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Opioids Tramadol Megathread

Yeah bro. Tramadol used to cause me those same involuntary tremors (myoclonic jerks) hahaha but not now, not even with doses> 1500 mg. the damn tolerance! only tapentadol but with very high doses. I think the only side effect that still can't get off of tramadol is constipation, but it's not sooooo bad either. :ROFLMAO:

Have you ever had a seizure from your use of tramadol or other substances?

Yeah bro. And I found that it works a lot when you're during a tramadol withdrawal. I was almost 36 hours without tramadol and snorted 150 mg. and all the symptoms went away in 5-15 minutes. Also the drip is not bad, it was my fault the first time because I snorted a little hard too (I have used coke very few times and the last time was 2018 and I am not used to snorting pills, so it was totally my lack of technique to blame), this time there was practically no drip and it's was a higher dose.

Man, i think the problem is the bupe / tramadol combo. I believe that bupe being in part an opioid antagonist struggles with the agonism of o-desmethyltramadol. Me too when I took both drugs I ended up puking like never before hahaahaha. :ROFLMAO:

When I've cravings I avoid this forum or drugs subreddits at all costs hahahaha. :LOL:

Nah I have never had a seizure from trams. I have felt like I was close to having one before on them though but I always immediately went and got a clonazepam. I can only describe it as, it would suddenly feel like there was electricity going haywire in my brain and my teeth would chatter and I'd start shaking. Whenever this would happen, I'd slip a klonopin under my tongue and be feeling back to normal within a half hour.

Strangely, I have taken 400mg doses of tramadol before & after using methamphetamine and still never had a seizure (or serotonin syndrome, that I know of). I also use to trip out on 600+mg of DXM and then on the come down pop my usual tram dose and was always fine. I did this quite a handful of times. I must have a naturally high seizure threshold. But anyone who reads this, DO NOT DO THIS. YOU CAN DIE. Generally seizures don't have many warning signs, but I guess it also depends on the type.

Bupe is essentially a full agonist at low doses (under 2mg), so you're right that bupe's antagonostic properties in high doses would block o-desmethyltramadol's mu-agonism. But in low enough bupe doses, you will still have receptors open for odsmt to bind to. So in theory, low doses of bupe + trams will potentiate the hell out of one another. But once you take the bupe dose too high, it will ruin it.

Lol yeah I should avoid here when I'm having a cravings, but also talking to other addicts helps and I enjoy learning and gaining more knowledge about drugs.
It's going on 8AM here. No clue what time it is where you're at, but hope you have a good one today man!
Nah I have never had a seizure from trams. I have felt like I was close to having one before on them though but I always immediately went and got a clonazepam. I can only describe it as, it would suddenly feel like there was electricity going haywire in my brain and my teeth would chatter and I'd start shaking. Whenever this would happen, I'd slip a klonopin under my tongue and be feeling back to normal within a half hour.

Strangely, I have taken 400mg doses of tramadol before & after using methamphetamine and still never had a seizure (or serotonin syndrome, that I know of). I also use to trip out on 600+mg of DXM and then on the come down pop my usual tram dose and was always fine. I did this quite a handful of times. I must have a naturally high seizure threshold. But anyone who reads this, DO NOT DO THIS. YOU CAN DIE. Generally seizures don't have many warning signs, but I guess it also depends on the type.

Bupe is essentially a full agonist at low doses (under 2mg), so you're right that bupe's antagonostic properties in high doses would block o-desmethyltramadol's mu-agonism. But in low enough bupe doses, you will still have receptors open for odsmt to bind to. So in theory, low doses of bupe + trams will potentiate the hell out of one another. But once you take the bupe dose too high, it will ruin it.

Lol yeah I should avoid here when I'm having a cravings, but also talking to other addicts helps and I enjoy learning and gaining more knowledge about drugs.
It's going on 8AM here. No clue what time it is where you're at, but hope you have a good one today man!

