• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier


I'll have to check it out, after reading this thread.

I seem to intentionally ignore all these new 'web 2.0' hype websites like flickr, tumblr, twitter, facebook, etc etc etc etc etc. I know, thats irrational, I should educate myself about them first.. I just hate this new 'social internet' craze :eek:

Thats what bluelight is for!!
(Not talking about tumblr, but rather social networking sites)

None-the-less, it seems many people here recommend it so I guess I'll swallow my pride and check it out :D
True... its just this 2.0 craze along with the 'cutsie naming' thats new, at least new to me ;)
Oh, btw there's an add on for firefox which enables you to reblog your own posts (which is useful if you have a tumblog), see who unfollows you, respond to comments etc. Most of the time I have it off cuz it slows things down and makes the dashbord look a lil' ugly. I just switch it on when I need to use one of the functions.


for some odd reason groovshark widgets only work for me if i post them as videos. have no idea why.
^That's odd. Sometimes it depends on your theme, i.e it might be slightly more difficult to paste the code in the right place. Just in case you're doing it wrong (and for others) I'll post some instructions. :)

Once you have your code copied from Grooveshark all you need to do is:
1) go to your dash and select customise
2) select theme
3) then chose the custom HTML button
4) search through the text for custom CSS (it's usually underlined in red)
5) paste your code after this text
6) save and close (or select preview before saving and you should see whether it's at the top of your page or not)
^That's odd. Sometimes it depends on your theme, i.e it might be slightly more difficult to paste the code in the right place. Just in case you're doing it wrong (and for others) I'll post some instructions. :)

Once you have your code copied from Grooveshark all you need to do is:
1) go to your dash and select customise
2) select theme
3) then chose the custom HTML button
4) search through the text for custom CSS (it's usually underlined in red)
5) paste your code after this text
6) save and close (or select preview before saving and you should see whether it's at the top of your page or not)

appreciate the help, but I ment just trying to post one song as one audio post. I dont really like having a full playlist on there constantly viewable which is what I think those instructions give you.

I always se people jsut post a grooveshark song as a post, but I can only do it if I post it as a video, which is cool i guesse but it kind of sucks because the song then in only playble on your tumblr page and not playable on your dash. get what im saying?

anyone else have this problem
hmm. tumblr looks nice, swell interface. is there an alternative that you can run on your own box, instead of relying on the tumblr service?