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Three days on the bounce! Will you do five?


Oct 29, 2018
I finished work on Friday and since Saturday I have been stoned off my tits.

Can anyone beat that?

Acid and DOM on Sat/Sun and edible sativa and oral morphine today.
A shitload of stimulants & weed, on top of what I'm prescribed (DHC, lorazepam & pregabalin). Been like that since the winter solstice...
Jesus, DOM/STP is still around? That shit is dangerous, man. Just stick with the acid, a lot of people in the 60s got fucked up by DOM, including said guy in my profile pic (quaaludes are what really ruined him but once he did DOM his behavior immediately became extremely weird afterward).

Maybe you're experienced and enjoy tripping for up to a week, I just didn't know that stuff was still around honestly. Given it's past Sunday, do tell how the DOM trip went lol. I assume it was acid on Christmas on DOM separately the next day? Idk man that just spells trouble to me. The guy who synthesized DOM said it was the closest thing to insanity he'd ever felt and that was just 10mg, lots of 20mg tablets were going around in the 60s, some with acid in them. DOM ruined the Summer of Love, it ruined a lot of people really.
Jesus, DOM/STP is still around? That shit is dangerous, man. Just stick with the acid, a lot of people in the 60s got fucked up by DOM, including said guy in my profile pic (quaaludes are what really ruined him but once he did DOM his behavior immediately became extremely weird afterward).

Maybe you're experienced and enjoy tripping for up to a week, I just didn't know that stuff was still around honestly. Given it's past Sunday, do tell how the DOM trip went lol. I assume it was acid on Christmas on DOM separately the next day? Idk man that just spells trouble to me. The guy who synthesized DOM said it was the closest thing to insanity he'd ever felt and that was just 10mg, lots of 20mg tablets were going around in the 60s, some with acid in them. DOM ruined the Summer of Love, it ruined a lot of people really.

Didn't Nixon ruin The Summer of Love? :p

But yeah, the number of casualties of the era is quite lengthy, and they're only the famous ones we know about. The counterculture definitely had its dark side as much as we might get misty-eyed over it
DOM is impossibly beautiful. Colours like I AINT NEVER SEEEN!! Mixed with acid and its as good as drugs get. Just dont take too much brother? Irie?
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Another DOM session today oh brother 5mg of this with some good acid and you have 12 hours of fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the t-bird away.
Didn't Nixon ruin The Summer of Love? :p

But yeah, the number of casualties of the era is quite lengthy, and they're only the famous ones we know about. The counterculture definitely had its dark side as much as we might get misty-eyed over it
Nah, Nixon wasn't elected until 1969. You might be thinking that's when it was, some people get confused since Woodstock happened in 1969 but the SoL was 1967.

The brown acid thing being "bad" is kind of a myth. Wavy Gravy only said it was bad because the guy who had it got robbed, so they thought it was "bad karma" or something along the lines. I've no doubt STP/DOM went around Woodstock though, but it was mostly LSD and grass. Even backstage, everything was spiked including the ice cube tray, leading some bands to start tripping when they didn't want to be lol.

Of course there was probably everything there, 2 people died of heroin overdoses (which is honestly shockingly low given how many people were there and how many people were probably using). Nearly 800 people overdosed but only 2 died. Then of course that kid being crushed to death by a tractor. I don't know if he was on something, but if you're passed out in a sleeping bag in muddy rain probably lol.

They tried to give thorazine to one or both of the badly overdosed guys and I think that just helped kill them. This stuff was to basically stop acid trips but if you were on STP, it boosted the shit out of the effects. I recall reading about this happening around Haight and people developing severe psychosis as a result. Since many medical professionals wouldn't have known if someone was on LSD or STP they would just give it to them. Scary times honestly. Some of the best music comes from this period IMO but I'd never want to live during that period.
Nah, Nixon wasn't elected until 1969. You might be thinking that's when it was, some people get confused since Woodstock happened in 1969 but the SoL was 1967.

The brown acid thing being "bad" is kind of a myth. Wavy Gravy only said it was bad because the guy who had it got robbed, so they thought it was "bad karma" or something along the lines. I've no doubt STP/DOM went around Woodstock though, but it was mostly LSD and grass. Even backstage, everything was spiked including the ice cube tray, leading some bands to start tripping when they didn't want to be lol.

Of course there was probably everything there, 2 people died of heroin overdoses (which is honestly shockingly low given how many people were there and how many people were probably using). Nearly 800 people overdosed but only 2 died. Then of course that kid being crushed to death by a tractor. I don't know if he was on something, but if you're passed out in a sleeping bag in muddy rain probably lol.

They tried to give thorazine to one or both of the badly overdosed guys and I think that just helped kill them. This stuff was to basically stop acid trips but if you were on STP, it boosted the shit out of the effects. I recall reading about this happening around Haight and people developing severe psychosis as a result. Since many medical professionals wouldn't have known if someone was on LSD or STP they would just give it to them. Scary times honestly. Some of the best music comes from this period IMO but I'd never want to live during that period.
No, DOM is a beautiful psychedelic that got a bad reputation because a) the dosages were far too high and b) it takes a lot longer than acid to kick in, so people redosed with pills that were far too potent. Taking a 20mg pill, followed 30 mins later by another 20mg, is going to fuck up anyone. Chlorpromazine doesn't accentuate the effects, just a normal dose of chlorpromazine will do fuck all on top of 40mg of DOM.
In PIHKAL, Shulgin states an effective dose is 2-3mg and that it takes 90-120 mins to fully kick in. I remember myself and B9 taking 9mg, pissing ourselves laughing over stupid constructs (the special powers of the Chai Tea Masters!) and being blown away by the beauty it revealed (including a blue that was so beautiful, I cried).
Admittedly, the trip lasted at least 36 hours, but we took a very large dose. It is every bit as wonderful a psychedelic as LSD, in my opinion.
I finished work on Friday and since Saturday I have been stoned off my tits.

