Urgent? Bad china white reaction. Taken nasally for chronic pain and not abusng large amounts, but haven't slept for 3 days. Nightmares when able to


Nov 2, 2019
Really worried about this. Does anyone know wtf kind of reaction this is? I have never had it before with anything. My guy doesn't understand why either. He even called to see what the hell is going on and sounded genuinely concerned and is referring me to others to ask questions about why. No answers yet.

It does what it's supposed to, but aside from that, sleep is the only thing affected. I do have PTSD, but have never experienced nightmares this bad, weird, and 'lucid'...

Nothing I have taken before has done this. I don't have much of a choice whether to take it or not, because my pain is unbearable and I have nothing else for it... so withdrawal + bad pain = can't go through that hell.

Despite sleeping for only like 6 hours in the past 4-5 days, feeling mostly ok during the day aside from baggy eye feeling. Still laughing at funny stuff and behaving normally, but am super worried about why this is happening and melatonin, prazocin, or sleepy tea are not helping. Also why every single time a go to sleep (even if for 1 hour), I get long, awful dreams that wake me up scared as shit. Every. Single. Time...

I don't want to take it, but have the pain and terrible reactions to suboxone (always precipitated withdrawal no matter how long I wait), so can't do that.

I'm sure all this sounds scrambly, because it just hit me that it's likely not an illness and is making me panic quite a bit.

Please advise, anyone. Don't need anyone blaming/ shaming for taking something like this, I already know the life circumstances that lead to this and there really wasn't much of a choice because dependence was already in motion and this is all I have to keep the WDs + pain away. Please : (
Hey Boober! Don't worry, we're a lot like Curves. We are a shame-free zone. I know you're gonna hate this, but I really am gonna need some more information if I'm gonna be able to advise you confidently. Otherwise, much of this I'm just kind of assuming from what you've written.

Are you Bipolar man? It is really not normal to not sleep like this. One night or maybe even two I could understand, but not 5. To be frank your situation has many of the hallmarks of a Manic or Hypo-Manic Episode.

How often do you go without sleep? If this is a normal thing, I really think you have grounds to seek medical attention. Something is definitely not right here and you've gotta figure out what it is.

You could just be having a prolonged sort of anxiety attack. We're here to help and support you though dude. If you need help with anything, like navigating insurance, how to get into a specialist fast hit me up and we can chat here or over PM. Don't hesitate.
Thank you for responding. I'm not biopolar. Just have PTSD, chronic pain, and already had trouble sleeping til morning in one try. Nothing like this. I literally told myself this is like a manic episode, but I'm just calmer. Yeah nothing about this situation is normal. I am afraid of going to sleep now, though because of those fucked up nightmares. Fills me with dread thinking about it.

It's just weird that I feel so normal. It is manic, yet not at the same time. My creativity and inclination toward the arts like music, documentaries, and painting has been increased so it is like that chemical which focuses on that is going haywire in my brain (something that I hear actually is part of the manic part of bipolarism). Also I was really depressed about that many days ago.

Some more info is that I haven't been eating well either and I did sleep for about an hour last night and 2 or 3 during the day yesterday. Had a particularly long bad dream during that 1 single hour that did have like 2 short good parts to it, so not COMPLETELY bad, but the bad parts were extremely bad. Because I'm dreaming, I am going into REM sleep, so I imagine that's better than not at all? Don't know.

I'm terrified of my doctor knowing what I'm taking and labeling me a junkie, putting that on a record or something and possibly calling the police

I appreciate it, bud. It's good to have someone I can talk to. I'm really afraid today... It's messing with me so much. I hate that things are like this and my doctors haven't helped me with this. They're not just going to give someone high amounts of painkillers because I say I don't want to get street shit with who-knows-what in it. My pain doc wouldn't give me any working amount of anything...

I am on disability, but my insurance doesn't do pain specialists apparently as well. It's hard to focus with so much in my head, so I'm sorry about this choppy mess of a post. I'm desperately trying to cover and discuss EVERYTHING about my situation so I can get the best help from the awesome people like you. I know I'm forgetting to type about some things... I'll keep the convo on this thread for now to keep it open to other opinions
Either this batch is cut with a stimulant, or it’s a weak/different opioid that isn’t covering you completely. Your symptoms sound like mild opiate withdrawal to me, insomnia, manic feeling that actually feels good, horrid nightmares...

When I’m in mild withdrawal I react pretty much identical to how you are reacting.. The nightmares are so bad I fear falling asleep, usually some combination of cops, aliens, natural disasters, every bad apocalyptic thing you can imagine. Usually very lucid and easy to remember details when I never remember dreams.

Either this batch is cut with a stimulant, or it’s a weak/different opioid that isn’t covering you completely. Your symptoms sound like mild opiate withdrawal to me, insomnia, manic feeling that actually feels good, horrid nightmares...

