months into oxy, although was going very very hard.
I am feeling so hopeless. I want to get clean so bad. Opiates have taken so much from me, I never should of been in this postion to begin with. It started because I was prescribed a heavy dosage of oxy after a surgery in 2020, my doctors always promised they would never cut me off cold turkey and when I was ready we would taper… until my doctor just decided one day to drop me as a patient after I failed a drug test for weed! Which is legal in my state… anyhow she would not even write me a prescription until I saw a new doctor and I was thrown into heavy withdrawl. Then I met this guy who was supposed to bring me pills to help my sickness and the pain I was still in from surgery and he brings heroin. I smoke that shit and I start crying because I could not believe how much better I felt.
Flash forward over two years, I have been self medicating with heroin for most of this time but about 4 months ago fentanyl took over in Oregon and I’m smoking on average maybe 15-20 blues a day or a half gram to gram of fentanyl powder a day. I feel so hopeless because I actually tried to get clean a month or so ago with my partner with suboxone and he took it first and I watched within an hour him go from the worst withdrawals I’ve ever seen, we did some research and it was preciperated withdrawal because apparently suboxone is basically useless for this stuff, I talked to people who waited a week and still were thrown into precipitated withdrawal. I am not very stable mentally right now and neither is my partner and had I not made sure to had pills still and help him smoke only to avoid the hell he was expieriencing either of us could of easily killed ourself. I also felt a deep sorrow and grief after this because I feel like there is nothing to help me, I feel like information on this is being suppressed because when I try to search for help I cannot find anything.
I want to know how to get off fentanyl and get my life back when I’m mentally unstable and very fragile. I want to get clean but I don’t even know where to start, I had a paramedic tell me that this is just how it’s gonna be and I’m just gonna feel awful but it’s the only way. That cannot be true, I want to be tapered down… I want help… I never wanted this.
I want to know if methadone is successful for this? Or would I be better off using klonopin after a short taper? I am prescribed 90 1mg klonopin a month or 3mg a day and I never thought I could say this but because I was so high on opiates I have gotten off them completely in the last few months. Like 5 years ago I used Xanax to get off a heavy oxy dosage . I am not worried about being dependent on the klonopin I actually really should of not stopped taking it but I’m gonna pick up my prescription tomorrow which I need so bad and I want to start taking it as prescribed 3 times a day again. The reason I never did a benzo taper before is because I’ve been on these daily for 5 years so like they do not make me feel much different from normal but seeing now as I’ve been off them for a few months I think I could use this as an opportunity to get off fentanyl without methadone.
I just want to live my life happily again. I try to tell myself this doesn’t affect me but the truth is I am not living to my fullest when all I worry about is getting money to make it through the day just to be sick and do the same thing again.
I won't advice you either way. If you can get off the fentanyl with Klonopin that would be great. Chances are you'll still feel really sick but its doable. Just don't mix the 2 because it has an extremely high chance of being deadly. Also you don't want to end up with 2 addictions.

To answer your question though, Yes methadone is very effective at allowing one to transfer from a harmful pattern of fentanyl addiction to a stable once a day dose that will allow you to work on yourself and get your life back.

It has been great for me. The last 2yrs of my life have been some of the best in my life and I've been able to climb out of the dark hole of addiction, rebuild my life, relationships and work on the things that drove my patterns of abuse.

Methadone comes with a difficult withdrawal but I have watched 4 people in the last 6mths, who had all been on methadone for years, taper down extremely slowly and successfully get off with minimal withdrawal, though it was fairly protracted they are all doing great.

I have been on methadone several times. This will be the last. Each time I have built off the mistakes of the previous and I couldn't be happier with my decision. I wish I hadn't waited so long this time to get back on. Im determined to taper correctly, which I have never done in my other methadone attempts at getting clean. I always messed up relapsed or yanked the cord early, which can be a rough withdrawal. This time however I was more determined. I put in the work and avoided the people that I knew would be detrimental to my recovery.

Much love from Somni....

Keep us updated and I'm wishing you the best. Now is the time to reclaim your life. You can do it if I can...❤️❤️❤️
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how where you doing on the oxy though/ Really any pharmaceutical opiate would be a vast improvement over street fent. lost a few friends to that shit. i get by on morphine but im not even addicted anymore
My friend went to the jungle and did ibogaine after being a one bundle a day IV user now she's living in LA driving a Tesla killing it.
I would try to find a methadone clinic if I were you instead of subs idk I just got off subs myself and the recovery time and blocking sucks like your just popping sugar pills and nothing works. Also I've done methadone and subs both and methadone for me was way better..you will probably have to drive a ways if you choose methadone since there are way less clinics than places that prescribe subs.