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Benzos Trouble with Klonopin

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That's what I hear. Klonopins are apparently kickstarted by alcohol but obviously too much will kill you. I love klonopins for the relaxation and sleeping aid, but a little buzz of happiness is felt lately :)

It's just so odd to me because sooo many of my friends pay top dollar for those green pills to get a good buzz and I'm thinking it might be in their head. Maybe i should trade my sister for her Xanax script :p. Any other comments are appreciated I love hearing everyones experience and comments.
So you guys are pretty much telling me klonopin has no recreational value? I mean it works GREAT for ridding me of my anxiety and is a great sleep aid, but nobody gets high off this? I hear my friends talk about getting fucked up off it all the time, and I've gotten rather loopy on 2-4mg before so I don't know what the issue is. I got 1mg of my sister's xanax last night and took it along with 1mg of my klonopin and I felt pretty good. Drowsy, but felt really good and slept great.

Anybody else use kpin recreationally?
i think klonopin is as good or better than xanax or any other benzodiazepine pill out there that i have tried. i am prescribed to 3 mg of lorazepam a day and have been for several years, but i much prefer clonazepam. benzos are not the most recreational things in the world, depending on what your definition of recreational is i guess, but as far as benzos go, i think klonopin is great. before i was prescribed loraz, like back when i was in college, i would have paid the same amount for a 2 mg kpin as i would have for a bar of xan, and i would have enjoyed them about equally. if you want to sit around, relax, puff a little herb, and drink a couple decent beers or glasses of wine, it is great. it is also great if you have a hangover. it is not so great if you plan on going out drinking all night and want to remember things, but it used to be an essential ingredient for the making of a really great sunday for many of my younger years.

note that i said ingredient--like one of a few things. add mj + couple beers + maybe a pk or 2 (assuming you are not opiate dependent so that taking one or 2 10 mg percs would be noticeable), and you've got a really nice little feeling going. also, don't do this unless you know your limits and are careful, not naive to the substances combined, etc.
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That's what I hear. Klonopins are apparently kickstarted by alcohol but obviously too much will kill you. I love klonopins for the relaxation and sleeping aid, but a little buzz of happiness is felt lately :)

It's just so odd to me because sooo many of my friends pay top dollar for those green pills to get a good buzz and I'm thinking it might be in their head. Maybe i should trade my sister for her Xanax script :p. Any other comments are appreciated I love hearing everyones experience and comments.

if I were you i would certainly trade some of your kpins for the xanax. GET HIGH SAFELY.
My father will take two pills, and be nearly tripping. He just has a REALLY low tolerance I guess. But I get NO recreational value out of it at all. It's completely frustrating. I feel your pain, dude.
I prefer Xanax and Ativan.
I managed to get four of my sister's 0.25mg xanax pills last night and took them along with my 1mg klonopin and experienced just a very light buzz but mostly sleepiness.

I'm pretty much giving up on the klonopin high. I took my 1mg pill this morning then decided to try a last ditch effort and pop 5 of my 1mg green ones all at once, and felt a slight buzz for about 10 minutes, then nothing for the rest of the day. I mean, of course I had an extremely relaxed day, but no high or anything.

Oh well. I don't need to be getting high. I feel blessed to be prescribed 2mg of klonopin per day to cure my anxiety. It was taking over my life and now I can finally live a peaceful life and concentrate more on school work. Those little green pills are my best friend :)

After a month of taking 2mg per day, what do you think my doctor will do? Do you think he'll keep me at the same dosage or raise it? I don't know how much tolerance increases but obvsiously if I was able to take 6mg of klonopin today and feel absolutely normal, my tolerance has already gone up some.

Thanks for all of the comments guys.

thats the problem with daily benzo use, tolerance is inevitable. not just tolerance, but loss of recreational effects. then there is addiction. you really are not helping yourself out in the longrun. i remember taking 1mg klonopin BID and having 2mg xanax bars for when i had anxiety attacks. that first month was WONDERFUL. then i started crashing my car, freaking out my roomates, and at 1 month i didnt feel anything from the klonopin. fucks you in the ass when you think about it.
Figured id throw this in here FWIW, but with clonazepam (and ONLY clonazepam for some reason) it's necessary for me to break up the pill and administrate it sublingually to get a warm, floaty sensation. Give it a go, they dont taste bad and the buzz is well worth it. In fact, I cant even fetch anxiolysis off of clonazepam (and, again, this is only the case with kpins for me; its the damndest thing...) without sublingual administration.

