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Today Tonight Tue 9th - Ecstacy

"70% of all crimes is directly linked to drug use" what a load of shit, although i expected nothing less from TT
What they didn't say was what the hell was going on in those people's lives to warrant their over indulgence and misuse of any drug? Surely thats the CAUSE, not the actual drug itself. And as stated before what about alcohol? I am sure you could blame alcohol for more suicides, dependencies etc if you reported it the same way.
The statistic about all crime is 70% related to drugs... I think I viewed a sbs show not so longer that that said this figure was around 40-50%. They change this figure when they want it seems.

But thinking about that again, I think the guy in the report used the wording "COULD be up to 70%"?. Cleaver wording. They could of also said "could be up to 90%" I suppose they thought 70% was a good beleavable figure for those who watch today tonight.
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the whole thing just reminded me of the marijuana ads they had in the 60s

"if you're lucky the drugs will kill you straight away...!!"

Re: wow

KrisChris said:
Just watched today tonight and saw the before and after brainscan on that 22yr old girl... I wonder if that is really true... Making me think twice now !

The girl did many drugs like the today tonight report said. Just please don't think she did only ecstacy.

When sonograms or other forms of internal scans are done the images are merely interpretations of the information that is presented. A sonogram machine is actually reading sound waves and the people who program the machine decide how to show us those "sound" images in a visual form.

You can present the image in many ways. They just made the pictures look more dramatic to make it appear that there were holes in the brain.

Any claims that MDMA causes "holes in the brain" is not backed up by scientific research. And the one report that said this was revealed to be incorrect which someone in this thread has already mentioned.

Today tonight did not say specificly that the scan was from MDMA usage but from a girl that did alot of recreational drugs. But by not saying what drug, gives the view that all recreational drugs puts holes in your brain. This is not true and it is my opinion that mdma specificly does not do this.

I invite you to the following link with a good report that debunks the 'holes in the brain thing'. Its not a one sided report like today tonights report.

Peter Jennings Reporting Ecstasy Rising
It's a video file thats 48MB and goes for about 40+ minutes.
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IWillHostIt said:
The statistic about all crime is 70% related to drugs... I think I viewed a sbs show not so longer that that said this figure was around 40-50%. They change this figure when they want it seems.

But thinking about that again, the guy in the report used the wording "COULD be up to 70%". Cleaver wording. They could of also said "could be up to 90%" I suppose they thought 70% was a good beleavable figure for those who watch today tonight.

Alot of the report was worded like that. I guess the figures didn't back up what the point of the story was, so like any good journalist would do, he made his own. :\

In last nights report it said (regarding the GHB death) "exactly 3 weeks after she tried ecstacy, she was found dead in the back of a drug dealers car". Nice to see they left out the important facts like MDMA wasn't what killed her....

It's what I like to call Selective Journalism. :X
Same rehashed crap, different presenter. Wasn't amusing like the ads. In fact I wanted to punch every one who put that thing together. Including that bitch who said 'if we had half of what Indonesia has we'd be better off'.
^^ yea that raged me also "...something something all drug users are scum, they should be all hung...blah" fair enough if she's angry about her daughters death, but no one forced that G down her
Yeah that's what shits me about all this hype, the fact that people won't take responsibility for their own actions, C'mon for fucks sake, drugs are inanimate objectsm they can't make you take them...
the list of chemicals they said were in pills almost looked as bad as whats in cigarettes, almost. i wouldnt worry about ecstacy being a scapegoat of the media, if people are stupid enough to believe this propoganda, we dont want them in our scene anyway, right? leave the ignorance in the pubs etc i say.
this report was pure gold very amusing made me laugh a number of times especialy the blowout who got pulled over driving the car
Its funny how cocaine never gets a mention. Only because alot of the hypocrits and media are probably stufffing it up there noses. I always wonder why the pricks are always so chirpy on the early morning news shows, must be the ten cups of coffee they have before work at 4 in the morning.
Taken from http://seven.com.au/todaytonight/story/?id=22333

Pretty mch word for word what was presented tonght

Researchers, police and drug addicts are warning that marijuana, ecstasy and GHB, which some consider "recreational" drugs, may pose severe health risks for all users.

For years, 22-year-old Lynn Short abused her body and brain with a cocktail of so-called "recreational" drugs. An MRI scan revealed her brain was scarred, battered and badly damaged compared with a normal 22-year-old’s brain.

"Look how almost moth-eaten it looks there," her doctor said. "That's where areas of memory are, association area – I would say this would be the brain of someone in their late 60s or 70s, has had multiple little strokes."

Drugs such as marijuana and ecstasy have been shown not to be as "harmless" as many users think. They have also been said to prematurely age their users, even making them look ugly.

