Tips on Getting Past the Doorman?


Jun 10, 2005
Big line at the club last night, doorman didn't know me. Are there any magic words you know to get in the VIP line? Like if you have the valet park your car does he give you a codeword to get in? Lots of those stuck-up sorority girls who never hook up with anyone were getting VIP treatment. I offered $30 "for a table" but that didn't work (they wanted $200 and would give you a bottle of free champaign). :(
be hot. it always works

no, there aren't super secret code words except in movies.

vip tables and rooms often really are that expensive. the last time i did a vip table in the vip section was in club paris here in orlando. (i didn't pay for it, not important to me, i was a guest) but it was higher than 200, and there was a high minimum liquor purchase. that night paris was actually there, so it may have been higher for that.

stupid whore, she is cheesy as fuckall in person. and her mom looked like an overaged prom whore
All I wanted to do was dance and get out of the cold. It helps to smile too but I wasn't in the mood. Didn't like the looks of ppl there anyway. Fucked up night. Fortunately I was high on shrooms so that made it interesting. I'm so disgusted and disgusting (I was dressed better than most of the women, white mini, heels, cropped jacket, hair done nicely). Wait 'till Babylon falls then we'll see who's smiling!
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Or, on a serious note, you could always befriend the club on myspace (many have pages now) and be active on the comments section.
well i go clubbin in london but bouncers are pretty much the same breed of guy all over the world so just change the sports team for something more local
but i usally just uses this conversation piece to get in the place

*wander up to a group of usual shaven headed bouncers*
Which one of you bitches wants to dance? Hey you know when you're doing your usual threesome thing you do of a weekend, and the moonlight's bouncing of your heads and your arses and everything, does that not get a bit confusing?
Right, this is you, ok?
(dance madly like a fairy whilst singing "tra la la" then stop)

oh to recuse the siuation if its go badly you can add as an aftertouch

chelsea! That's the one. Do you know this chant? "chelsea, chelsea, you're all really dreadful, and your girlfriends are unfulfilled and alienated"...
Just present yourself in a confident manner and make sure you look rather smashing. Not to brag or anything but I have skipped the lines of countless clubs and lounges before and got past doorman easily because of the way I presented myself. Its all about attitude and style. Personally though, I try to avoid clubs and lounges like that though where you got to look important and rich to get past the doorman. I can play the part but the crowd that is usually inside sucks, they are there it be seen, not be part of the scene.

guineaPig said:
arent mods held to slightly higher standards than that???

Some of the mods and Bluelighters on here suck and cool people like blahblahblah and such end up needing to change there account while others get outright banned, or others get made fun of for the way they type or thier views on certain subjects...

Even on the internet you cant escape the type of drama that occurs in the real world... Fucking sucks...
Yeah, I'm on the club's MySpace and did post a comment. I need to start going there more during the week. (White Wednesday is in two weeks where you're supposed to wear all white.) I always tip the bartenders very well (at least $5)and rubber stamp all my $$$ with "666" and my website.

My biggest problem is I forget to smile & be nice. I hate waiting in lines, am not very patient. Was getting pissed at all these preppy girls getting in through the VIP line.

Guido: Yeah, this is one of those clubs where everyone thinks they're dressed up and they don't know how to dance. I did meet some nice guys there before and danced with pretty girls. That's all I wanted to do: listen to loud music and enjoy the scene dancing. I'll ask my London gal I'll bet she knows the "Chelsa" verses.

Raven: there was a man in front of me with the shiniest head. I thought of asking him if he wanted to "get-outta-here" with me but I'm no longer interested in random sex.

I was so desperate to get in I asked a busboy if I could "follow him in." He snapped back quickly, "NO!"

When I got home and looked in the mirror I notied my jacket was buttoned over my purse strap and the collar was messed up plus I was hyped up on shrooms.

Next week someone's gonna take professional photographs of me so hopefully I can make a better avitar. Still can't figure out how to capture my image from DVD's of my cable TV show.

Crazy life, crazy world!

M4:20: I don't get it, why are there so many ppl turned off by conspiracy stories? (Can't even post them in CE&P.) Like how many ppl really believe Lee Harvey Oswald was a "lone nut gunman," like the Warren Commission concluded?!
Raven^ said:
chelsea! That's the one. Do you know this chant? "chelsea, chelsea, you're all really dreadful, and your girlfriends are unfulfilled and alienated"...

I love you more than life itself. That post was awesome. (I'm NOT ever going to try it, though).
Last weekend? meet one of the band in the toilet.
'I'm with lois' got us past the bouncer :)
Buy some really bad cheap old records, carry them and just walk straight through, ahem your the dj.

Another trick that actually worked for me, was chopped so thought ill have some fun lol. When the dj arrives walk with them, and you'll go straight inside, but hey it beats over priced tickets.
I cant do that in my town, cos everyone knows me anyway. Or get to know the bouncers, most of them smoke weed, ask if they want to go for a session, and theyll usually let you know when there break is, and your in - haha..
GoddessLSD-XTC: You have a cable TV show?

Anyway, if you were on shrooms you might have looked too fucked up to gain entry to the club. And if you've only got $30 to slip someone, think about approaching the busboy with that instead of the doorman.
200 for a table doesnt sound that bad.

or like a minimum liquor bill. i donno, im not that old or w/e but we go to clubs and shit and just buy some bottles fo goose or w/e and get nice. i donno bout waiting in lines too much, i dont really care if its the fuckin rock star club or whatever haha.

but yea, 30 isnt shit. that doorman prolly gets cut in on tips and if your spending like 4 or 5 hundred inside, he prolly makes more than 30. sooo he wants people who are gonna spend the most money. busboy would work prollt though, good luck
DarthMom said:
is there anyway we can see vids of this? are they on your site?

Here's a link to where you can see the live shows and the replay on your computer:

There's gonna be a replay tomorrow (Monday) at 4:30 pm. Arizona time (we don't observe daylight savings) I think this link will show you the time difference:

Watch 666isMONEY Live: Alternate Friday 9pm (GMT -07:00), Ch 73/98; Replay: Monday 4:30pm, Ch 72/97
Next live show February 9 & 23 @ 9pm • Live call-in phone number (Tucson, AZ): 520-629-0683

The last show was pulled 'cause I used the F-word in a vulger but not obscene way. I'm usually drunk/stoned and go out dancing afterwards, 'cause I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go.
GoddessLSD-XTC said:
M4:20: I don't get it, why are there so many ppl turned off by conspiracy stories? (Can't even post them in CE&P.) Like how many ppl really believe Lee Harvey Oswald was a "lone nut gunman," like the Warren Commission concluded?!

the question should be who does believe that Lee H. Oswald was a lone gunner? they should be smacked upside the head; if you're telling me a man without ANY violent criminal past who ACTED alone and had the intelligence to position himself and the funding for a high-powered sniper rifle (WHEN in fact he was a poor man, a drifter) is an assassin then I shall spit in your general direction.
Let's stick to the (thread) title subject, please.
this is going to sound completely, gut-wrenchingly awful, but i can't remember the last time i paid to get into a club or stood in a queue.

there, now i feel like Patsy from AbFab.



'if they won't let us in darling it's not worth going to...'

seriously though, the number one top tip is to get into the music scene :) be warned though most clubs don't like the Horst Wessell song, so you may have to adjust your style!
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