~ vaya
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i use to be the same way, well SL administration atleast made it kick in faster and harder, oral administration gave me the same overalll feeling but it took longer and wasnt as intense........but that was only when I was taking clonazepam randomly because I had no prescription, ever since I started my daily prescription, clonazepam has lost all its ability to give me that "warm, floaty" sensation....even if I try dissolving it under my tounge. The feeling is the same now, so I just take it orally so I dont have to worry about it being help under my tounge for a long time, preventing me from talking or smoking a cigg.....Actually the cigg's might be decreasing the effectiveness of my klonopin as well because of how those chemicals interact somehow. Ive read about it in anohter thread titled "alprzolam and ciggarettes" or something....but thats a whole other story.
I'm not sure clonazepam is affected by cigarette smoke. I hope not.
jamesbrown, I have been scripted all types of benzos, unfortunately, for 9 years now, which is why I find the issue with clonazepam's effectiveness so stupefying. I wouldn't find it so strange if I were without tolerance.

And nicotine does inhibit how long benzos remain in the bloodstream. I have carpal tunnel syndrome at the moment and am typing with one hand so I'm gonna copy/paste my explanation from another thread (actually, I'm sure this was the thread you were remembering, JB):

"Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are some of the major lung carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. PAHs are potent inducers of the hepatic cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isoenzymes 1A1, 1A2, and, possibly, 2E1" (Source).
So, this family of enzymes (CYP450, or Cytochrome 450) in the liver metabolize (break down) most benzodiazepines. Inducing their activity decreases benzodiazepine presence in blood plasma (and thus decreases the subjective effects of the benzo).

By contrast, inhibition of the CYP450 enzymes (via cimetidine or grapefruit juice) decreases the clearance of benzodiazepines, thus increasing their levels in blood plasma. This is a common trick amongst Bluelighters (and the drug-using community in general) to enhance the benzo 'high.'

Smoking cigarettes most certainly does decrease the effects of alprazolam, as well as most other benzos (including clonazepam, to answer someone's question above). This is a far, far cry from a "myth" as has been suggested in this thread.

I hope this clears it up for some people.
*Not* a myth!

To answer the OP's question about how long one should wait; nicotine's half-life is only 1-2 hours, but its metabolite, cotinine, has a half-life of 18-20 hours. I don't have any hard data on whether or not cotinine affects the activity of CYP450, but from subjective experience, waiting out the half-life of nicotine seems to be sufficient to get most of the buzz back from alprazolam (and other benzos). So, about two hours after your last cigarette. Keep in mind that nicotine affects the metabolism of hypnotic benzos moreso than it does the others, so you'd have a harder time achieving full effects from temazepam whilst smoking than, say, from alprazolam.

~ vaya
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Alright so I didn't realize people were still replying, but I suppose I'll post an update. I'm an occasional smoker, and so far I haven't directly noticed any effect on my clonazepam use, but we're talking like one or two cigs a day here (unless I'm out drinking of course, which is like playing Russian Roulette on a benzo, so I don't do that much anymore).

This whole thing is just frustrating me. Do benzos have a cross-tolerance with any other popular drugs? I was on a methadone binge just before being prescribed the kpins so I have a super-high opiate tolerance currently.

As I said in my OP, I was previously on 0.5mg AS NEEDED and I barely even touched the things. Now I'm taking 1mg kpin (along with 30mg paxil) at 8am and 1mg kpin around 8pm to last through the night and such. I think a lot of people are on this 1mg BID kpin scheme, so idk why it's causing me so much trouble. I haven't been taking benzos or kpins at all lately, and they used to kick my ass when I'd buy the green guys from my friend.

Around the first couple of times I used klonopin recreationally, I googled to find an appropriate dose and I think a thread on this site (could have been another site, but bluelight is pretty key for this stuff so I'm pretty sure it was) and it said a good recreational dose for someone with no tolerance would be 1-3mg.

Since I'm having so much trouble and I'm rollin on 30mg of addy at 2:30am, I'm just going to go off on a huge tangent of my benzo experiences, to the best chronology that I can. NOTE: If you really don't care, you can stop reading here and just simply advise based on my previous comments, the following is just extra info that I believe to be pertinent to the mystery of the seeming impotency of my klonopins at current.

