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you *could* separate +tramadol from - with tartaric acid, and eliminate most of the unwanted (speedy), ne-reputake effects.
Yes Tramadol feels very different from other opioids, they are more of a mood enhancer as someone put it.
I used to take them way back just for that, doses from 200-1500mg.
Ive never had a seizure, i always combined them with anti-seizure/muscle relaxants like Diazepam and i recomend
everyone who takes Tramadol to combine them with that to lower the risk to get a seizure.

Dont know about USA but here in Sweden, some 2 years ago ALOT of people started taking Tramadol recreationally - primary kids.
Like a huge Tramadol-wave, there are still alot of recreational-tramadol-users/abusers and Everyone combines them with bensos like Clonazepam, Diazepam.
Tramadol is absolutely amazing for people who don't have opiate tolerances. To me, it feels like a mixture of MDMA and opiates -- the lovey, stimulated feelings of MDMA with the nodding bliss of opiates. Imagine an opiate that makes you feel as good as any strong opiate would, but also gives you the stimulation to want to go out into the world and adventure, take walks, go swimming, and read books. At least, that's what it did for me. Your results may vary wildly.

Me and my now ex-girlfriend used to do it here and there, and had incredibly intimate experiences on it (long lasting conversations, extremely close bonding, cuddling, that sort of thing, it was beautiful).

That all ended when she overdid it one day and had a couple of seizures, which somewhat scared us off the idea of doing it again (it seemed to last in her system a while, as in, doses from the previous night carried over into the next day, which apparently added to the total amount of drug in her system, I'm assuming). If you keep the dose low and don't do it all the time, it's a fantastic, relatively-undiscovered gem of a drug. If you go overboard, it can get dangerous. Some people seem to be more prone to seizures than others.
Kosloff said:
Yes Tramadol feels very different from other opioids, they are more of a mood enhancer as someone put it.
I used to take them way back just for that, doses from 200-1500mg.
Ive never had a seizure, i always combined them with anti-seizure/muscle relaxants like Diazepam and i recomend
everyone who takes Tramadol to combine them with that to lower the risk to get a seizure.

Dont know about USA but here in Sweden, some 2 years ago ALOT of people started taking Tramadol recreationally - primary kids.
Like a huge Tramadol-wave, there are still alot of recreational-tramadol-users/abusers and Everyone combines them with bensos like Clonazepam, Diazepam.

I agree wholeheartedly with these comments. Tramadol is an unusual opiod, firstly it is greatly stimulating, do not take in the evening if you want a decent night'd sleep. I once made the mistake of taking abojt 300mg, couldn't sleep so popped a couple of 10mg Ambirn. I dozed off initially, but then the Tramadol kicked in and I woke into an ambien induced trqnce,. don't remember anything of thre night, but my step brother gave me a precis - running around the house naked, laying the table for 4 guests, repeatedly did a thorouh search of the grounds, tallked to door and ornaments etc etc. My adice, don't mix tramadol with Z meds, and certainly don't take if you're on an SSRI/SNRI, as mentioned ea. Gives very pleasnt body on the firlier in this thread, you can get a potntially fatal attack os "Seratonin Sickness". Opiate high = yes (but only in first few days), uppers = yes, wds at leasst doubke that of codeine/DHC - Good pharm to go to a pub/club though. My advice, for the opiate niaive user, onece a fortnight pop 3-4 for Beano evening, to high tolerance, if you have medium /high opiate/oid tolerance I would forget about it, it
wont do muvh much more than making you sweat!!! There's a reason why Tramadol isn't a controoled drug - unlike morphinel, oxy and diamorphine. There'as reason for this, it is seen mediocally a good analgesic, with lowaddiction rating (as mentioned earlier there is ceiling effect, after abiout one week,doesn't matter how much you take, you wont get that original tramadol high. My advice, stick with opiqtes, morphine, diamophine, codeine and DHC. Hope this adds useful info to this thread - Omicron
Been on Tramadol for about 4 years now, it seems, maybe a little less. I take about 400 mg a day, in four 100 mg doses, staying within the recomended dosages. I'd say in that whole time I've moved up from 250-300 mg a day. There is a tolerance factor, but it remains effective for pain relief.

It still sometimes even gets me 'high' - but mostly it evens me out. I have been able to quit smoking cigarettes, marijuana, and even the occasional 'something else' like coke or whatnot. I do not drink alcohol because I do not really desire to on the Tramadol, and I"m trying to save my liver for the Tram 8)

In other words, it acts very much like an antidepressant to me. I have chronic back pain (which is why I started taking it), and it helps with that. Overall, very win-win...

But I have been in instances where I ran out of Tramadol ... *scary* stuff. Restless legs, sleepless nights, pain, sweats, nausea... dxm helped a bit when I was experiencing Tramadol WD, until I could get more...

I guess my main question - and I have been searching around these forums, but am still not totally clear... what is the danger of continuing to use it, presuming I do not ever need to go over the recommended dose? Will it be toxic to me or my brain? I have never had seizures or symptoms like that.

