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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

tv: British television

Mighty Boosh (don't think anyone has mentioned it so far)
Allo' Allo'
androoo said:
Mighty Boosh (don't think anyone has mentioned it so far)
Allo' Allo'

I think I mentioned The Mighty Boosh in my first couple posts. I watched it, but I just couldn't get into it.
^ definitely an acquired taste.

i can't believe people are talking about benny hill and 'allo 'allo without a trace of irony. they are truly the pits of british TV. sorry folks, they might have been funny in the 70s and 80s but we didn't know any better then. 8)

i see you mentioned 'allo 'allo on page one, ego_loss. you can't even mention that and fawlty towers in the same breath, brutha please. :|
^I agree.

I can sit through an entire episode of The Mighty Boosh with a straight face. It just isn't funny IMO.

'allo 'allo and Benny Hill are pretty dire too.

Hey felix, we agree on something for a change :D
felix said:
^ definitely an acquired taste.

i can't believe people are talking about benny hill and 'allo 'allo without a trace of irony. they are truly the pits of british TV. sorry folks, they might have been funny in the 70s and 80s but we didn't know any better then. 8)

i see you mentioned 'allo 'allo on page one, ego_loss. you can't even mention that and fawlty towers in the same breath, brutha please. :|

I haven't see 'Allo 'allo since.. i was rather little. I won't spoil the memory by watching it again then =D
felix said:


QFT, hilarious
With absolutely nothing on TV of late, I have been watching all the old (and original) Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares on BBC America. I am hooked...
^ yep - the uk original is much better than the contrived, hype-laden us version.

I take back my original comments about Father Ted. I watched the show straight through, and it certainly kept me entertained.

I am also caught up on all things Mitchel & Webb (including their movie). Peep Show was sheer brilliance. It was amazingly executed.

My appreciation of Black Books and Dylan Moran has led me to his first show "How do you want me?" which was more of a soap opera than anything. Still, I stuck it out and watched the entire run of the show.

I also found Simon Pegg's first sketch comedy show "We Know Where You Live". After watching the first episode, I can see why it didn't go anywhere. It's really amazing to see him go from dredge like that to doing the brilliant sketch comedy of Big Train.
alasdairm said:
^ yep - the uk original is much better than the contrived, hype-laden us version.

Ugh... I caught a couple of episodes a few days ago. Why is it that when a quality show migrates to the US, it gets sold back to us in a horribly disfigured manner?

What's with all the hysterical shouting and stand-offs? Why is everything a cutting remark and an emphasis placed on confrontation? Why is there always a "therapy moment" where the owner's inner demons are exorcised? Why is there stupid music playing in the background at all times? Why the goofy sound effects? Why the swooping crane shots over the restaurant?

Yeah. I'd like to apologize for American "reality" programming on behalf of United States.

Reality television is the bain of my viewing time. I fucking hate it. The only "reality" show I ever really watched was a mini Truman Show kind of thing where everyone was in on the joke except for one dude... and even then I felt dirty.
ego_loss said:
Yeah. I'd like to apologize for American "reality" programming on behalf of United States.

Reality television is the bain of my viewing time. I fucking hate it. The only "reality" show I ever really watched was a mini Truman Show kind of thing where everyone was in on the joke except for one dude... and even then I felt dirty.
tambourine-man said:
Ugh... I caught a couple of episodes a few days ago. Why is it that when a quality show migrates to the US, it gets sold back to us in a horribly disfigured manner?

What's with all the hysterical shouting and stand-offs? Why is everything a cutting remark and an emphasis placed on confrontation? Why is there always a "therapy moment" where the owner's inner demons are exorcised? Why is there stupid music playing in the background at all times? Why the goofy sound effects? Why the swooping crane shots over the restaurant?


My God, you took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn't believe how crap it was.

As reality shows go it's actually one of the few that has an interesting premise, & I quite liked the original version - despite Ramsay's OTT on-screen bellend persona - but the US version was like some sub-standard daytime soap opera. Dreadful.

And +1 to Benny Hill being awful. I'm absolutely baffled as to why it's so popular elsewhere.
US Kitchen Nightmares is one of my favourite progs at the moment, but i don't like it as much as the UK version.

what bugs me the most is that EVERY SINGLE TIME someone comes on screen, they get a caption - e.g. "Jerry - Owner/Head Chef" on the screen. :D

in the UK version, we get told ONCE. if you don't pay attention, you're fucked. (or you could just work it out from the context, or you could just realise that it doesn't really matter.) =D

there's only a cast of about 6 people in each one. ;)
^ the us one is, even moreso than the uk one, formulaic:

gordon eats a meal and the food is terrible
gordon watches a dinner service and it's hopeless (and the kitchen is gross)
solutions: clean and refurb kitchen; simplify menu with local ingredients
restaurant's new menu is launched
staff do ok
it gets busy and things fall apart
they get it together in the end

every episode :)

felix said:
US Kitchen Nightmares is one of my favourite progs at the moment, but i don't like it as much as the UK version.

Can't say I've been watching it. Though in a similar vein, Celebrity Master Chef has been quite entertaining this time around. The only thing I can't stand are those smug looking twats that present it :|
