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Opioids Tramadol Megathread

PS. I have a crazy idea that can work during tramadol wd especially and I want to put it to the test these days, but I am not going to publish it until I see that it is certainly effective
And I would caution you also that you’re biology is clearly very different to a lot of other peoples, especially in regards to tolerance with tramadol. So don’t be posting anything too crazy.
I took the other half of the pill which brings the dosage to 225 mgs after two hours of taking the first half, I’m feeling pretty good right now so it’s working, the only thing is I feel a bit jittery and nervous also, I think that might be due to the naproxen because I usually don’t feel this jitter after taking the full dosage of the Tramadol.
Naproxen will not interfere with tramadol. I would bet you’re feeling jittery because it was a drug interaction you were worried about. I’d also bet that’s why you didn’t feel the first half as much as you usually do. If anything naproxen will increase tramadol’s analgesic effects. Sorry you got nothing better prescribed for your pain.
I don't know where else to ask this, but I have always had this doubt while I drink a cup of coffee. Does coffee or caffeine really kill the opioid high or the euphoria? At least when I was using opioids I felt that it helped to kick it faster but after reading this I don't know.

"Opioid antagonists in coffee, both regular and decaffeinated, may cause or worsen RLS / PLMD symptoms, by reducing the level of activation of opioid receptors due to endogenous opioids."
source: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/jcr.2014.0024?journalCode=jcr

I don't know much about science or chemistry but when I hear the word opioid antagonist I immediately think of the worst hahaha.

What do you guys think?
I don't know where else to ask this, but I have always had this doubt while I drink a cup of coffee. Does coffee or caffeine really kill the opioid high or the euphoria? At least when I was using opioids I felt that it helped to kick it faster but after reading this I don't know.

source: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/jcr.2014.0024?journalCode=jcr

I don't know much about science or chemistry but when I hear the word opioid antagonist I immediately think of the worst hahaha.

What do you guys think?

I've heard about this too. And while it's technically showing clear evidence of opiate antagonist compounds in coffee, my experience has always been the opposite.
I use to LOVE putting on a pot of coffee while I waited for my tramadol to kick in. I enjoyed coffee with almost every drug.

I do notice with caffeine that it potentiates my opiates, even sends me into a nod some times, the same seems to happen whether I get my caffeine from coffee or energy drinks. Perhaps the antagonists either have low binding affinity or they're very short acting, which would actually lead to potentiation, similiar to how people use low dose naltrexone to 'reset' their receptors.

I drank one to two pots of coffee, every day, from the ages of 14 to about 28. Loved it. And then I got on bupe and after awhile, suddenly, I couldn't stand the taste of hot coffee (still love cold coffee). And not I explicitly only use energy drinks when I wake up. Not sure what happened. Hell I use to love to drink it straight black too.

Still wonder about this myself tho.

I also get potentiation from nicotine.
I've heard about this too. And while it's technically showing clear evidence of opiate antagonist compounds in coffee, my experience has always been the opposite.
I use to LOVE putting on a pot of coffee while I waited for my tramadol to kick in. I enjoyed coffee with almost every drug.

I do notice with caffeine that it potentiates my opiates, even sends me into a nod some times, the same seems to happen whether I get my caffeine from coffee or energy drinks. Perhaps the antagonists either have low binding affinity or they're very short acting, which would actually lead to potentiation, similiar to how people use low dose naltrexone to 'reset' their receptors.

I drank one to two pots of coffee, every day, from the ages of 14 to about 28. Loved it. And then I got on bupe and after awhile, suddenly, I couldn't stand the taste of hot coffee (still love cold coffee). And not I explicitly only use energy drinks when I wake up. Not sure what happened. Hell I use to love to drink it straight black too.

Still wonder about this myself tho.

I also get potentiation from nicotine.

Yeah man, I get potentiation from nicotine too. Despite the fact that I "quit" smoking 5 years ago hahaha. I only smoke very occasionally (2-4 times a year) Cigarettes in Chile are also very expensive.