Thanks bro. You too. :love: Where I am, it's 11 AM.

The truth was that I had no idea about the Buprenorphine thing. That in low doses it's a full agonist. You surprise me with that information. Maybe when I took the combo bupe and tram I took more than 2 mg of bupenorphine, that's why I started puking hours after I took the tramadol, although the hours before I feel like in clouds, great fucking feeling.

I've not suffered any seizures either and I've reached monstrous doses of tramadol (2000 mg.). * PLEASE, NOBODY READING THIS WILL TRY IT. IT'S TOO DANGEROUS * But sometimes I have felt that I am on the verge of a seizure too and I was without any anti-convulsants or benzos so I just started doing relaxation techniques and eating some kind of fast acting carb (thinking that maybe it was a hypoglycemic attack that can tramadol cause) and it always worked. But, shit, I'm very afraid of a seizure, but at the same time my behavior is very irresponsible. I feel completely hypocritical or don't even know how to feel about this hahahaha.

I wonder what the seizure rate will be in tramadol abusers or addicts? Something tells me that it's not quite as big as we think (maybe 50% or less). We always read on the internet, bad experiences but those who have never suffered a seizure don't generally shout it from the rooftops.

Man, I should take a break from tramadol (I want to do it this summer. It's summer here hahaha) and lower my tolerance a bit. I can't imagine winter and going through withdrawal from tramadol or another opioid.

My regards bro.
Thanks bro. You too. :love: Where I am, it's 11 AM.

The truth was that I had no idea about the Buprenorphine thing. That in low doses it's a full agonist. You surprise me with that information. Maybe when I took the combo bupe and tram I took more than 2 mg of bupenorphine, that's why I started puking hours after I took the tramadol, although the hours before I feel like in clouds, great fucking feeling.

I've not suffered any seizures either and I've reached monstrous doses of tramadol (2000 mg.). * PLEASE, NOBODY READING THIS WILL TRY IT. IT'S TOO DANGEROUS * But sometimes I have felt that I am on the verge of a seizure too and I was without any anti-convulsants or benzos so I just started doing relaxation techniques and eating some kind of fast acting carb (thinking that maybe it was a hypoglycemic attack that can tramadol cause) and it always worked. But, shit, I'm very afraid of a seizure, but at the same time my behavior is very irresponsible. I feel completely hypocritical or don't even know how to feel about this hahahaha.

I wonder what the seizure rate will be in tramadol abusers or addicts? Something tells me that it's not quite as big as we think (maybe 50% or less). We always read on the internet, bad experiences but those who have never suffered a seizure don't generally shout it from the rooftops.

Man, I should take a break from tramadol (I want to do it this summer. It's summer here hahaha) and lower my tolerance a bit. I can't imagine winter and going through withdrawal from tramadol or another opioid.

My regards bro.

Puking is also a side effect of opioids in general too though. lol It goes away with tolerance, but I too use to throw up on tramadol and heroin when my tolerance was low and I did too much. Puking/nausea is also a side effect of SNRI antidepressants, which tramadol also is. lol So there's many variables as to why you might have puked. I've always found bupe & trams work together. It doesn't seem to matter if I take the trams and then take bupe or if I take bupe and then take trams, I always manage to get an effect and never get precipitated withdrawals when I do it either. I guess everyone's body could react differently though.

Yeah, I don't doubt that there is a seizure risk involved with tramadol, but I was shocked that I was able to mix it with meth and DXM with no adverse events. Maybe it totally depends on the person and their seizure threshold though.

Man I fucking hate winter!!! I always get so glum, less energy and melancholic feelings in the winter time. Withdrawals ontop of it is a receipie for suicide for me. lol
Puking is also a side effect of opioids in general too though. lol It goes away with tolerance, but I too use to throw up on tramadol and heroin when my tolerance was low and I did too much. Puking/nausea is also a side effect of SNRI antidepressants, which tramadol also is. lol So there's many variables as to why you might have puked. I've always found bupe & trams work together. It doesn't seem to matter if I take the trams and then take bupe or if I take bupe and then take trams, I always manage to get an effect and never get precipitated withdrawals when I do it either. I guess everyone's body could react differently though.

