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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Tramadol/100 mgs) New experience: Warm numbing body

I dont want to tell you to go for it and then have something awful happen, but like i said I have never had a single problem. Up until recently where I started giving away half the bottle to friends to make sure I dont end up with an opiate addicition, i was going through 2100+ of these a year, and every single time i was taking 1000mg each time. In fact on a lot of days I would take 1,000mg in the morning or early afternoon and then take another 1,000 - 1,250mg around 9 or 10 pm. Most of my friends, even those who have 0 tolerace built up, would take 10 pills at a time (500mg) and nothing bad ever happened.

FYI - I am a 36 year old male - 5'11" 205 pounds - So if you are quite a bit lighter than me, keep that in mind. You said you are on gabapentin daily to lower seizure risks... is that for a medical reason or is it strictly for opiate abuse? I would do a little research on your gabapentin, see if you cant take a little extra when you try to up the dosage on Tramadol. Also if you decide to try it, I would do it slowly and work your way up so you can see if your body reacts at all.

Whatever you do, PLEASE be careful... and thanks for the warm welcome! :)
Oh one more thing - on the few days a month that I do partake, I dont do anything strenuous... im not sure if heavy activity can up the risks or not, but I really enjoy just melting away into my couch watching a movie, surfing the web, listening to tunes or playing a video game or some shit... I have noticed that if I get my heart rate up and get sweaty while on it I sometimes get sick to my stomach, but that happened on Buprenorphine as well.
Gabapentin i take for pain along with tramadol,and Cymbalta but the research I did(and I have done alot)said gabapentin has properties that lower seizure risks. I personally don't and never have had any seizure problems. So with all that info I feel safe taking 500mg a day ish. I might increase this at some point but for now it's enough. Also because I take 60mgs of cymbalta daily I run the risk of serotonin syndrome which is something else I have to watch for.
I am a user/abuser, but also need meds for pain, arthritis and joint deterioration. I am 35 and shorter and lighter than you are, with red hair and beautiful blue eyes. Oh I guess that was not needed info, LOL!!
Awe feeling so good right now. I love a tramadol high. 300mgs of tramadol and 900 of gabapentin and Omg I'm in love. Feeling gushy. Mmmmmm yummy;not to much and not to little this one is just right. Sigh so happy and content.

Sorry to take it off topic...but does anyone have any warnings aboit taking a dose of tramadol while on anti-depressants? Im currently taking 50mg of Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) daily.
Cross reference a search for those drug interactions. I take tramadol and an anitdepressent and the interaction, pharmacy says can be serotonin syndrome, so I have to watch my dose. check with your phamacy.
Oh one more thing - on the few days a month that I do partake, I dont do anything strenuous... im not sure if heavy activity can up the risks or not, but I really enjoy just melting away into my couch watching a movie, surfing the web, listening to tunes or playing a video game or some shit... I have noticed that if I get my heart rate up and get sweaty while on it I sometimes get sick to my stomach, but that happened on Buprenorphine as well.

I have noticed that when I take over 150mgs and do things around house up and down stairs vaccuming ect. I also get sweaty and Heart rate go's up. So I have to make myself sit down and relax, but I never get nauseous or anything. The trammies give me a euphoric high with energy so wanna do things. Anyone else get this? And I have never had the nods either. So anyone else feel this way? I do have my really mellow moments.
Lovin me some 150mg trammies plugged this am omg it's so easy(my first time). I'm really feeling it too! So nice...
Be very careful on tramadol it a Nasty drug,I have just had Kidney failure due to a 5 year codiene addiction that i failed to get off before it causedalot of damage to my body.After spending 3 weeks in intensive care and a further 4 weeks on the medical ward i was released from hospital.the following day went to my gp to get something for the pain.With kidney failure there is little in pain medication that you can take so tramadol was one of the only options.Went got the script made up got home and took 2 tablets as the dr said within an hour i was getting dizzy and confused.this was happening every half an hour i called the dr he said go straight to hospital before i could get there it cause a massive seizure and i was taken by ambulance straight back to hospital.After talking to a few drs there they said this is a common side effect of tramadol for healthy and like me non healthy people. so be careful siezures can kill!!!!
Add me to the list of tramadol lovers. When j started doing it, it was so warming and satisfying. My tolerance built up fast though and even though the seizure risk with tramadol is slightly hyped(for good reason), I didn't want to take the risk of increasng my dose above 300mg. Its good, but not worth it.
Tramadol is not an opiate.

Also I had a super high tolerance 400mgs for a day and nothin so I weened down fast and didn't take any for weeks and now I have the high back and rarely use but I really love them a nd that's why I use them rarely. And another thing I wanted to say about trammies is I never experienced a withdrawal the only reasone I weened is cause I read here it was dangerous and withdrawal was worse than Vicodin withdrawal. So I am thankful for that. Also I never ever went over 400mgs in a 24 hour period. Never needed to for one cause the high lasts so long, but mostly cause of the seizure risk. Why tempt fate.
Guys I've been prescribed Zydol 50mg slow release by my doc. To get them back to normal release like the capsules would it just be a case of crushing them up from the tablet form they are in? Only ever take 150mg over an evening now and then but do love the high it gives and the way it lasts into the next day.