The coffee thing is strange, I feel that it helps in low doses to kick tram faster. What I do feel is that I can resist very high doses of caffeine when taking opioids and I don't notice those terrible side effects of high caffeine doses (anxiety, tremors, jittery and nervousness) that I feel when I take the same amount while sober.

Interesting that about the naloxone, I've never heard of it before. :unsure:
Yeah man, I get potentiation from nicotine too. Despite the fact that I "quit" smoking 5 years ago hahaha. I only smoke very occasionally (2-4 times a year) Cigarettes in Chile are also very expensive.

The coffee thing is strange, I feel that it helps in low doses to kick tram faster. What I do feel is that I can resist very high doses of caffeine when taking opioids and I don't notice those terrible side effects of high caffeine doses (anxiety, tremors, jittery and nervousness) that I feel when I take the same amount while sober.

Interesting that about the naloxone, I've never heard of it before. :unsure:
I didn’t know this I love coffee drink gallons of it every day, absolutely love it and am addicted to it, I’ll try it next time I take Tramadol.
I didn’t know this I love coffee drink gallons of it every day, absolutely love it and am addicted to it, I’ll try it next time I take Tramadol.

There was a time when I was dependent on coffee too (drank energy drinks with coffee for breakfast :oops: ). But because I suffer from social anxiety, it made me worse in the end.
In these days, I only drank 1 or 2 cups (200 ml.) of coffee. Also I don't have those strong cravings once I wake up.
Yeah man, I get potentiation from nicotine too. Despite the fact that I "quit" smoking 5 years ago hahaha. I only smoke very occasionally (2-4 times a year) Cigarettes in Chile are also very expensive.

The coffee thing is strange, I feel that it helps in low doses to kick tram faster. What I do feel is that I can resist very high doses of caffeine when taking opioids and I don't notice those terrible side effects of high caffeine doses (anxiety, tremors, jittery and nervousness) that I feel when I take the same amount while sober.

Interesting that about the naloxone, I've never heard of it before. :unsure:

Here's a study about it.

"Chronic intrathecal (0.005 and 0.05 ng) or systemic (10 ng/kg) naltrexone combined with morphine (15 μg i.t.; 15 mg/kg i.p.) over a 7-day period inhibited the decline in morphine antinociception and prevented the loss of morphine potency. In animals rendered tolerant to intrathecal (15 μg) or systemic (15 mg/kg) morphine, administration of naltrexone (0.05 ng i.t.; 10 and 50 ng/kg i.p.) significantly restored the antinociceptive effect and potency of morphine. Thus, in ultra-low doses, naltrexone paradoxically enhances morphine analgesia and inhibits or reverses tolerance through a spinal action."

This study was done on rats tho I suppose. lol I'm always seeing other sites saying that ultra low dose naltrexone reduces the rewarding effects, so I'm not sure how all of this translates. I guess maybe it just enhances the pain relief?

Cigarettes are ridiculously expensive here now too. About 8 bucks in USD for a pk. I've been a daily smoker since I was 15. It's been harder than anything else besides opiates to kick.

I have 6 tramadol left that i'm saving for a rainy day, since I don't know when I'll ever get anymore. :(
Here's a study about it.

"Chronic intrathecal (0.005 and 0.05 ng) or systemic (10 ng/kg) naltrexone combined with morphine (15 μg i.t.; 15 mg/kg i.p.) over a 7-day period inhibited the decline in morphine antinociception and prevented the loss of morphine potency. In animals rendered tolerant to intrathecal (15 μg) or systemic (15 mg/kg) morphine, administration of naltrexone (0.05 ng i.t.; 10 and 50 ng/kg i.p.) significantly restored the antinociceptive effect and potency of morphine. Thus, in ultra-low doses, naltrexone paradoxically enhances morphine analgesia and inhibits or reverses tolerance through a spinal action."

This study was done on rats tho I suppose. lol I'm always seeing other sites saying that ultra low dose naltrexone reduces the rewarding effects, so I'm not sure how all of this translates. I guess maybe it just enhances the pain relief?

Cigarettes are ridiculously expensive here now too. About 8 bucks in USD for a pk. I've been a daily smoker since I was 15. It's been harder than anything else besides opiates to kick.

