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Unbiased opinion on Meth

i've gotten meth psychosis in just one night of use a few times when i IVed it never and other way of taking it but IV one night i'm looped
You probably took too much.
Not that I am vouching for methamphetamine.
Dude...beer/alcohol dehydrates you - it's a diuretic. As for yeast (presumably?) content in beer - that's hardly food.

Yes sorry just a bad joke. I do drink beer to take the edge off sometimes but always add lots of water as well, it can just get so hard sometimes jyst to remember to drink something youve got sitting next to you when you are so focused on something.
Right now I am on day 3 and seeing the misty swirly shit in the air when focusing closley and have the imaginary radio station playing random songs all the time in my head quite noticably now.
Also after images of objects when changing focus quick and little perepheral vision changes.
it wan
I also feel a bit off like my perepheral awareness is norrowed or i dont have the same capacity to compute more data then what im focusing on directly.
And finding it difficult to focus my eyes on a single location for some reason, like its jumping around in focus.

Other then that and some slight anxiety, i feel somewhat ok for a person in my state and 3 days now sleep and in mostly in control.

How far away is that frmm psychosis? Can it just click over from hallucinations to dilerium instantly where you dont know its not real anymore or are there more warning signs before i would loose it. I have a Seroquel to take if needed but it would be ideal getting through 5 more hours first before I use that

Now the big question always is, is this happening because of coming down off the last dose, cause that was a while back, and will another dose fix it and make me feel better, is it often does with shit effects and comedowns. Do i risk that or drink instead like i usually would until its time for the Seroquel.

Im leaning towards another dose, maybe small to test, as i dont want to feel shit for the next 5 hours, if i can help it.
This is a harm reduction board.
If you've gone that long without sleep, and you're hallucinating, you'd be a damn fool to tell us that you are going to take another dose.
If you don't have the self-respect to consider your mental health, maybe consider the inexperienced members - and lurkers - that will read your post.
You're playing with fire. Meth is no fucking joke, dude.

Not having a go, just pointing out the context of your statement, and the thread you've chosen to post it in.
...harm reduction and knowingly flirting with mental illness are mutually exclusive. Don't think you won't have regrets if you go too far - mental health is something you don't really appreciate until you have problems with it.
Be safe.
If someone approaches meth use with moderation and responsibility, just like you would with LSD, Weed, coffee etc, how much harm can be done, if any? and common normal meth doses?

What you're missing.. is that meth is not LSD, weed, or coffee.. certain drugs are so universally addictive, because they are inherently like that at their core.. Drugs like weed, LSD, and coffee for Christs sake... do not have the addictive nature and cause the kind of compulsive use that crystal meth does.. and I think you know that, but you're looking for any justification you can find, no matter how delusional.

If you want us to tell you, "hey yeah man.. doing meth is just like drinking coffee.. just control yourself. Have fun!", then I'm sorry.. but you've come to the wrong place. This is an HR forum, not a place to get validation to use hard drugs. If you want to do meth, fine.. do it. But, stop trying to justify it as it's "no big deal" and everyone is just being dramatic when they say how addicting it is.. They aren't.
Blight you just said you use once a week and yet here you are going on a binge. Most of what you are saying is babble because of it. One day is plenty. At least a week is necessary for the dopamine receptors to repair, this can be shorter with healthy eating and exercise. If you can't handle the comedown, take it orally or don't do it at all. The only annoyance I experience in this "comedown" everyone speaks of is an increase in my tics from my chronic tic disorder, which doesn't last very long once I lay down to go to sleep.

Did you completely skip the post I put up about responsibility? What I do is by the book and there is very little damage, if any done. Erowid has dosage charts.
January 16th of this year was the last time i used meth. i had been smoking and IVing it, more so smoking, for about 3 weeks before my i had to fess up to my now ex-girlfriend. it wasn't a addiction to methamphetamine that ruined my life but a over all addiction to drugs.

before my meth use i got a hold of half a gram of a-PVP and 200mg of 5meomipt and had been smoking both on pretty much a daily bases. this ruined almost two years of being sober for me. but once i ran out i scraped the baggies clean and shot up for the first time. after that it was only a day or two till i found some meth. once my drug use got found out i gave up the needle i was using, but not my pipe and the last half gram i had.

i smoked the rest in secret over the next couple days behind the backs of my loved ones till i left the state on a plane. i guess the point of what im saying is yes, meth can be addictive but so can anything else. so if you are already facing an addiction like i was, or in your own way, don't try meth. it wasn't ever the high that i liked, it was just the fact i was doing something to get high. i don't know if it was the act of smoking it, which i loved, or whatever.