Can anyone beat that?

Acid and DOM on Sat/Sun and edible sativa and oral morphine today.
Issy, that's a week since I began, have I won a present or something?

Seeing this shit all starts agin, soon for NYE, tonight I may top it off with a dose of DMT, then just my prescribed meds until the weekend.

Whenever I start thinking I'm too old to put my body through this, the thought that life would be fucking boring without this crops up. After all, who wants to live to 100, if the last two fifths of your life is boring as fuck...
No, DOM is a beautiful psychedelic that got a bad reputation because a) the dosages were far too high and b) it takes a lot longer than acid to kick in, so people redosed with pills that were far too potent. Taking a 20mg pill, followed 30 mins later by another 20mg, is going to fuck up anyone. Chlorpromazine doesn't accentuate the effects, just a normal dose of chlorpromazine will do fuck all on top of 40mg of DOM.
In PIHKAL, Shulgin states an effective dose is 2-3mg and that it takes 90-120 mins to fully kick in. I remember myself and B9 taking 9mg, pissing ourselves laughing over stupid constructs (the special powers of the Chai Tea Masters!) and being blown away by the beauty it revealed (including a blue that was so beautiful, I cried).
Admittedly, the trip lasted at least 36 hours, but we took a very large dose. It is every bit as wonderful a psychedelic as LSD, in my opinion.

when you trip for 36 hours are you capable of eating or going to the toilet? Have you ever done anything dangerously crazy like jumping out a window or running onto a road?
I don't know about beautiful, I mean, so many people had horrible trips on it and as mentioned the guy who made it himself stated that it was the closest thing to insanity he'd ever felt, that was 10 micrograms I think. So I suppose if you're implying a dose like 2-4 micrograms, it could be better.
No, never soiled myself (well not through DOM!) or done anything stupidly dangerous, under the influence. Admittedly, it buggers your appetite, but I've done much worse through amphetamines.
Basically, make sure you keep hydrated and run any dangerous ideas past a fellow tripper, to check it's stupid factor.
I didn't mention that there were at least 4 bouts of IM ket, during that trip, as well as a bout of dancing, in snow up to my knees, out the back of his house.

All in all, a wonderful weekend! 😁
I don't know about beautiful, I mean, so many people had horrible trips on it and as mentioned the guy who made it himself stated that it was the closest thing to insanity he'd ever felt, that was 10 micrograms I think. So I suppose if you're implying a dose like 2-4 micrograms, it could be better.
It was synthed by Owsley, who by all things I read, may have been a great organic chemist, but was something of a dilitante, who never completely embraced the psychedelic mindset (a comment from Ken Kesey).

PS. The dose is 2-3 milligrams, not micrograms
Oh I see. Yeah I'm looking at psychonaut wiki now, which I often look at for some substances when I'm unsure about them and it lists 10mg as heavy. I read a book about Syd Barrett, guy in my profile pic awhile back (Dark Globe, one of 2 very good books about him/the band during that period). This one focused a lot more on drug use. It said micrograms instead of milligrams, but now it makes more sense. 10 micrograms would be 0.01mg and I can't imagine that doing anything.

On November 11th, a bunch of 20mg (mentioned as micrograms probably because LSD was the main thing then) were distributed and hundreds of cases of acute psychosis were documented. It was already around in the summer though and George Harrison kept having to turn it down when people offered it to him. From what I understand from some guy who opened up a drug clinic for helping treat overdoses or bad trips and such, this stuff completely murdered the Summer of Love, and fast.

The November batch were infamously known as the "pink wedge overdose tablets." Him and their light show guy Peter Wynne Wilson allegedly consumed these, and it was during the North American tour that the other members of the group noticed him begin to completely lose it. If the guy who made the stuff thought 10mg was the brink of insanity, 20mg is unthinkable, especially to someone who'd already freaked out bad from too much acid. That wiki does list 10mg or more as being heavy. 5mg is listed between common and strong, I guess I could see that being more bearable.

I've just read so many bad stories about it particularly in the 60s when people didn't seem to have any idea how to dose the stuff if it was in liquid form (if it was?). Pete Townshend thought he was taking LSD when it was given to him and I think he needed some professional help briefly. Eric Clapton tripped for a week straight and didn't know if he'd ever come back.

Edit: Dark Globe does say milligrams, so I guess misremembered. Some sources say micrograms again likely because it was considered just another type of acid
No fuckin' way would I entertain a 20mg dose, without a pharmacy's worth of a rapid acting benzo (like at least 10mg of aprazolam, or equivalent). Even then, I don't think I would entertain it. Psychedelic amphetamines have a period of fuck off anxiety during the come up. Anyone contemplating a dose in double figure mgs of DOM, is either bullet proof, when it comes to psychedelics, or stupid beyond comprehension...