I have 6 tramadol left that i'm saving for a rainy day, since I don't know when I'll ever get anymore. :(

Wow. Very interesting study. That might explain the effect of caffeine (in low-moderate doses) and opioids.

Here, a pack of Marlboro Red or Lucky Strike Red costs $ 5.53. There are some cheaper brands but they are really gross, except the Philip Morris, which is very similar to the Marlboros.

How many mg. are your tramadol pills left?
Wow. Very interesting study. That might explain the effect of caffeine (in low-moderate doses) and opioids.

Here, a pack of Marlboro Red or Lucky Strike Red costs $ 5.53. There are some cheaper brands but they are really gross, except the Philip Morris, which is very similar to the Marlboros.

How many mg. are your tramadol pills left?

Holy shit. Marlboro here is atleast 8-9 bucks a pack! lol I use to be able to buy 4 pks of Marlboro/Camels for 20 bucks years and years ago. Now you're lucky if you can get 2 packs for 20 bucks. I really need to quit cause I feel like shit that all my money is constantly going to these crooked tobacco companies. Not to mention my partner is a non smoker and always bitching at me to give up smoking.

Yes, I think it's possible that naltrexone & naloxone in low doses could help prevent/reset tolerance. Some people think this could be why bupenorphine/naloxone tolerance takes awhile to set in, although when it does, it feels almost impossible to get any euphoria back from it.

My tram pills are 50mg each. So 6 should be a good dose to at least feel something. When they're gone they're gone though. :( I've had constant access to them for 10 years, but I have recently had to move and my entire life situation changed, so I will no longer be able to get them. I also don't know of anyone with drugs and really can't afford them where I've moved to anyway, so it's been VERY VERY hard trying to get through each day. For the last several years I've had constant access to heroin, fent, methadone, xanax & various benzos, cannabis, methamphetamine & of course trams and bupe. And I never thought life would change & take me in this direction, but it did and now all I have at my disposal is bupe and clonazepam. So it really fucking sucks. The anhedonia, boredom and lack of motivation and happiness is what's hardest.
Holy shit. Marlboro here is atleast 8-9 bucks a pack! lol I use to be able to buy 4 pks of Marlboro/Camels for 20 bucks years and years ago. Now you're lucky if you can get 2 packs for 20 bucks. I really need to quit cause I feel like shit that all my money is constantly going to these crooked tobacco companies. Not to mention my partner is a non smoker and always bitching at me to give up smoking.

Yes, I think it's possible that naltrexone & naloxone in low doses could help prevent/reset tolerance. Some people think this could be why bupenorphine/naloxone tolerance takes awhile to set in, although when it does, it feels almost impossible to get any euphoria back from it.

My tram pills are 50mg each. So 6 should be a good dose to at least feel something. When they're gone they're gone though. :( I've had constant access to them for 10 years, but I have recently had to move and my entire life situation changed, so I will no longer be able to get them. I also don't know of anyone with drugs and really can't afford them where I've moved to anyway, so it's been VERY VERY hard trying to get through each day. For the last several years I've had constant access to heroin, fent, methadone, xanax & various benzos, cannabis, methamphetamine & of course trams and bupe. And I never thought life would change & take me in this direction, but it did and now all I have at my disposal is bupe and clonazepam. So it really fucking sucks. The anhedonia, boredom and lack of motivation and happiness is what's hardest.

Yeah bro. The main reason why I quit smoking, besides health (which is kind of funny now) is the price. During 2008, in my first year at Uni, a pack of 20 Marlboro cost only 2.77 USD here, but then all those anti-tobacco and taxes laws came in my country and the prices went up like foam and I, being a poor student, couldn't handle that. But, man, you don't know how I miss a Red Marlboro in the morning watching the raining with black coffee in my hand. The only cigarette I really miss is Marlboro Red. I miss that and Marlboro Red it's not the popular brand here, people love all the fancy cigarettes flavored menthol shit. Not what I do not miss is the smell, dissgusting breath, smell on the hands, clothes, etc.

Wow sorry to hear about your city change and that you can't get drugs, maybe it's a good thing and fate has something big for you. Also, you with your sympathy and charming, I don't think it takes long to make friends to get what it takes.