Yeah, I don't doubt that there is a seizure risk involved with tramadol, but I was shocked that I was able to mix it with meth and DXM with no adverse events. Maybe it totally depends on the person and their seizure threshold though.

Man I fucking hate winter!!! I always get so glum, less energy and melancholic feelings in the winter time. Withdrawals ontop of it is a receipie for suicide for me. lol

I think it was just tolerance, always after a clean period without opioids, when I take tramadol it makes me throw up hahaha. But I BELIEVE YOU when you say that the tram + bupe combo is great, because even before I puke (about 3-5 hours) I was more HIGH than a pig hahaha (it's a chilean expression = más volao que un chancho :ROFLMAO:) . Fuck! how good it felt. Nodding at my family table during dinner and everything. Even my mother worried because this was the first time she saw me so high. :LOL:

Yeah winter SUCKS. I don't know how there are people who love it so much. I live in a region where it rains almost 10 months a year. That really stinks bro. :ROFLMAO:
I just took 500mg of naproxen prescription, can I take Tramadol 225 mg with it?

Yes, you will be fine. For best results, take 1 tramadol, wait 20 minutes then take another and keep doing it this way until you reach your desired dosage of 225mg. If your pills are lower than 50mg each, then take 2 at a time in 20 min intervals. If they contain APAP in them, i would make sure to have a good meal as you'll be mixing 2 different NSAIDs which can be rough on the stomach..

Do you have pills containing only tramadol or are they tramadol/acetaminophen? Do not consume more than 4,000mg of APAP in a day. In fact, I'd try to keep it as low as possible since you've already taken naproxen. Too much acetaminophen and naproxen in a day or over long periods can damage the liver and can increase your risk for stroke & heart attack.
Yes, you will be fine. For best results, take 1 tramadol, wait 20 minutes then take another and keep doing it this way until you reach your desired dosage of 225mg. If your pills are lower than 50mg each, then take 2 at a time in 20 min intervals. If they contain APAP in them, i would make sure to have a good meal as you'll be mixing 2 different NSAIDs which can be rough on the stomach..

Do you have pills containing only tramadol or are they tramadol/acetaminophen? Do not consume more than 4,000mg of APAP in a day. In fact, I'd try to keep it as low as possible since you've already taken naproxen. Too much acetaminophen and naproxen in a day or over long periods can damage the liver and can increase your risk for stroke & heart attack.
My Tramadol pills don’t have Tylenol in them they just have the Tramadol.

Naproxen 500mg is a high dose you sure it’s ok to take 225mg of Tramadol even at 20 mins in between? I won’t get a seizure or heart attack?
Thank you for your help my friend.
Tramadol 50mg + Wellbutrin 300mg. If both are taken will it cause severe side effects? I understand the chance of seizures & serotonin syndrome, but will they counter each other? No opioid dependence btw. Time on Wellbutrin = 4-5 months. 1st time Tramadol.
I took half of the 225mg Tramadol about an hour and a half ago and am not feeling much, I took the prescription naproxen at 11:00 am this morning, I think the naproxen takes the Tramadol high away, by this time I’m usually feeling pretty good.
My Tramadol pills don’t have Tylenol in them they just have the Tramadol.

Naproxen 500mg is a high dose you sure it’s ok to take 225mg of Tramadol even at 20 mins in between? I won’t get a seizure or heart attack?
Thank you for your help my friend.

You should be fine. I have mixed naproxen with tramadol several times. If anything, the naproxen should enhance the pain relief (but not necessarily the pleasureable opiate effects). I have not read any dangerous interactions regarding tramadol + naproxen in any literature.