The first time I experienced a kpin "buzz" or mentally-altering event from it was on a random night when I was feeling anxious and had no other drugs (this was during a summer drug binge where every night was usually coke or good pills). I was in my room on the computer and proceeded to sublingually take 8 of the yellow Teva 0.5mg tablets one after another. They tasted good and I didn't feel fucked up, so I guess that's why I kept going. Four milligrams was much higher than any other previous kpin dose I'd had, so I figured it would be sufficient, not to mention taking any more than 8 pills out of my bottle of only 30 in just one night could throw up a red flag (my mother knew of my drug tendencies so frequently counted the pills when I wasn't around, pretty dumb, but we all deal with it so whatever).

It was probably about 9-10pm when I was done dissolving all of them (and no, these weren't the orally disentegrating ones, yet they dissolve great regardless, anyone else find this to be a strange mystery?) and I felt really no difference. Klonopins are tiny-ass pills so for me they always depend on how much food is in my stomach. I always prefer to take pills on empty anyway, but since this was a SL experience, it didn't matter. I continue to use the computer, as I enjoyed as a hobby at the time as a summer evening activity to relax, and eventually gravitated from the desk to my laptop laying on my bed. I was in a great mood, not really tired though. I've heard if you fight the drowsiness from kpin, you'll get more of a buzz, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet.

Onward, I quickly discovered time passed very quickly as I transitioned from slightly drowsy to fully-energized, I'd compare it to an adderall feeling. So 3am passed, then 4am, then finally around 5am I decided to go to sleep and call it a night.


The next day, I realized that I had forgotten a lot of events from the day before, even events that happened before I took the dose, presumably anterograde amnesia.

The point is, the 4mg fucked me up big time. Then, another time probably about 6 weeks ago, my friend gave me a (rare treat) 2mg klonopin pill and we each took one, not under the influence of anything else. I suffered some pretty hardcore memory loss from that night and I was rather loopy that evening. It surprised me because it was only 2mg, but I wasn't complaining since it was a great value to get from just a single pill!

Now, literally months since having even the 0.5mg script, and no benzo tolerance, I'm dosing 2mg per day and experience no loopiness, and most importantly, not a satisfying amount of anxiety relief. This part is truly upsetting. Since becoming a college freshmen, my anxiety has gone up, inevitably, but the amount of physical and mental discomfort I'm experiencing from this chronic anxiety is uncharacteristic for me, I feel at least. Even taking the first 1mg on an empty stomach, there's no buzz, just makes me even more tired, which almost always leads to a nap once I get back from my first class Mon-Thurs. For the first four or five days after being prescribed the 1mg BID, the anxiety was KILLED, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts. I was so relieved. No more bowling ball in the stomach, no more jumpy intestines, chest tightness, etc.

Howeeeeeverrrr. (Of course there has to be a however. Or I wouldn't have wasted all this damn time typing, and I'm sure you're getting tired of reading by now. This is turning out to be more blog-post-esque than a forum reply, but whatever)

I haven't changed any of my drugs/meds/diet since then and specifically the last 72 hours have been different than usual. On the 7th or 8th day of using my 1mg BID, my anxiety crept up on me at like 5pm! This alarmed me because I know how long of a half-life it has and my doctor assured me this dose is plenty sufficient. So instead of waiting until 8pm-ish to take my second pill, I SL'd it right then at about 5pm.

Then, yesterday the same thing happened except the anxiety started at around 1:30PM, totally ridiculous since I'd just eaten 1mg just 5 hours prior. Instead of freaking out and taking another pill, I called my doctor's office and spoke to his nurse (i.e. the nice lady that handles all the whiny patients' phone calls and relays the important info to the doc; the medium.) about the whole situation and what I'd experienced over past few days concerning the klonopin to appear to be shorter and shorter lasting. I did unfortunately happen to mention that I had taken 3mg on some of the days to compensate. Finally, I got a call back from her 5 minutes before their office closed, and she read to me the doctor's email response to the issue:

He says instead of taking the BID dose 12 hours apart, break the first in half and take 0.5mg at 8am, then 0.5mg at 12-1pm (lunch), and of course the final 1mg at 8pm as usual. Also, he explicitly said under no circumstances should I ever take more than the 2mg in a single day, so that was a big oops on my part.