For me the high wasn't the stuff of myth and legend you read or hear about. i slept and ate just fine even after spending hours smoking a good amount. i never had a rush from injecting. i liked the high of the a-PVP much more then i did meth. but either way, good or bad, meth feed my drug habit and it will feed anyone's who is dealing with addiction. if you dont have a problem with your drug use and can stop your self from over using then i think anyone can try whatever. but there is always the likely-hood of abuse and addiction, more so with meth then most things.
This is a harm reduction board.
If you've gone that long without sleep, and you're hallucinating, you'd be a damn fool to tell us that you are going to take another dose.
If you don't have the self-respect to consider your mental health, maybe consider the inexperienced members - and lurkers - that will read your post.
You're playing with fire. Meth is no fucking joke, dude.

Not having a go, just pointing out the context of your statement, and the thread you've chosen to post it in.
...harm reduction and knowingly flirting with mental illness are mutually exclusive. Don't think you won't have regrets if you go too far - mental health is something you don't really appreciate until you have problems with it.
Be safe.

For sure, I was however simply reporting the situation and experience and how one might deal with it in that state and the troubles that can be encounted. Definitely not implying my stimed up meth logic based decisions are the best way to go about things. I dont think anybody reading that post will consider it a positive for the drug, It sounds like and is a shit situation and then you generally make it worse by making drug addled decisions during the process that are obviously stupid to any normal or sober person, but yes sorry, random live update on current situation was probably not in context for this thread or very helpful.

I think I actually meant that post for my OD symptoms thread
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Im not trying to justify meth use.
Hey thanks for all the responses people, I cant nor know what to reply to you all.
Meth causes incredibly compulsive redosing.

You don't see a lot of people take 1 small dose, enjoy that shit... put the rest away... wait a few weeks... have another small dose...

nahhh... people take that shit to get high as fuck, and then they redose until it's gone or they've been awake for 2 days and are starting to go into psychosis.
Even if you 'only' partake in that extreme redosing cycle once a week or month, there's absolutely no rational justification for that kind of dosing behavior. None.

If you think you have SUPER HUMAN self-control, why not make a million dollars in a career that applies that rare super talent(that you likely don't have in the first place)?? There are jobs where you can get rich if you actually had that kind of freakish self-control, rather than apply it to thinking you are going to chip a compulsive redosing drug... /sorry for being a bit harsh but this is reality.

What you're missing.. is that meth is not LSD, weed, or coffee.. certain drugs are so universally addictive, because they are inherently like that at their core.. Drugs like weed, LSD, and coffee for Christs sake... do not have the addictive nature and cause the kind of compulsive use that crystal meth does.. and I think you know that, but you're looking for any justification you can find, no matter how delusional.

If you want us to tell you, "hey yeah man.. doing meth is just like drinking coffee.. just control yourself. Have fun!", then I'm sorry.. but you've come to the wrong place. This is an HR forum, not a place to get validation to use hard drugs. If you want to do meth, fine.. do it. But, stop trying to justify it as it's "no big deal" and everyone is just being dramatic when they say how addicting it is.. They aren't.
Blight you just said you use once a week and yet here you are going on a binge. Most of what you are saying is babble because of it. One day is plenty. At least a week is necessary for the dopamine receptors to repair, this can be shorter with healthy eating and exercise. If you can't handle the comedown, take it orally or don't do it at all. The only annoyance I experience in this "comedown" everyone speaks of is an increase in my tics from my chronic tic disorder, which doesn't last very long once I lay down to go to sleep.

Did you completely skip the post I put up about responsibility? What I do is by the book and there is very little damage, if any done. Erowid has dosage charts.

Yes, i would in the past use the drug once a week, in terms of one purchase and one getting high session, which in this case can cover a few days as a binge due to product on hand and duration. So my point was that i never did daily usage and usage would at most cover the weekend starting on Friday.

I have not used in about 2 months it think but I got drunk with a friend on Friday and it is my usual evil trigger, so I bought and used this weekend.
I am now on benzo alcohol detox to get off the booze and reduce the likelihood of other drug usage triggers all from alcahol for some reason.

Not sure what you mean by the rest, I am familiar with responsibility as proven by usage history and understand dosages and all the other info on the drug. Basically I wanted to be even more responsible and confirm OD warning symptoms to further clarify and manage my situation and safety, in mt other post.

Ill admit my actions and thoughts during sessions can be a problem with multi day binges and other things that sound really bad, but thats meth for you, its likely to be that way, so rather dont do it at all, but I have much experience and know that this is something i can handle and my usual dosage and duration works for me, is not recommended, ajd could really be improved but was very difficult for me, like stopping usage with product remaining. I even tried to buy less, enough for a days worth only but they don’t sell such small amounts. So I rather chose to stop completely which worked until this weekend and alcohol usage, which is now the next issue i need to resolve to stop again with more success.