You may need to increase your tramadol dose slightly if you are not feeling much yet. Do you take tramadol daily? Your tolerance may be higher as a result. Tramadol can also take a few hours to metabolize. Try upping your dose slightly or give it some more time yet.

If it helps at all to ease your worries, there should be many sites out there showing any potential interactions, which I've found there to be none that I can see. Some times opioid painkillers are often combined with an NSAID (like naproxen) for maximum analgesia (as is the case with Ultracet, Percocet, Norco, etc..) But I'm also of the opinion that they put NSAIDs in there to deter abuse, as they'd rather a person die from NSAID liver poisoning than get high. :p ;)
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Tramadol 50mg + Wellbutrin 300mg. If both are taken will it cause severe side effects? I understand the chance of seizures & serotonin syndrome, but will they counter each other? No opioid dependence btw. Time on Wellbutrin = 4-5 months. 1st time Tramadol.

Only 50mg of tramadol should not theoretically pose much danger, but I wouldn't go any higher. Both drugs are notorious for lowering seizure threshold. Both interact with nicotine receptors too I believe. They will not counter each other though that I'm aware of as both act on mostly different receptor sites. I have mixed these two once and experienced dysphoria, severe jaw clenching, tremors and felt like I was on the verge of a seizure and needed to take a benzo to calm down. Of course my dose was about 400mg of tramadol and 400mg of wellbutrin.

If you need the tramadol for pain relief, 50mg should be okay. If using it to catch a buzz, I would highly recommend doing so on a day when there is no wellbutrin in your system. Proceed with caution and if you have access to benzos (klonopin, ativan, valium) keep one handy in case you feel any of the above symptoms I just described.
You should be fine. I have mixed naproxen with tramadol several times. If anything, the naproxen should enhance the pain relief (but not necessarily the pleasureable opiate effects). I have not read any dangerous interactions regarding tramadol + naproxen in any literature.

You may need to increase your tramadol dose slightly if you are not feeling much yet. Do you take tramadol daily? Your tolerance may be higher as a result. Tramadol can also take a few hours to metabolize. Try upping your dose slightly or give it some more time yet.

If it helps at all to ease your worries, there should be many sites out there showing any potential interactions, which I've found there to be none that I can see. Some times opioid painkillers are often combined with an NSAID (like naproxen) for maximum analgesia (as is the case with Ultracet, Percocet, Norco, etc..) But I'm also of the opinion that they put NSAIDs in there to deter abuse, as they'd rather a person die from NSAID liver poisoning than get high. :p ;)
Thank you Deathindustrial88, I appreciate your help, no I don’t take Tramadol every day only on Saturday’s when I don’t work, because the next day my anxiety goes up and I start feeling guilt and panicky, so I have to take a couple of klonopins or Etizolams to settle me down.

I took the other half of the pill which brings the dosage to 225 mgs after two hours of taking the first half, I’m feeling pretty good right now so it’s working, the only thing is I feel a bit jittery and nervous also, I think that might be due to the naproxen because I usually don’t feel this jitter after taking the full dosage of the Tramadol.

if the nervousness increases I’ll take .05 of klonopin that should ease the nerves right?

The doctor had prescribed 800 mg ibuprofen for the pain and after I told him it’s not helping the pain he told me he’s not giving me anything stronger that there is state regulations in giving out certain medications which I take it he means opioids, I told him the ibuprofen isn’t helping, he said I’m not giving you anything else, well I told him again look I’m in extreme pain and having to take arthritis strength Tylenol on top of the ibuprofen and it’s still not doing anything, so he prescribes me Naprosyn the name brand naproxen, which is 500 mg, that still does nothing. These doctors are scared to prescribe opioids thinking the person will become an addict, and get sued or lose their license or something.

it’s a mess here in the US.
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Only 50mg of tramadol should not theoretically pose much danger, but I wouldn't go any higher. Both drugs are notorious for lowering seizure threshold. Both interact with nicotine receptors too I believe. They will not counter each other though that I'm aware of as both act on mostly different receptor sites. I have mixed these two once and experienced dysphoria, severe jaw clenching, tremors and felt like I was on the verge of a seizure and needed to take a benzo to calm down. Of course my dose was about 400mg of tramadol and 400mg of wellbutrin.