I was honestly hoping they'd change me to ativan or something else (not looking for xanax or valium, then I'd just wanna get high all the time), but without seeing the doc, it was pretty obvious there was little more they could do for me, and I won't be in to see him for just under 3 more weeks-- so not terribly long but it seems like an eternity while I'm stuck here trying to balance this all out and figure out how/why my prescribed meds are or aren't working.

I appreciate their advice, but I'm not sure how taking two doses of 0.5mg 5 hours apart is going to be any more beneficial than just taking the stronger 1mg right out of the gate. For me at least, I have this sense of there being "thresholds" for drugs and my body. Like for example, if I do H or acid, the dose I do might be just barely below my threshold of effectiveness, so I might get a buzz but nothing exciting. But, when the threshold has been crossed, the full intended effects of the drug/med are experienced for the duration of my experience. So in this case, I just don't feel the 0.5mg is going to break my threshold to relieve any anxiety at all, considering when I had the 0.5mg pills before, they didn't do shit. Maybe there are certain people who just have certain natural immunities/tolerances to benzodiazepines. It's really starting to become a realistic theory because my friends this past summer would always talk up xanax real big-- so one night I popped 2mg and just felt super sleepy, nothing recreational at all. As for other benzos, I've taken a 10mg valium once and felt absolutely nothing, but I didn't really expect to though. I took 45mg of temazepam a couple months ago during the early evening and succumbed to a long nap before I could really notice anything interesting. Everyone always talks about taking their benzos in such extremely low doses, yet I'm at a starting dose of 2mg/day and it doesn't affect my daily activities whatsoever, and I'm still feeling anxiety physically to an uncomfortable degree.

In fact, I decided to skip my first 1mg dose this morning to save for a relaxing double-dosed evening tonight. I had an empty stomach and took the pills about 30 minutes apart, the second pill was taken at 6pm. I then went to a wedding rehearsal and by 7:15-8:00, I was extremely tired. I came home and crashed into an immediate 2-3 hour nap, pretty much on accident. I woke up and walked around the house a bit, went for a short drive, then decided to go back to sleep since I was still tired and had a long, full day of classes and events. But...I couldn't go to sleep because the anxiety was-a-rumblin' in my stomach, sort of like it did before I started taking the klon. I knew I didn't have a chance of sleeping, and I stupidly threw away my old bottle of trazodone, so that's pretty much why I've been typing this off and on for the past few hours. --More importantly.... wtf! I had just taken two of these bad boys roughly 5-6 hours prior and they haven't totally knocked out my anxiety? A lot of my anxiety is social, but I've been diagnosed as GAD as well. Nothing major is on my mind currently, nothing bothering me, just shitty rumbly tummy anxiety. And it's not that I'm hungry either...trust me, I ate a huge dinner at about 8pm, so rule that possibility out. This is the shit I'm talking about guys, I know a ton of you are taking the same medication daily as I am and it seems to be working wonders for you, yet I'm struggling. I don't mean to sound rude or annoying, really, and I apologize if I've offended anyone with how unnecessarily long this post has become. I'm just on here sincerely to share my experiences and seek advice :)

Also, the main reason I skipped my morning klon dose is because I had a special Friday today. My friend who also takes anti-deps and such (no benzos however) loaned me one of his 50mg vyvanse capsules. I super-underestimated this mf'er. I wiki'd the shit out of it last night and learned that it's basically just a non-abusable (shorter lasting?) version of adderall. It's not abusable because it has to be activated in your GI area or something, so injecting or snorting the powder from the capsule supposedly does absolutely nothing. I've had very few addy experiences, so I didn't really prepare myself for how awesome of a day I was about to have. I took it at about 9:20am on an empty stomach, of course, went down to the cafeteria and ate breakfast, then headed off to my 10am class. This class is only once a week, so its 1:50 long and has two "parts." The first part of class, 300+ of us sit in an auditorium and listen to speakers, then the second half of the class period is spent in groups of about 30 or so. I sat through the auditorium lecture intently and honestly didn't notice the come-on of the vyvanse since I was sitting still and had just woken up not long ago, I wasn't extremely alert...yet.