So the end conclusion of my usage and the shared information was to stop usage completely so that is my current position on meth, even with the weekly success schedule the actual session situations where not worth it any longer.
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My apologies Blight, I only meant the first two sentences to be for you. The rest for for the OP and his ignorance at ignoring the useful information people were giving him and then asking a similar question to his original after bashing people's responses.
I've never used meth (except for what might have been inside E/MDMA pills I've taken) but I know myself extremely well and I know from what I've read that I would like it WAY too much. If MDMA is any comparison, I know that after the first time I got high from it, I never forgot it, it always was and still is in the back of my mind, beckoning, calling, tempting....and I haven't rolled in years. Opiates fall into a similar boat for me, I dabble with oxy/hydro when it comes around, but I try not to search for it, I don't buy more when I run out and I try not to use days in succession. I refuse to use IV opiates, I've had this a couple times in the hospital (hydromorphone) and holy holy holy I'd better not learn how to do that myself!! Needles still give me the creeps, and I'd like to keep it that way. If my kratom addiction, and past poppy pod addiction is any kind of indication, I'd better stay very clear of hard opiates.

TL:DR - Know yourself and be honest with yourself because it's YOU who will suffer the most if you do get addicted.
I live in an area where I see a lot of people who were or are addicted to meth everyday. They're burnt out former shells of themselves, look a lot older than they actually are, and many are missing teeth. Seriously think twice before using it or deciding to keep using it. I know people who took speed in the late 60s and early 70s in moderate and large doses snorted, orally, and IV and they told me how meth is highly addictive and a lot more powerful and highly addictive than Dexedrine or a high dose of Amphetamine sulphate.

I have known some people who did use meth recreationally the way the original poster is asking about but it was not a one time use but they did small binges on weekends a few times, or they did it daily for a week or two daily and did not sleep much or eat much, and saw themselves wasting away from it and decided to stop using it. But even that can lead to addiction. I know people who only used meth on weekends when partying with friends or out at a dance club and then they quickly realized they were addicted and needed help. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
what about all kids who take Ritalin, Adderall and Dexedrine.

I've heard this one before. Two things to remember. Firstly, these kids are on a very controlled, usually very small dose of amph. Little 5mg tablets.

Secondly, these kids are on speed. Not meth. Whole different ballpark, especially when smoked/IV'd. We're in the coke/H level zone, here.

If someone approaches meth use with moderation and responsibility, just like you would with LSD, Weed, coffee etc, how much harm can be done, if any? and common normal meth doses?

If used in moderation and with cautiousness you will be fine... if. I bought a bag yesterday to keep my spirits up. By the end of the day I was smoking through another one. The urge to just keep puffing eventually becomes damn near all-consuming. Weed and coffee just don't do that.

Look, I can't lie to you -- you're first few times on the gear will likely be amazing, and won't do you much harm. But this honeymoon phase ends, and it ends so much faster than you realise.

But it's clear you've made up your mind. Please be careful, and start at a lower dose -- 50mg. Oh, and remember, sleep and eat, as much as possible. This is key.

I'm sorry if I sound condescending. Just want you to be safe and sane. Bleeding heart that I am.
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I have a very vast background with alot of addictive drugs and heres my take on methamphetamine.

For some it can be easy to pick up and put down, but thats not always the case.... also meth has a nasty tendency to sneak up on you. You will think you're in control right up until the end.... because in my experience there isn't really much in the way of withdrawal like with heroin, yet the physological side of meth is funny and almost more addictive... you will sit and think about it more and more often. Its also easier to be a functional addict than with most addictive drugs.
Probably not very helpful, but it's hard to describe. I use it occasionally and I see the addictive potential..... the first year or so I thought people were crazy to be addicted to it.
Its also easier to be a functional addict than with most addictive drugs..

TRUTH! The most addictive drugs are the ones that I can go about my normal day while high. When my body thinks about, and subsequently craves a specific drug, it's usually when I'm in the situation that the drug would be appropriate for. For example:

I'm at home with no plans after a day of work - whiskey, weed and opiates on my mind
I'm at home on a day off - Mushrooms and opiates on my mind, whiskey if no opiates
I'm out partying - Whiskey, opiates, MDMA, stims, maybe mushrooms
I'm at work - Opiates
I'm driving - Opiates
With family - Opiates, whiskey
On a date - Opiates, whiskey
Thinking about opiates - Opiates, whiskey if no opiates

See a trend here? It's clear what is most addictive out of my personal DOC's because my body classifies nearly any situation as a good situation for it, so I'm nearly always subconsciously thinking about it. It only gets worse when you succumb to these cravings to be high in normal daily life situations, because you train your body to think it should always be this way.
Meth is one of those drugs that if you have an addictive personality at all, you're most likely gonna have a problem!

I will say truthfully, I've met a few people who maybe snorted a bump or two of meth every once in a while without becoming addicted, but it's definitely playing with fire! And it's one of the most destructive drugs there is when it comes to using it regularly. I live in an area where it's the dominant hard drug, and it can do some pretty dramatic things to your appearance very quickly!
Meth is a souped up version of borrowing credit. You are borrowing time. You are stealing from your future.

The price is steep and unavoidable.