If you need the tramadol for pain relief, 50mg should be okay. If using it to catch a buzz, I would highly recommend doing so on a day when there is no wellbutrin in your system. Proceed with caution and if you have access to benzos (klonopin, ativan, valium) keep one handy in case you feel any of the above symptoms I just described.
I don't have access to benzos which makes me a little worried. I took the Wellbutrin about 15hrs ago and don't plan on taking it tomorrow so maybe I can steak tramadol in there? not sure if it even works like that though
I don't have access to benzos which makes me a little worried. I took the Wellbutrin about 15hrs ago and don't plan on taking it tomorrow so maybe I can steak tramadol in there? not sure if it even works like that though

Are you planning to just use a 50mg? Tramadol is rather a weak opioid and I'm not sure 50mg would be enough for some one to get a real opiate experience. Even an opioid naive person. And the dosages needed for that would be rather dangerous combined with tramadol.

Although my mom use to get a pretty good feeling going from just 1 50mg pill, as she was opioid naive, but also much older.

I would definitely recommend taking it on a day when a good 72hrs or so has passed, especially if you think you might have to go over 50mg and have no benzos.

"The half-life of bupropion is 3 to 4 hours distribution, but the half-life extends to about 21 hours when dosed chronically"
So if you've been using it for as long as you have, you've probably built up quite a bit of wellbutrin in your system.

Still, if you just want to try the 50mg, I think you'd be safe by 24hrs, but don't expect the experience to be anything extraordinary unfortunately. But you may react differently and enjoy the mild buzz.

Now that I think of it though, the wellbutrin will sort of counteract the tramadol. Opioids cause dopamine release indirectly, and wellbutrin blocks the reuptake of dopamine, so the tramadol may not be as euphoric as it would be without wellbutrin in your system. Although Tramadol also causes serotonin release, along with it's weak opioid agonism, so you'd still feel something at least.
Thank you Deathindustrial88, I appreciate your help, no I don’t take Tramadol every day only on Saturday’s when I don’t work, because the next day my anxiety goes up and I start feeling guilt and panicky, so I have to take a couple of klonopins or Etizolams to settle me down.

I took the other half of the pill which brings the dosage to 225 mgs after two hours of taking the first half, I’m feeling pretty good right now so it’s working, the only thing is I feel a bit jittery and nervous also, I think that might be due to the naproxen because I usually don’t feel this jitter after taking the full dosage of the Tramadol.

if the nervousness increases I’ll take .05 of klonopin that should ease the nerves right?

The doctor had prescribed 800 mg ibuprofen for the pain and after I told him it’s not helping the pain he told me he’s not giving me anything stronger that there is state regulations in giving out certain medications which I take it he means opioids, I told him the ibuprofen isn’t helping, he said I’m not giving you anything else, well I told him again look I’m in extreme pain and having to take arthritis strength Tylenol on top of the ibuprofen and it’s still not doing anything, so he prescribes me Naprosyn the name brand naproxen, which is 500 mg, that still does nothing. These doctors are scared to prescribe opioids thinking the person will become an addict, and get sued or lose their license or something.

it’s a mess here in the US.

I am truly sorry to hear that. I have family members practically disabled with pain and the doctors still refuse to give them anything stronger than NSAIDs. Even getting tramadol now a days is getting harder and hard. It's absolutely ridiculous.

The .5mg will definitely ease your nerves and shouldn't be too overwhelming as to take over the tramadol experience. But I do find that benzos, since they cause the neurotransmitters in the brain to lower, can actually reduce any opioid euphoria you might be feeling from the tramadol.