hi every1 newbie here.i too have been on tramadol for about 3 years now and started on 100mgfour times a day.all started well enough but within about 6-8 months i found i was taking more and more to get that nice warming feeling that originally 2or3 were giving me. now three years down the line and with a handful of terribley awful withdrawal attempts...!!! not nice,i am now taking between 15-20 ata time at least once,sometimes twice,a day,not to get a good buzz anymore,but merely just to stop my body going through withdrawal !!! i almost wish i had not started taking them in first place.i have spent £1000s on them(not a joke)and would desperately like any advice people who have been through similar "withdrawals",or who have managedto quit or replace tramadol with something else,which i think is what my gp is about to do ,as he has given me a box of 30 "solpadol"30/500, to try out. again any info,no matter how trivial it sounds,would be appreciated.thanxxxxx.
I was addicted to opiates for 10 years, so I know the terrible pattern you speak of. Daily opiates in huge amounts just to feel decent. It's a terrible way to live.

I finally took an ibogaine flood dose to get off them and it worked amazingly, that was 10 months ago and I have never taken another opiate again.

Tramadol however does not play well with ibogaine... you should be on a short acting full agonist opiate for ibogaine. Tramadol is also an SSRI and I think some other things. If you want to go that route you can PM me about it, but you'd probably first need to replace tramadol with something like codeine or hydrocodone, or kratom might be the best choice of all. It will probably be unpleasant to make the switch because tramadol affects more than just opiate receptors.

Also ibogaine is a pretty intense commitment, and a life-changing experience that is more intense than anything else I've ever experienced out of probably literally 1000 trips I've taken. However I did not find it frightening at all, except before I took it, I was scared shitless. The experience itself left no room for fear.

Have you ever tried kratom? It's probably the least painful opiate to be addicted to though I was on it for 7 years and wasn't able to get off myself, but then again I was using opiates to mask the pain of my toxic relationship. My ibogaine experience came shortly after finally ending that relationship so there were multiple factors at play. I would recommend that you get some kratom and use it instead of tramadol until you're past the tramadol... then try to get off kratom. If you can't, then maybe you could consider ibogaine if you're willing to go there. It's not to be taken lightly though. However I understand fully how difficult it is to escape opiate addiction and the only thing that worked for me was ibogaine. It literally saved my life.
hi ya diamonddope..geezer.informative and interesting reply there,a lot of which rings 100 % true to my experiences with tramadol.now i know i am looking at an old reply but i hope(fingers crossed)you,or,someone else with info might see this and reply.!! anyway this is my 2nd or 3rd post on here as i am "NEWBIE" so bear with me if i am not pc or whatever rules i am s posed to follow:)> i put my back out 3 yrs ago,and having only taken tramadol once before with tooth abcess(after eating a whole pack of paracetomal and a dozen or so 400mg ibuprofen tabs)found these tramadols in back of cupboard and took two and WOW!!!!! within half hour i felt the pain still was there but it wasnt doing mu head in anymore.managed to sleep within the hour. anyway i stared of on 2,50mgs every 4 hours and after a few weeks felt so good on normal dose,(being a bit partial to experimenting from a very early!!!)decided to take 4 in 1 go.apsolutey best idea i had for years. ...or so i thought.for about next6-8 months i slowly increased the dose ,so as to keep attaining that lovely euphoric ,elated and floaty feeling that i had had for about a year,but was more and mora aware that this wasn't going to be as easy as just upping the dose.after getting to the point of taking 16-18 50mgs a time,and then repeating the dose within afew hours,found that "one" ,it was fruitless and i could no longer get the
euphoric feeling,and "two" i was now having to source and acquire my supply from "THE STREET",which over the last 18months has put me back £1000s,and no joke it is not the "low £1000s"either. i now find i am buying regularly boxes of cocodamol to try and increase the effects of taking twenty at a time,and almost anything else i can get my hands on,which to be honest is pretty limited where i live.i8 have spent countless hours trawling the internet to find a site that even looks "half reliable" in order to acquire something that would do the job,but as someone who has never bought anything over the internet,i have not yet been sucessful hmmmh):> .i now only take tramadol to avoid getting the withdrawals which i have had a couple of times,and the last time i ended up in hospital.not good. if you could "diamonddope",or anyone at all could give me any information,no matter how trivial or pointless it seems,to get back to getting that lovely euphoriac-elation ,or suggest anything that would do a similar job,or better.any particular "reliable" web sites,or other meds/tabs that would work,i would be very appreciative,and say a big "THANKYOU" in advance for any information i get. painpillpopper.
Unfortunately once you lose the initial opiate bliss feeling the only way to get it back is to stop for a long time. At which point you should just stay stopped because opiate addiction is THE WORST.

But yeah, your tolerance is too high, you will not be able to feel that same feeling no matter how much you take. It's just how it goes. And it's part of why opiate addiction sucks, eventually you don't even get high anymore, you just have to keep taking them to avoid withdrawals. It's no way to live, trust me on that (I was addicted for 10 years).

And if you do manage to find stronger opiates, you'll probably feel great feelings for a little while and then they'll stop working too and you'll be even deeper in.

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.
Hear hear. The initial high is brilliant, nbut tolerance builds up so fast, ive taking up to 400mg in the past before I was prescribed codeine and palexia, now im hooked on both.
My experience with tramadol will happen tonight. Anything I should expect? I'm taking 150mg.