Once we were dismissed to go to our smaller group rooms, I stood up and immediately realized I felt a pleasant difference ;) I'll make this long story short, the vyvanse stuck with me through all of my classes all day and gave me amazing confidence, energy, enthusiasm, participation, and all the other things that you guys get from adderall and amphetamines. Even at 50mg, I didn't feel edgy at all, felt none of my usual anxiety, and had no desire to take a klonopin throughout the entire day, at all. Pretty strange, eh? When I saw my doc last week, he offered me 3 options for my situation. Methylphenidate (ritalin), Dextroamphetamine (adderall), or Clonazepam BID. I of course ruled out the stimulants as choices, assuming they'd just cause even further anxiety and fidgettiness, but I guess I may be wrong. Part of my daily anxiety is from lack of confidence, depression, fears, and worrying. But with a psychostimulant at my side, it seemed like my boost of energy and confidence totally crushed all the underlying anxiety for the whole day. It wore off at just about the same time this evening that I took the klonopins. A good 7 hour run, but pretty short from the 13 hours that they apparently advertise.

The same doc had previously given me a 14-day trial of nuvigil, and it provided very similar effects, except nuvigil and provigil are prohistamines, not psychostimulants, so there wasn't much of a high to it. The nuvigil gave me energy and motivation, so that was cool, but due to it's outrageous price since my insurance won't foot the bill (they want me to have narcolepsy or something of the sort, not just depression laziness), I had to discontinue use.

Well. What a post. So basically as things stand, I have no idea why my kpins are not working as they should, don't know if I should switch from a benzo to a stimulant instead, and overall confused.

Thanks for those that take the time to read, it's much appreciated.

Have a good weekend :)
Damn you can tell I was rollin pretty good when I typed that. Almost 3 hours to complete that post (although I was browsing the web simultaneously...)

Sorry to double post but can you guys provide any more advice? What's the name of that thing that some people have where they metabolize meds, klonopin or benzos specifically, much more quickly than normal people. I have basically zero tolerance for klonopin, so I've kind of narrowed my situation all down to three possibilities:

1) The TEVA generic clonazepam is just straight up not as effective as the Roche edition. I called my pharmacy and 60 of the 1mg brand name klonopins is $126 w/o insurance. Yikes. I'm gonna likely get the Roche brand name ones with the K punched out next time, assuming my insurance covers a good amount, but if they decide to be bastards and not cover anything besides generic, I guess I'll have to settle for that. I'll discuss with my doctor the effectiveness levels of the different clonazepam generics.

2) My metabolism is too fast (I am 18 years old, don't exercise regularly, and maintain a constant specific weight of about 135lbs, give or take a few) which is causing the clonazepam to be processed quicker, which means it's not lasting as long as it should be (which I explained in my previous post that I have been having issues specifically with this lately) and also it's possibly less effective as a result. My assumption is that if it's metabolized at the intended (slower) rate, it will provide a much smoother and comprehensive effect.

3) Klonopin just straight up doesn't work for me/I somehow magically have a natural tolerance for it. Out of all the times I've tried abusing it, I've been pretty much unsuccessful. I have read about people taking 1-3mg and claiming they were unable to drive, walk straight, and their motor skills were drastically impaired. I took 6mg the other day and was fine the whole day, I drove to run some errands and felt no high or anything like that.

One day when I was having an extreme episode, I convinced my sister to let me take one of her 0.25mg xanax pills. This was about 5 hours before my doc appt in which I was prescribed my kpins, so I had no other option. The xanax seemed to kick in within 15-30 minutes and relaxed me considerably. I find this odd because I've read that the dosages for xanax and klonopin are equivalent, yet if I took 0.25mg of clonazepam, it wouldn't phase me even the slightest. So who knows. Maybe I just need to try another benzo or increase to 2mg BID. I know I won't get valium because it's easily abused and my doc knows of my drug abuse history. So basically it's down to kpins, ativan, or xanax.

I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall about my whole situation but it's so frustrating. I'm at the point where I just wanna feel normal. I've been on various meds for about 9 months now, and I'm on my third different SSRI. It's certainly discouraging but I must keep trying.

Anyone's advice is really appreciated. Thanks to all.