Detective Inspector Bob Hill said police simply could not comprehend why young Australians continued to risk their lives every weekend in search of a momentary, chemically-induced high.

Police scientists have found horse tranquilisers, industrial cleaners and solvents, caustic soda, paint thinner, nail polish remover and even the cleaning product Ajax in some illegal drugs. Inspector Hill said the drug GHB (also known as GBH, short for grievous bodily harm), was usually manufactured through the mixing of industrial cleaners.

"We've identified a number of clandestine laboratories in recent times that one can only describe as filthy dirty, unhygienic and, honestly, producing material that you would never ever consider ingesting if you knew where it came from," Inspector Hill said.

As a nurse and dance fanatic, country girl Belinda Davey knew and saw every day what drugs could do. She was surrounded and tempted by drugs them whenever she went out.

Belinda's mother Lyn said she had discussed the prevalence of ecstasy with her daughter and heard that her dance buddies used it regularly. Lyn believed Belinda would not take drugs, but a couple of weeks later, a brush with drugs cost Belinda her life.

Belinda tried ecstasy for the first time. Within one month, she was dead, her body found in the car of a drug dealer after accidentally overdosing on GHB, sold for about $5 per hit in Australia’s major cities.

Police said drugs could be directly linked to 70 per cent of all crimes. If you have ever been burgled, robbed, ripped off or assaulted, or picked up a DVD player at a price too good to be true, drugs may have touched your life.

Research suggested kids usually started with marijuana. By the time they left high school, most Australian kids were found to have tried the drug.

Angela, 35, said she started experimenting with marijuana at age 13. It was the beginning of a 20-year battle with drugs of all kinds. At one stage, she was spending $750 per day on heroin.

Sandra Kranz said marijuana had killed her son, Joseph. Nothing made her more irate than people calling marijuana a "soft" drug, or calling for its legalisation.

Joe took his life after spiralling into a deep depression. Sandra said he saw several doctors, was admitted to numerous hospitals and institutions, yet still slipped through the net. She called for a national strategy against drug abuse.

Belinda’s mum Lyn even called for the death penalty for drug dealers.

"If we had half of what Indonesia's got, this might not be happening," Lyn said.

Recovering drug user Angela had a warning for anyone thinking of experimenting with marijuana: it led her to other drugs.

"I thought I was going to be fine and then I ended up with a $1,000 heroin habit, and it's taken a lot out of me mentally, physically, socially, confidence, self esteem," Angela said.
What a load of crap!

OK I'v had enough of the weed..... it's now time to move on to my $1000 a day heroin habit.....

Fucking morons!!!!
Only just saw it now when I got back from tennis. Good thing too cause I am too tierd to be pissed off.

Tomorrow I have a phone meeting organised with one of the researchers from Today Tonight. I will try and record it but I dont know how it will turn out. He told me today if they lied I can abuse him.

Holes in the Brain
Gateway drug pot
Statistic on Drug crime

Any more?
researchemist said:
if people are stupid enough to believe this propoganda, we dont want them in our scene anyway, right? leave the ignorance in the pubs etc i say.
Unfortunately those idiots are still required by law to vote...
Faustus said:
Only just saw it now when I got back from tennis. Good thing too cause I am too tierd to be pissed off.

Tomorrow I have a phone meeting organised with one of the researchers from Today Tonight. I will try and record it but I dont know how it will turn out. He told me today if they lied I can abuse him.

Holes in the Brain
Gateway drug pot
Statistic on Drug crime

Any more?

The before and after pics, they were made out to be a product of using any drugs when they were quite obviously the before and after pics of meth addicts that I'm sure we've all seen.

What a load of crap, had to laugh when they through in the token scene of the reporter walking through graffiti laden alleyways, hahaha.
Cheshire Cat ^..^ said:
Unfortunately those idiots are still required by law to vote...

THis is what gets me so worked up. In a democracy the media has influence over people values, attitudes, beleifs, etc. The majority of the population don't think about questioning stuff that they here and see. Thus they take on the opinions expressed by main stream media. So its all very well to say "let them be ignorant" but they take this ignorance with them to the polling both. So despite the fact that we know better than what the commercial infotainment shows preach it still has an affect on our lives.

The media demonizes drugs --> The majority of people then demonize drugs --> Polititions then think they need to be "tough on drugs" to get votes --> We then get fucked up policies that give you a criminal record for going out have a good time once in a while with MDMA while 19000 people a year die from alcohol.

And its not just drug users that get a bum wrap from 7 & 9 I watched a bit of their 6 o clock news bulletin and the whole thing is opinion. I think adjectives should be banned from 'News'.

Even the fucking ABC is calling the so called war on terror a "war on terror".