Underground Hip Hop/Rap?

Tom macdonald
I hate hip hop

nooiiice. . a friend showed me this last year, impression dope :cool: althou its hard to listen to without tapping in/out to the american societal reality.
but thats why this is importante! dope. .. including his handle :sneaky:
Is the Weathermen crew underground? Aesop and El P def got some acclaim. The rest of 'em deserve more respect.

They totally deserve some more!! So many friends of mine over the years have basically raved about Aesop to me but idk. i never felt his style much. From Weatherman crew the spitters i love is Cage, Tame one & Camu Tao [rip]. And El-P too [maybe his beats & guest verses more than the solo albums h'es done. But Company Flow is still haunted & disgustingly magic o_O
This is a duo of Tame One and Cage, full of the best pcp themed rap ever.

I'm gonna stop my posting rampage for the night. Hope somebody likes anything. Played everything I sent up tonight while sending a good friend off before they move to a different coast.

Is the Weathermen crew underground? Aesop and El P def got some acclaim. The rest of 'em deserve more respect.

This is a duo of Tame One and Cage, full of the best pcp themed rap ever.

I'm gonna stop my posting rampage for the night. Hope somebody likes anything. Played everything I sent up tonight while sending a good friend off before they move to a different coast.

truly! imo this is some of the best psychological abstract & insanity raps that ive ver heard. & i've been rinsing it for ever.

Youve probly heard Nighthawks by Cage & Camu Tao ? Also darkly insane & shining.
So many new names & styles i gotta check out. But for underground rap thread, what else wld you expect??!

Ive always loved this crazy tune -

Negentropic posted some Blabbermouf from Shogunz crew earlier. 🥵
Anyway it was from Shogunz i discovered True Masterz. 🥵

Both groups are highest calibre underground truezik imo