Tramadol is an atypical opioid, since it has those added SNRI effects, which are nice for some, but can cause anxiety and jitters in others.

I hope something changes in our country soon. I think opioid dependency is the last thing some one in pain truly cares about. I'd rather be dependent than in pain every day. Same for addicts, most addicts use because the opioids are helping their symptoms caused by their mental illness. And the only thing I can access is crappy bupenorphine, which does jack shit for pain and for cravings once you are use to it and have a tolerance.

I'm glad you are at least feeling the tramadol though. I recommended the staggering of the doses because Tramadol is essentially a "pro-drug". It's metabolite, o-desmethyltramadol is much more potent as an opioid agonist than the parent drug (tramadol is). Staggering your doses causes your liver to metabolize each dose into more of the metabolite that causes better opioid effects, which should in turn be better for pain.

I hope you can get the relief you need and deserve soon and if you have any questions, I'm always happy to help. :)
I am truly sorry to hear that. I have family members practically disabled with pain and the doctors still refuse to give them anything stronger than NSAIDs. Even getting tramadol now a days is getting harder and hard. It's absolutely ridiculous.

The .5mg will definitely ease your nerves and shouldn't be too overwhelming as to take over the tramadol experience. But I do find that benzos, since they cause the neurotransmitters in the brain to lower, can actually reduce any opioid euphoria you might be feeling from the tramadol.

Tramadol is an atypical opioid, since it has those added SNRI effects, which are nice for some, but can cause anxiety and jitters in others.

I hope something changes in our country soon. I think opioid dependency is the last thing some one in pain truly cares about. I'd rather be dependent than in pain every day. Same for addicts, most addicts use because the opioids are helping their symptoms caused by their mental illness. And the only thing I can access is crappy bupenorphine, which does jack shit for pain and for cravings once you are use to it and have a tolerance.

I'm glad you are at least feeling the tramadol though. I recommended the staggering of the doses because Tramadol is essentially a "pro-drug". It's metabolite, o-desmethyltramadol is much more potent as an opioid agonist than the parent drug (tramadol is). Staggering your doses causes your liver to metabolize each dose into more of the metabolite that causes better opioid effects, which should in turn be better for pain.

I hope you can get the relief you need and deserve soon and if you have any questions, I'm always happy to help. :)
You’ve been a big help brother, I admire your knowledge on these issues, I don’t know squat and so I have to ask.

That’s a damn shame doctors are making people suffer they’re suppose to help you not make you suffer, plus I know myself and would not let myself get addicted, I’ve taken opioids before the really strong ones and though I loved the feeling I Took them as prescribed and weened off them and that was it, I didn’t turn into a heroin addict,

Sorry to hear you have family members suffering from pain.
You’ve been a big help brother, I admire your knowledge on these issues, I don’t know squat and so I have to ask.

That’s a damn shame doctors are making people suffer they’re suppose to help you not make you suffer, plus I know myself and would not let myself get addicted, I’ve taken opioids before the really strong ones and though I loved the feeling I Took them as prescribed and weened off them and that was it, I didn’t turn into a heroin addict,

Sorry to hear you have family members suffering from pain.
Any time my man! Glad to help!

Been a drug addict for over 20 years now here, so I've picked up some knowledge through using and researching the drugs I've done, so if anything positive has come out of my addiction, is that I've been able to help others. :p Cheers man!
Any time my man! Glad to help!

Been a drug addict for over 20 years now here, so I've picked up some knowledge through using and researching the drugs I've done, so if anything positive has come out of my addiction, is that I've been able to help others. :p Cheers man!
You have been a big help, I was addicted to Benzos like a decade ago, on Xanax, then I weened myself off, but matters of life and my low self esteem got me back on them, it just got to the point where I didn’t want to get out of bed, my anxiety and panic attacks got so bad, I was literally puking and diarrhea, my nerves were so bad, I had to go see the doctor, couldn’t sleep or anything so the doctor put me on Benzos and Zolpidem, this is my family doctor, the bone doctor is the one who is not giving me anything but nsaids for the pain, and I have no history of being hooked on opioids, I was too scared when I was taking the Oxys to get hooked that I followed the doctors orders and when it came time to stop them I stopped, so it’s not like they have me marked in their system as an abuser of pain meds. If they can even do that, if they have a system to register people who abuse opioids, I don’t know? But I know If they do have that system I’m not on it.