Klonopin Horror Story....
OK NO BS Here after reading this story you would realize Its to damn embarrassing to make this shit up. Ok the story goes like this.
I went camping with my family in the middle of BFE Texas. 3 hrs from anywhere "Jesus"!!! First night of camp I could not sleep, was in pain and had forgot all my great pain meds. Well the only meds available to me was baby aspirin & my wife's Klonopin. So I took the Klonopin. It worked and I went to sleep quickly, only to wake up with an extra TENT POLE PITCHED (if you get my drift) however this was not your garden variety excitement erection! I didn't know what the hell was up, and why !!!
Well it was a few hours before the sun came up and it was 25* outside, and 40* inside the tent. Now this was going on 3.5 hrs of a stiffy and it was getting painful! You men know what I mean. The sun was up, so I took Moose out for a walk(my dog, I don't have a name for that yet...lol).I figured at that outdoor temp for sure things would go south,right? NOPE!!! WTF!!! Now I am totally freaking out. For the sake of this story and peoples short attention span, I will move to day 4! STILL NO CHANGE, I laid in my sleeping bag in agony, too embarrassed to tell what happened. I tried ICE, cold compresses, thinking of my ex-wife...all joking aside nothing was working. I finally told my wife, we got on her blackberry which got reception 20 miles away, and it said to try benadril. We also found 10 Soma's. I took 10 of each & passed out as we drove home.
Upon arrival in Houston, we no longer had a problem in Houston...

Fast forward 5 days later and currently to date, I still get erections anywhere from 40-70% of the day without excitement, however without the pain now! This was 6 months ago guys! I called my GP MD about 3 months ago and told the story EXACTLY AS I EXPLAINED IT HERE, and there genius advice was to go to the ER? I was come on guys think outside the box,, that would be the case from hour 3-hour-12 not FRICKING THREE MONTHS LATER U THINK!!!!!!! So now I am just a party trick....LOL
All joking aside anyone know a urologist or may understand WTF. My theory is I have permanently prolapsed the vessels that carry that blood, and just have to deal with embarrassing erections...And trust me they have happened, I stay 1 mile from any children,schools,or crowds if I can help it, unless I ware a cup. (no BS)

I'm so sick of hearing from men, "Boy if I only had your problem I would be a stud" Hey fuck you, no you would not be saying that if you had to trade with me....
I get 75mg of klonopin a month, but I usually go through them rapidly, then nothing until the next script. Cant get addicted that way :)

Anyways it takes a trained mind to appreciate the "high" its more like being drunk than high. Also if you can appreciate any altered state other than baseline you'll appreciayte it more.

Mix them with alcohol, opiates, or even weed and you'll be on your ass :) but the high is usually just a relaxed feeling.

Take a bunch with someone watching you one night, then drink, and see what happens :) Then you'll see how the "high" can be from a nice relaxed state to full blown amnesia

Also, as others have said theres a "cool" feeling that comes only with Klonopin. Put a few under your tongue, and/or sniff one (sniffing doesn't increase the kpin effects but the "cool" feelin will be more pronounced.) you'll soon realize an almost minty cool sensation rush over you. Its not a "high" but its a cool feeling to experience
Hi, hopefully I'm posting this in the correct place.

I was previously prescribed 0.5mg (the yellow generic ones) on an as needed basis. I didn't take them often and the most I took at once was 4mg. It didn't really make me high, I just didn't remember much from the day before.

Everyone on here and the internet talks about getting high and floating on them but i havent really experienced that yet.

Now I am prescribed 2mg (two green pills) per day. Still, I feel no buzz or float or high.

I bought some extras off my friend so I wouldn't take up my supply and I ingested 9mg yesterday an felt nothing except extreme tiredness.

They definitely relieve my anxiety 100% though, practically a miracle pill. If you have any advice for me to somehow get a buzz, I'd love to hear because this is really frustrating me.

Thanks a lot,

MOST ABUSERS get the most euphoria out of snorting them. Hits them in only a few minutes, they feel a little bit confussed and out of it for a minute, but then BANG!
MOST ABUSERS get the most euphoria out of snorting them. Hits them in only a few minutes, they feel a little bit confussed and out of it for a minute, but then BANG!

LET me add to my last posting if I may...

This is done with all Benzos......snorting them
i have a script to 120 1mg kpins. 4 a day. i dont get high off of kpins anymore. i used to...but i have a huge tolerance now i eat 120mgs in less than a week. it fucking sucks, but when my tolerance was mega high i ran out of my script, so i had painful withdrawls, panic attacks, high blood pressure, the shakes, tremors, nightmares, insomia ughh. but neways i didnt take any benzo for a week straight then i happened to cop me 3 blue pinners i sublingually ate them all and i felt extremely high, not the black out benzo feeling, like the drunken i dont give a fuck about anything im happy high
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