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V a p o u r i s e r s !

Si Dread

Mar 29, 2002
As part of my thrifty new "spend less on ganga" regime, I have bought a vape pen. It's in the post!

I've read plenty about them & done a bit of research. But I was wondering if anyone here uses a vape pen, or even a Volcano, for Jah's own herb & what opinion of vapourisers they might have.

Basically, does it save money, do you "smoke" less?

... & how about the hit, is the effect the same?

I got one of these -

Generally I find vape hits from the cheaper models to be unsatisfactory. Mate has a volcano though and that is excellent, despite looking stupid. That's the huge oxygen tent like bag one right?

Same boat at the moment Si, had to pack up tobacco and spliffs three weeks ago (after thirty years straight - it was a piece of piss, though I can't say I'm happy with the alternatives to spliffs so far.)
Yeah, thats the one, they're fucking hundreds they are, I'd rather spend that on weed Haha!

hmmmm havent wasted too much money then, have I? :(
You spent about thirty quid? try it. There's one called a vape genie which is supposed to be ok for quite cheap but the volcano is just a million miles ahead of these....and coasts about £300 doesn't it?

Likesay, I'm in this boat.
I'm even considering becoming the best fucking cannabis chef in the world if you get my drift. Aim high.Aim to get stoned. But I'm struggling to get properly stoned this last 3 weeks since I packed up tobacco. And I have some of the best damn weed in the country.
I'm even considering becoming the best fucking cannabis chef in the world if you get my drift. Aim high.Aim to get stoned. But I'm struggling to get properly stoned this last 3 weeks since I packed up tobacco. And I have some of the best damn weed in the country.

Have you tried injecting it?
With what? my weed is good enough as it is.


I'm going to have to get a bloody volcano aren't I.
Tbf those volcanoes look pretty good. You could inflate a bag, tie it up and keep it in your bag for when you're out and about :D quick hit
MailMonkey did, and he generally knows his stuff but I didn't get on with the magic flight box. It certainly takes some acclimatising to at the least. And that's the trouble for me with the cheaper ones....the stoned just isn't as good (IMO). I don't want to get fucking used to learning a new high all over. I've smoked dope for thirty years. I want results.
The arizer extreme Q is meant to be pretty decent for the money, quality getting on for volcano standards. Get one with a whip if you will be smoking alone, fucking about with a bag is stupid unless you are with company.
Definitely the volcano is the best. You get what you pay for with the portable ones. I have always wanted to try one of theses wispr but I have a soft spot for aesthetics.


The high is definitely different. Perhaps its the lack of smoke tearing through your lungs but it is subtle to begin with. Sort of like how edibles give you a differing high to spliffs. Some people don't like it but they are usually the ones who want to be plastered to the sofa all day. The volcano bag is a bit cumbersome but the results far out way any of the little portable devices I have tried.

If you are wanting to be frugal why not rig up a bucket bong using a 2L coke bottle? Makes even the smallest amount hit the spot.
I'm even considering becoming the best fucking cannabis chef in the world if you get my drift. Aim high.Aim to get stoned. But I'm struggling to get properly stoned this last 3 weeks since I packed up tobacco. And I have some of the best damn weed in the country.
Hrmm.. If you have access to scuff/leaves, friend of mine uses that in place of tobacco in pure grass joints - she seems to think it's the way to go..
First to qualify OTW, I don't need to be plastered to the couch all day. I am in love with being stoned and have been for 33 years. There's a difference. I actually do some few productive things. I have to. You wouldn't believe the double life in the welsh countryside I have to keep up.

Cheers furrball, but if you mean smoking shade leaves in place of tobacco, that's a no-no. IMO.
Cheers furrball, but if you mean smoking shade leaves in place of tobacco, that's a no-no. IMO.
Colloquialism fail.. :) The stuff ya trim off the bud before it's pretty enough to sell..
I don't smoke it myself, so I don't know what it tastes like..
a no-no for why ?( jooi )
the leaves themselve are just awful, all smoke, no hit. However, you have a point about the little trim leaves, they're often quite good for a hit!

Stone, you're just missing the tobacco mate, it'll ease. After 33 years it's very early days so far. I don't think I need to advise you not to give up giving up, tobacco is a beast to quit, so I understand it!

If you are wanting to be frugal why not rig up a bucket bong using a 2L coke bottle? Makes even the smallest amount hit the spot.

I do have a wicked bong which I made the mistak of smoking changa in about a year ago. Fucking still stinks, but I like a spliff & I doubt I'm going to get on with the vape. Worth a try I guess...
the leaves themselve are just awful, all smoke, no hit.
Aye - but if you're looking for a non-tobacco filler along with the bud ?
Stone, you're just missing the tobacco mate, it'll ease. After 33 years it's very early days so far. I don't think I need to advise you not to give up giving up, tobacco is a beast to quit, so I understand it!
Can't believe I missed that - keep up the good work, Stone - I'm on 8 weeks myself..
It does get easier ( and every time you _don't_ weaken, you're more invested in staying off them ).
good luck.
I'm even snobby about my trim, though maybe up to now only as like I say, they may be considered for cooking.

I have chucked away masses of leaves that other people swear work. And they do seem to work for them. I'm a snobby hard line fussy cunt. I only smoke the best buds with no leaves, no trim attached.
I saw some tech on the net about how to turn ALL the shit that gets left over into cannabis oil! You don't use any of the buds, just stalks & leaves, apparently. I'm off for the night now, but I'll have a wee thunk about it & see if I can remember where I might dig up a link.