I am very grateful and appreciative of your help brother, you help to reduce harm in taking medication, thank you so very much.
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You have been a big help, I was addicted to Benzos like a decade ago, on Xanax, then I weened myself off, but matters of life and my low self esteem got me back on them, it just got to the point where I didn’t want to get out of bed, my anxiety and panic attacks got so bad, I was literally puking and diarrhea, my nerves were so bad, I had to go see the doctor, couldn’t sleep or anything so the doctor put me on Benzos and Zolpidem, this is my family doctor, the bone doctor is the one who is not giving me anything but nsaids for the pain, and I have no history of being hooked on opioids, I was too scared when I was taking the Oxys to get hooked that I followed the doctors orders and when it came time to stop them I stopped, so it’s not like they have me marked in their system as an abuser of pain meds. If they can even do that, if they have a system to register people who abuse opioids, I don’t know? But I know If they do have that system I’m not on it.

I am very grateful and appreciative of your help brother, you help to reduce harm in taking medication, thank you so very much.

They actually do, but it's more-so for people like myself who get on opioid maintenance. People who get on methadone & buprenorphine (Suboxone) will show up as registered drug addicts for the rest of their lives, so it is unlikely I will ever get scripted pain meds again. Although it is still up to the discretion of the doctor and technically a doctor could prescribe me opioid pain meds if they're necessary.

I didn't want to get into their little flagging system, but after being dependent on opioids for so long, it became a matter of functioning day to day or not functioning for me. I can only feel normal and take care of my daily needs if I have an opioid in my system. Opioids (including heroin) have always helped my severe depression, which included a lot of self destructive behavior. So rather than continue to risk my life with fentanyl in the heroin supply or waiting to score pain pills, I went the maintenance route. I think people deserve better access to opioids, whether it be for physical pain or psychic pain as they can work wonders for both. Doctors think they're doing people a favor by not getting them on opioids in the first place, but they're really hurting a lot of people. I wish I had the power to do something in this country and have the laws changed surrounding opioids & heroin. I'll never quit speaking out about it though until something changes.

Have you tried kratom? It's mostly legal everywhere, but I have never been able to achieve any pain relief or euphoria/opiate effects from it, but others swear they do and have even become addicted to it. I have extreme tolerance after decades of use, but a person with little to no tolerance might feel something from kratom, not sure. I consider it useless, but everyone is different and reacts differently to meds.

I too have debilitating anxiety and panic and am scripted 1.5mg of klonopin a day. I've never found them euphoric though, so I've been lucky and haven't found myself wanting to take more and more or necessarily enjoying the feeling I get from them. They certainly work for their intended purpose and reduce the frequency of my panic attacks, but some times I actually hate the zombified, brain-dead feeling I get from them, which has kept me from getting too crazy with them.

Glad I could help. :) Off to bed here soon, but feel free to keep in touch. I check this site daily. :p
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For all my fellow tramadol lovers, I will be a few days CLEAN of tram or any opioid (too long to explain why), since on Friday I took (foolishly) the doses that is supposed to be part of my tapper for the whole week. :ROFLMAO: Good thing is currently I feel good, and except for sweating, high libido, some fatigue and low to mild depression, I feel good. I think I will survive just fine without tramadol for a few days.

In any case, I will try to help as much as possible in this megathread to new users or any questions that may arise in this regard.


PS. I have a crazy idea that can work during tramadol wd especially and I want to put it to the test these days, but I am not going to publish it until I see that it is certainly effective.