Yeah the anhedonia and lack of motivation it's something I've always suffered from (sober at least), some SSRI-SNRIs seemed to work better than others for such purposes (Escitalopram and Venlafaxine), but it's something I should live it forever apparently. My father's family has always had many mental related problems (depression, social isolation, alcoholism, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc.), so it seems to be genetic. I have always used humor to get ahead, you know the phrase "there is always someone worse than you", well that is almost my philosophy of life.

I think the only time my lack of motivation and anhedonia disappeared a lot was when I started to take care of my diet and to work-out with weights or my own bodyweight every day. I could workout for 1 hours (3-5 days a week and 2 day for cardio), I had a great physique (about 5-8% body fat) with sixpack and all that shit, but my injury came and the tramadol was much more effective in meeting all those needs.

PS. Sorry for my english. I'm very tired after sleeping just 4 hours last night hahaha.
I wonder if labs/chemicals are experimenting with o-desmethyltramadol? To me, it can be much more useful than tramadol for analgesia since it is a pro-drug and has an action on noradrealin, which helped to give some synergy to its analgesic effects, much tan serotonin apparently. Although it has additive potency, it does not seem as great as oxycodone or hydrocodone.

A last question, has anyone tried Kratom? Do you guys like it? How is it? Can it help to quit or reduce tramadol? I know Kratom and Tramadol should not be taken together, becasue Kratom has serotonin action too. The truth seems to me a bit expensive, unlike tramadol which it's dam cheap. Any strain that feels similar like tramadol?
Yeah bro. The main reason why I quit smoking, besides health (which is kind of funny now) is the price. During 2008, in my first year at Uni, a pack of 20 Marlboro cost only 2.77 USD here, but then all those anti-tobacco and taxes laws came in my country and the prices went up like foam and I, being a poor student, couldn't handle that. But, man, you don't know how I miss a Red Marlboro in the morning watching the raining with black coffee in my hand. The only cigarette I really miss is Marlboro Red. I miss that and Marlboro Red it's not the popular brand here, people love all the fancy cigarettes flavored menthol shit. Not what I do not miss is the smell, dissgusting breath, smell on the hands, clothes, etc.

Wow sorry to hear about your city change and that you can't get drugs, maybe it's a good thing and fate has something big for you. Also, you with your sympathy and charming, I don't think it takes long to make friends to get what it takes.

Yeah the anhedonia and lack of motivation it's something I've always suffered from (sober at least), some SSRI-SNRIs seemed to work better than others for such purposes (Escitalopram and Venlafaxine), but it's something I should live it forever apparently. My father's family has always had many mental related problems (depression, social isolation, alcoholism, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc.), so it seems to be genetic. I have always used humor to get ahead, you know the phrase "there is always someone worse than you", well that is almost my philosophy of life.

I think the only time my lack of motivation and anhedonia disappeared a lot was when I started to take care of my diet and to work-out with weights or my own bodyweight every day. I could workout for 1 hours (3-5 days a week and 2 day for cardio), I had a great physique (about 5-8% body fat) with sixpack and all that shit, but my injury came and the tramadol was much more effective in meeting all those needs.

PS. Sorry for my english. I'm very tired after sleeping just 4 hours last night hahaha.
Your English is excellent my friend.
Yeah bro. The main reason why I quit smoking, besides health (which is kind of funny now) is the price. During 2008, in my first year at Uni, a pack of 20 Marlboro cost only 2.77 USD here, but then all those anti-tobacco and taxes laws came in my country and the prices went up like foam and I, being a poor student, couldn't handle that. But, man, you don't know how I miss a Red Marlboro in the morning watching the raining with black coffee in my hand. The only cigarette I really miss is Marlboro Red. I miss that and Marlboro Red it's not the popular brand here, people love all the fancy cigarettes flavored menthol shit. Not what I do not miss is the smell, dissgusting breath, smell on the hands, clothes, etc.

Wow sorry to hear about your city change and that you can't get drugs, maybe it's a good thing and fate has something big for you. Also, you with your sympathy and charming, I don't think it takes long to make friends to get what it takes.

