• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier


I wish i could could figure out how to better customize my page. I dont want to start posting all my pics until the page its dope enough to show them :(

someone teach my the tumblr tricks!
^Refer to page one. It should explain it all. :)

If not. Feel free to ask me anything. I'll help you out as best as I can. :)
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^Refer to page one. It should explain it all. :)

If not. Feel free to ask me anything. I'll help you out as best as I can. :)

ahh its all becoming clear now ;)

theres a few more things im trying to work out, if I cant figure them out you might be getting a pm
tribal- you know anything about infinite scroll?

I need infinite scroll.

someone enlighten me please.
tribal girl is right. some layouts are made to not allow infinite scrolling, but if that code doesn't work, i'd try this tumblr for codes: http://sleeplessthemes.tumblr.com/tagged/codes

he makes amazing layouts btw!

anything besides the codes listed above, some minor decorative shit (fonts, colours,) and i'm retarded. i'm happy to share anything i can help you with though.
I've just started following you guys. I've just started following people in general.

As if I needed another black hole for the little spare time I have left. :p
Do you test it before adding it to your play list?. Sometimes the links are dead so it's always best to check before adding them.

I'm officially addicted to tumblr. I spend more time on there than here. I currently have my main blog, side appreciation blog, and another one I kinda got asked to be an admin on. T'is time consuming.
yeah it plays fine on grooveshark then pops up as the red x on tumblr

for real tho I wish i would have made a blog this summer instead, sooooo addicting
Gone. :\

I've had enough. I'm wasting far too much of my life on the internet posting utter crap when I should be focussing on my job and having fun. I've also deactivated my youtube account. Sorry guys, have fun without me. <3