Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 4 Infinite Chances in an Amazing World

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Thankful for this job place calling me back today, I start work tomorrow.
Hopefully it will be work for more than a month.
im so nervous. bad at introducing myself in person.... new experiences..
hear hear! exhausted today with work, just picked up a double espresso.

Thankful for the sun, the clean environment, the basic needs.
My beautiful Maine Coon kitty. She may be a pain in the ass, but her meows are the only thing comforting me lately.
Thankful for my wife and kids, their support. For my work, and because it's Friday! :)
Thankful for life, and this beautiful place I call home. Thankful for finally having some savings and good income since I quit opiates, and the ability to use it to buy stuff I've been needing such as materials to re-screen and cat-proof my screen doors. Now I can hang out in my house with the doors and windows all open and be comforted by the sounds of the forest all day, and the cool mountain breezes. :)
Thankful for succeeding in working hard. But amazingly, still far from putting my life together.
I'm thankful for an opportunity to fix my life... I hope I don't screw it up. Also for this wave of warm weather and for the tornado that failed to touch down here yesterday (though I must admit, I was fantasizing about driving into the eye of the storm and attempting to ride a flying cow or something equally ludicrous... can you ride a cow?)
I am thankful that the op I had in October has given me back so much of my lost mobilty. Today I'm taking my son to the park to help him with learning to ride his bike and do a bit of football (soccer), he's 7 and I've never been able to actively do either of these things with him before :)
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