When I’m in mild withdrawal I react pretty much identical to how you are reacting.. The nightmares are so bad I fear falling asleep, usually some combination of cops, aliens, natural disasters, every bad apocalyptic thing you can imagine. Usually very lucid and easy to remember details when I never remember dreams.

YES, exactly to both paragraphs. It's sooo much realer than other dreams while being completely unreal and such a mess. I wish I could just get some implant in my spine to keep the nerves chill so I never have to a touch another painkiller again for the rest of my life... It's such an awful way to live and some people have it worse than me. I can't even imagine such a thing.

I thought the exact same thing about the stimulant... That worries me, because then, if I can't get on something else, I may be accidentally dependent on that stimulant. That's super scary thought, but I'm stuck like this. Could it possibly be caffeine powder or something? I really hope it isn't something like meth or speed or whatever. I don't know much about those or anything that can be snorted and work. My guy seemed genuinely concerned and my friend who gets it through him too doesn't have the problem I do, so ionno.

BUT FINALLY...As of last night (I took Ashwaganda root supplement and perscription 2mg clonazepam before bed - which I'm low on and try to save for emergency PTSD episodes so that's why I haven't been taking it even though I should have, probably), I slept 10 hours total, only woke up once, and NO fucked up nightmares. I remember like 1 second of a baby nightmare that wasn't really anything. Thank Bob and Cheesus Price. I feel so much better today.

Still worried about what's in it, but at least this is something. Tbh I'd rather go through this last week again than go through WDs again.

Thanks y'all for talking to me. Let me know if you guys still know or figured out anything. I'll still be watching this thread in hopes that this doesn't come back
This exact same thing has happened to me too the past few times I have used heroin. Figured that at this point its definitely better for me to not use it. Youre gonna crash soon and get sleep so dont be too afraid about it.
I actually took some of my colazepam 2mg + aswaganda root last night and slept really well without the nightmares. I figured the exact same thing about eventually crashing. It's not like a person's body doesn't have little failsafes like this for some bodily processes, so you're absolutely correct.

The last guy I got it from, his stuff never did this, but it was weaker yet made me sleepier like a normal opioid. Do you think it's a reaction to something else in it or just a reaction to the specific type of opioid itself that is somehow different than what I would get from the other guy? Did you stop taking it completely? I wish I could, but I have nothing else to keep me out of WDs and bad back pain.
I dont really know. It could as simple as paradoxical reaction.

Stopped it. Not gonna get it anymore since now I know for sure that I just cant do it.
That's good, dude. I want out of this so badly. I did get paradoxicals with a few other medicines in the past.

An update: Taking the 2mg clonazepam + ashwaganda <-(during the day as well as night) before going to sleep for 2 days had perfect results.
Last night I didn't take the clonazepam, but did take ashwaganda to see how things went. I was actually able to sleep, but I did have dreams. These dreams were more interesting and normal, not horrible.

Conclusion: I love Ashwaganda. It works great for my stress and anxiety levels. I've been much more positive lately. Still a little worried about the junk I need to take for my pain, but I'm still stuck with it. Best I can do is taper, which I was already trying.

I'm still open to more opinions from you guys
Is it possible you might be experiencing a benzo withdrawal? Perhaps from it being cut with the heroin? I ask because I once went through a mild alprazolam withdrawal, and I remember having some of the worst most vivid nightmares in my life from it.

Just a thought, I've never found opioid withdrawal to give me unusually bad nightmares, but it's a little hard to tell because I have so much trouble even getting to sleep during opioid withdrawal in the first place.

Just a thought.
My clonz are prescribed and It's not any kind of withdrawal that I'm aware of which only works at night lol. I don't take them enough to have any negative side effects. I would feel worse if it were withdrawal. Also things have been going better and I've been sleeping fine. Not sure if things will go back to when I posted this thread if I stop taking my ashwaganda. I'll have to see, I suppose.

I heard about fent or whatever being pressed into street benzos. That's freakin scary...
Sounds like it might be cut with a benzo (they do that sometimes because it makes the heroin feel way stronger than it is. Xanax is the only benzo I've used (and I've used 20+ different ones) that doesn't give me night I've found I have to take my half-doses of my diazepam at night so now I take 10mg in the morning. 10mg in the afternoon, 5mg in the evening 2.5-5mg before bed and that's stopped the nightmares.
Benzo's can also paradoxically cause difficulty sleeping. I had a friend who used 200mg/diazepam a day and she was always complaining how she couldn't sleep.
200? damn. My clonz/ benzos in general help me sleep and not have nightmares. I've also not been needing them every night. It appears whatever was going on has stopped. I just hope it doesn't come back. The fact that paradoxical effects exist is shitty, but our bodies and brains are always doing weird stuff.
I get this reaction from cannabis withdrawal, especially the dreams. Smoking weed I find seems to get rid of dreams so that could work for you
I wish I could smoke again, but ever since getting ptsd, it gives me extreme flashbacks