At first glance, it seems to be quite a harm-reducer to me in getting me disinterested in all the other drugs (part of that could just be aging too.. I am now early thirties.. not the same recklessness of one's twenties)...

Fellow tramadol users... longtime ones.. please weigh in. I'm considering tapering off it but it helps me so much I am reluctant to...
Ive used tramadol for different reasons...

It increases the affects of amphetamines, so whenever iam starting to feel like iam coming down after speed, rock etc. I have tramadol. Only a few tablets is needed to make you feel high again.
Tramadol is like the philosophers stone of opoids as its largely undetectable from urine tests . It will hold out some of the more harder addicts for quite some time (it will stop sickness for hard addicts , but its active effect is far from natural opiates and what you'ld expect from pethadine , morphine etc .) . But dont be fooled but the lack of intense feeling , tramadol is a very powerful opoid . And can have a more 'bruising' effect than dia-acytl-morphine as its usually prep'd for long-lasting effect .
Indelibleface said:
Tramadol is absolutely amazing for people who don't have opiate tolerances. To me, it feels like a mixture of MDMA and opiates -- the lovey, stimulated feelings of MDMA with the nodding bliss of opiates. Imagine an opiate that makes you feel as good as any strong opiate would, but also gives you the stimulation to want to go out into the world and adventure, take walks, go swimming, and read books. At least, that's what it did for me. Your results may vary wildly.

Me and my now ex-girlfriend used to do it here and there, and had incredibly intimate experiences on it (long lasting conversations, extremely close bonding, cuddling, that sort of thing, it was beautiful).

That all ended when she overdid it one day and had a couple of seizures, which somewhat scared us off the idea of doing it again (it seemed to last in her system a while, as in, doses from the previous night carried over into the next day, which apparently added to the total amount of drug in her system, I'm assuming). If you keep the dose low and don't do it all the time, it's a fantastic, relatively-undiscovered gem of a drug. If you go overboard, it can get dangerous. Some people seem to be more prone to seizures than others.

You hit the nail on the head, my friend.;)
I don't get any stimulation worthy of the term from tramadol, but I rarely take it in doses higher than 150mg at a time. And even if I do, it doesn't stimulate me much. More of a nice serotonin kick (feeling of calm + mood lift) combined with a mild opiated feeling... it's a warm/fuzzy drug, but no intense euphoria whatsoever like you get from real opiates.

Kratom is actually MUCH better in terms of true opiate effects, but I like tramadol more for its unique combination of FX making it something to "buzz" on when feeling empty or whatever... it just melts that feeling of emptiness right away and I feel better, without feeling outright opiated (unless it has built up in my bloodstream for quite some time).
take 3 50mg's your 1st time (i did) felt pretty good, got a cool buzz, but if you want a lil extra take 4 maybe 5, personally i took 7 50mg trams and i was sleeping in my dinnner at the table, i wieght like.. 145-150lbs
BTW I had some 50mg tramadol capsules, and I found they worked best when snorted. The contents have to be chopped VERY fine with a razor blade, but once they are snorting works wonders (and hardly burns at all). It seems to have much better bioavailability that way. One 50mg capsule is probably enough for a good high, so it's probably a good way to conserve product.

P.S. I've also taken 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine in conjunction with tramadol. These two substances *greatly* increase the non-opiate effects of tramadol IMO. Beware, use with care as serotonin syndrome is possible. L-Tyrosine made the top of my head start tingling bigtime when combined with tramadol.
I'm hardly one of those "hard addicts" that wrathofspencer mentions, and I find tramadol useless for suboxone withdrawal. I can't make it two days without getting sick.

It is definitely not a strong opiate, as he also indicates. If it were, you'd feel those strong opiate feelings. Instead, it's an incredibly weak mu agonist (barely worth mentioning, really) but has a metabolite that has some opioid effects (as I recall, it's still 10x less potent than morphine, as it's 60x tramadol's agonism, and tramadol is something like 600x less potent than morphine as an agonist- though my math may be a bit off).
tramadols by far the best weak opiate - it blows codeine, darvocet, etc out of the water.

i have been abusing opiates for years and 300-400 mg will have me feeling great.

100-200 mg helps alot with pain.

i gave my friend who was withdrawing from a 200 mg a day oxy habit 100 mg of tram and his w/d symptoms disappeared.

i'd take it over tylenol filled vicodin anyday. it lasts longer and is a more effective painkiller IMO. Now if you were to get 50 10/325's and CWE, it'd be a diff story ;)
where is the thread that i can find info on taking it with subutex?? Is it better or worse?

indeilibleface has it right.

I love the stuff. AS for seizure risk...I take 20-30mg of diazepam if I plan to take more then 250mg, and then just enjoy feeling so content and relaxed and happy and cuddling my girl. Its a wonderful drug IMHO.
I've taken ultram before when it was prescribed to me for back pain... didn't do a thing. :(
eh< i don't like Tramadol that much. It was cool the first time but after that it was nothing special. Then last week I doubled the dose I usually take and I felt so tweaked out. I didn't like it.
tramadol was a bad choice for me , i took 600mg SR without checking up on dosages , needless to say work was hell the entire day with double vision and trying to not look loopy but my own fault