Yeah the anhedonia and lack of motivation it's something I've always suffered from (sober at least), some SSRI-SNRIs seemed to work better than others for such purposes (Escitalopram and Venlafaxine), but it's something I should live it forever apparently. My father's family has always had many mental related problems (depression, social isolation, alcoholism, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc.), so it seems to be genetic. I have always used humor to get ahead, you know the phrase "there is always someone worse than you", well that is almost my philosophy of life.

I think the only time my lack of motivation and anhedonia disappeared a lot was when I started to take care of my diet and to work-out with weights or my own bodyweight every day. I could workout for 1 hours (3-5 days a week and 2 day for cardio), I had a great physique (about 5-8% body fat) with sixpack and all that shit, but my injury came and the tramadol was much more effective in meeting all those needs.

PS. Sorry for my english. I'm very tired after sleeping just 4 hours last night hahaha.

Lol, might be a good thing for you as well that you aren't smoking anymore.
I've had something going on in my lungs for the past 2 months. Been waking up coughing and can't take a deep breath. My ex/partner/roommate has the same problem, so it's not just me. I dont' feel sick or anything like a cold or whatever, but I suppose if it doesn't get better soon, I am gonna have to find a doctor and make an appt.

Your English is perfect, no worries. :)

This past year was hell. It started with me buying a new car after not having one for years and years. Put down 6,000 on it. Within a week, some brat kid ran into it with his bike and scratched the hell out of the passenger side door. Then shortly after my heroin dealer (good guy, use to hook me up with free shit all the time) went to prison for murder. My debit card was hacked and somebody stole money from me. Then my mom found out she had leukemia. And since I was still living at home (im the last of 7 kids) and the rest of my siblings were hours away, it became my responsibility to take my mom to all of her appointments and chemo. Which consisted of having to drive to a city an hour and a half away every other week, while going to the hospital in my town every day so she could get shots. Now keep in mind I too suffer from severe anxiety and panic, so having all this responsibility on me was overwhelming, but I couldn't just say no and not take my mom to her treatment. The same month she was diagnosed (October of 2019), I had asshole Cuban neighbors move in above our apartment. They would stomp, scream, fight and get drunk all day, every day. They would pound non-stop and started keeping me up for days at a time. I actually picked up a meth habit in order to deal with taking care of my mom and not being able to get any sleep. I went up there ans asked them to stop several times. They wouldn't. So we actually called the police and the landlord, which neither one gave a shit. The police said they couldn't do anything (even tho they had harassed me before for playing music at my old house during the day, but a bunch of drunk Cubans screaming and stomping around and throwing things at all hours of the night, they can do nothing about) and the landlord would always lie and say he'd talk to them but nothing ever got done.

Then my car started breaking down left & right, so I had to spend a lot of money getting it fixed in order to keep up with taking my mom to her appointments. The pandemic had just started as well. Then my oldest sister died this past summer from a life time of alcohol drinking. Her liver just finally shut down. So I had to make an 8 hour trip to go to her funeral. And of course I got a flat tire on the way there. Of fucking course! And now we were going on month 9 or 10 of my neighbors getting away with taking away my right to sleep in my own apartment. I dealt with those assholes for an entire year, all while trying to take care of my mom. Us people with mental health issues need our sleep and our peace and quiet. lol So I had started pounding BACK at them on the ceiling. And I guess they were complaining about it and the landlord actually believed them and took their side, like me and my mom were just crazy and making it up that they were keeping us up for days at a time and pounding at them for no reason. I'm pretty sure our landlord had something against me because of my sexuality and my criminal record in that town, because he was friends with the police and the pigs had been harassing me for years and years.

And then in October of this year, me and my mom got an eviction letter in the mail from our asshole landlord because I wouldn't stop pounding on the ceiling. Go figure. lol So my mom moved in with another one of my sisters 9 hours away and I moved 2 hours away from where we were living to live with my ex. Me and my mom had lived in that town for 12 years and it's where I made all my drug connections and friends. Before I moved, a bunch of kids in the parking lot at the apartments made sure to break the license plate off the front of my car too. And this bad luck seems to have followed me.

