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Upper vs. Downer People

It's genetics, brain chemistry, Social and Upbringing.

I think the "upper" person is probably the one that needs to be focused on here.

The mentality of an upper person is in that they use them to simplify life. It is not necessarily an escape like opiates, dissociatives or GABAergics can be. Upper people also tend to not suffer much natural anxiety (Otherwise the experience would be entirely unpleasant.) Uppers make tasks more simple and less arduous.

Tedious things: cleaning the room, washing dishes, talking to relatives, homework all become simple and clear. It is a necessity to be doing something while an upper person. It can be a horrible life style and real life stress becomes 10 times worse when a person is coming down.

But I'm a GHB person. It's an upper, downer, entactogen and releases enough growth hormone to keep me looking healthy and lean. But I really can't get addicted to it ever again.

Addiction is degrading your favorite drug in my eyes.
Downer's are my DOC.
Upper's are great, but I hate comedowns.. And they work wonders when not consumed oftenly!
Im a poly drug user, though being honest I do have a soft spot for uppers.

Its nice feeling warm, fuzzy, chilled and overall at peace, which opiates and benzos give, but I can get bored of using downers, there's no, 'SHABAM!'... just more... 'arhhhhhhj :)'
Amphet amine is my DOC and it is like a swiss army knife for me. So many uses and so smooth.

I like most drugs, but speed is what makes my mouth water.

Each to there own.
Neither, sorta. I love uppers, but the crash is horrific, it's just not worth it, so I don't use uppers anymore. I take downers sometimes but they don't really seem to do anything for me, but I guess they're nice for a night in. I use alcohol when everyone else is at social events though.
Yeah I've always found ths interesting as well. Like cocaine doesn't do much to me at all, puts me in a good mood I guess but that's it and I have no trouble controlling my use. But as far as downers go well, I've gone completely down the addiction road as far as benzos and opiates go, dont even think I hae anything left to try! I know it's because I'm globally a very calm and mellow person (well, calm - I get lots of panic attacks and shit but I meant that I'm not one of those jumpy very enthusiastic people). So I think that's mainly why I'm more into downers.
I'm starting to become a complete poly drug user, due to recent availability of oxycodone and ketamine that was not present before. oxycodone, dextroamphetamine, ketamine, and cannabis are now regulars in my drug usage , although I'm slightly worried that the oxycodone may be starting to become a habit, which I don't like, because i cant afford a daily habit as expensive as oxy, cause Im not prescribed.

Poly-drug user all the way.
I'm an upper kind of guy.

Downers just make me bored and tired, and when I'm sober I hate sleep and I hate not doing anything. Uppers make me really focused and dedicated to one simple activity, and it feels like I'm having the time of my life. I remember the last time I dropped adderall I wanted to find my old laptop and I was running around my house like crazy checking and rechecking places over and over again, and it was just so entertaining to me. The last time I was on a downer, I smoked weed and just sat there bored out of my mind and lazy, just aimlessly trying to enjoy it.
I'm more of a dissociatives / psychedelics peson then either someone into uppers or downers but out of those two I'd definitely go would go for the downers.
I used to be a downers-only guy, and if I REALLY have to choose, I'll take downers. The reason why I changed my mind, I believe, is because my nerves are steadier than they were: I used to be physically dependent on opiates and benzos, and each time I did coke or speed, I felt very uncomfortable and paranoid. It's not the case anymore! I thoroughly enjoy a moderate dose of d-amp... especially with pregabalin or an opiate.
I'm an upper gal :))

I do tend to have fun with all types of drugs though--depends upon what I'll be doing etc. Hell I'll even do both it's all good.
Out of the two classes, downers. I do use weak stimulants frequently. If I'm trying to get real high though, I'm going for the downers.
I'm definitely an upper guy. Used to like the occasional opiate but I don't enjoy them at all anymore. Now amphetamine however is my doc. Save some etizolam to steady things out and we're golden. I deal a lot with anxiety but speed seems to actually make me less anxious some of the times, although it can backfire.
Uppers ... I run towards life, and use drugs to help do so. I have friends who use Downers, and they just don't wanna feel at all.
I've been exposed to only uppers for a long time, I had always enjoyed coming down from meth and nodding off to sleep after a binge. Looking back, I start to realize why most of my upper friends thought this was strange.

Started playing around with some opiates very recently.
At this stage I'm on neither exact side, but it may be tilting towards downers.