And now here I am. Trying each day to find reasons to keep on going.

I was on venlafaxine in my 20's and it seemed to help for a bit. It actually made me a bit manic, full of energy and I'd go out and meet new people and just go wild. So I decided to try it again about 2 years ago with my Suboxone doctor, but this time around all venlafaxine did was make me feel sick to my stomach and very strange.

I'm on like 12 different medications. Only 2 of them are really recreational or effective. I'm trying to talk my sub doc into putting me on a stimulant. Maybe a stimulant would give me my motivation back and pleasure back in my life.

I use to love to exercise in my 20's, but after getting on Subs, I totally stopped and can't find the motivation to do that again either.

It's funny you mention me being charming lol My heroin dealer (who I had very little in common with) always use to tell me I was charismatic and charming. He was a black gang banger and I could never understand why he was always doing me favors and hooking me up with free heroin for years. lol I guess maybe he just felt drawn to me or something.

I live in an even smaller town now though, so I have no idea who I could meet and go charm for drugs, especially heroin. lol I'm sure there are people around here with heroin or know where to get it but my ex (who I live with) might not like me meeting and hanging with possibly shady people like that either.

So... I dunno anymore. I'm just hoping for a miracle or some good luck finally. lol
With all this talk about rushed coronavirus vaccines being mandated (which I will not take) and a possible cyberattack or power grid going down, I'm starting to wonder if there's reason to do anything at all, even get out of bed in the morning.

Anyway, sorry for my rambling.

I just woke up over here. lol Can't stop coughing, but gonna go smoke a cigarette anyway. lol

PS : I have never been able to get opiate effects from kratom. But some people swear by it. I would say it's not worth trying, but you may be one of those people who feels something from it. I wish I was able to feel effects from it since it's so easily accessible now a days. O-desmethyltramadol is sold as a research chemical online I believe and I think I read awhile back ago about a company wanting to patent ODSMT and make it into a new painkiller. I think I would enjoy ODSMT more than tramadol.
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@DeathIndustrial88 You don't know how I understand you, bro. This year 2020 was shit for me too. I do not want pity but I lost my job, my little and dear companion kitten Agustín died, I was scammed twice buying drugs, my new laptop was screw up after a binge of pregabalin and tramadol hahaha, I broke my, I have gain many kilos/lbs thanks to tramadol withdrawal and confinement--- I think, ironically enough, without tramadol I wouldn't have endured so much shit. That is why I have so many doubts about quitting it, how would I have reacted if I had not been taking this little drug? Anyway, back from holidays, I am thinking of going to a therapist to guide me or at least talk to someone about it.

Right now, I have some tremendous cravings for a Marlboro, Tapentadol and Tramadol. Fridays were my favorite day for getting high. Just stay at home, took the drugs while watching a movie or a series until nod off.

What brand of cigarette do you smoke @DeathIndustrial88 ?

PS. Something tells me that I will not feel much the kratom either, I definitely screw up my tolerance taking almost 2 grams of tramadol daily. That is too much. No idea how many grams of kratom are 2 grams of tramadol, but I imagine a lot.

The ODSMT thing is weird since I don't understand why no med has yet been made with this compound. In the Tapentadol megathread I ask the same thing. The bioavailability of Tapentadol is too low orally ( 32 % ), and I can hardly imagine that ODSMT has a lower bioavailability. And like Tapentadol, ODSMT has an action on noradreanaline, which benefits its analgesic properties. Perhaps its have a higher level of abuse and addiction, so the FDA and labs have been very cautious with this substance or perhaps it does not offer a higher level of analgesia than other opioids of similar potency and that have fewer side effects. But why they aproved a drug (Tapentadol) with such a low oral B.A.
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I took some Tramadol today 337.5 mgs all two hours apart from each other starting at 3:30pm then 5:30 I took the other half of the 225mg pill then 8.30 I took another half equaling to 337.5 mgs same amount I took yesterday but now I feel like I’m going to pass out or my heart is going to stop.

is this just paranoia? Or am I overdosing ?