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Thought to hold drugs in anus, man taken to hospital and forcibly probed, then billed

Second man Timothy Young comes forward to talk of anal probe ordeal after traffic stop

A SECOND US man has come forward alleging his routine traffic stop escalated into hours of non-consensual anal-probing examinations in a search for non-existent drugs.

This comes after yesterday's report that David Eckert failed to come to a complete stop at a stop sign, and was subsequently subjected to 14 hours of X-rays, cavity searches, several enemas and a colonoscopy by police who believed he was carrying drugs.

Another New Mexico man, Timothy Young, has since come forward with a similar story, and the same unqualified sniffer dog that wrongly detected drugs on Mr Eckert lead to his ordeal, KOB-TV reports.

Mr Young says he was stopped for allegedly turning without indicating in October last year.

A K-9 dog named Leo wrongly indicated he had drugs in his car, and he was taken to hospital where doctors made him undergo an x-ray scan and digital anal probe.

KOB-TV also revealed Leo's drug-sniffing qualification expired in April 2011.

In both cases the police found no drugs and the medical examinations were conducted without consent.

Albuquerque civil rights attorney Shannon Kennedy, who is representing Mr Eckert, will also file a lawsuit on Mr Young's behalf.

Federal legal documents claim that Mr Eckert had just finished shopping at Walmart on January 2 this year when he was stopped in his car.

He appeared to be clenching his buttocks when police pulled him over so they obtained a warrant to do an anal cavity search.

After attempting to get the probe done at one hospital, police were forced to admit Mr Eckert to Gila Regional Medical Centre because the first hospital deemed it "unethical".

Mr Eckert underwent an abdominal x-ray, which showed no drugs. He then had two anal exams where doctors used their fingers, once again no drugs were found.

Mr Eckert then had three enemas but nothing was found in stool samples.

After a second x-ray still found nothing, Mr Eckert was prepped for surgery and was given a colonoscopy, which also showed no drugs.

"If the officers in Hidalgo County and the City of Deming are seeking warrants for anal cavity searches based on how they're standing and the warrant allows doctors at the 'Gila Hospital of Horrors' to go in and do enemas and colonoscopies without consent,

then anyone can be seized and that's why the public needs to know about this," Mr Eckert's lawyer, Shannon Kennedy said.

Ms Kennedy said the warrant was only valid for Luna County, where Deming is located but not in Grant County where the Gila Regional Medical Centre is located.

It had also expired by three hours by the time the colonoscopy was performed.

"This is like something out of a science fiction film, anal probing by government officials and public employees," Ms Kennedy said.

Deming Police Chief Brandon Gigante said the town had no reason to fear unwarranted intrusions by police officers.

"We follow the law in every aspect and we follow policies and protocols that we have in place," Chief Gigante replied.

The doctors involved, from the Gila Regional Medical Center, have been referred to the state licensing board and the police officers have been turned over to a law enforcement board.

If killing an unborn child is perfectly legal then killing these sadistic bastards should also be perfectly legal. In fact I would endorse it myself. This is just utterly utterly outrageous. If that were me I'd give them something to really complain about - like a nice preamble about the right to one's own body and privacy, followed by quickly divesting them of their batons and then wrapping those batons around their skulls at warp speed with maximal force. Seriously, it would look like the worst psychotic rage anyone had ever seen in history. Ass raping is really where their control-freakish shit has to stop. Looking for stuff in your pockets, handbag, car, etc. Not too bad, but putting stuff in your ass, that is really too far out of it to be acceptable to anyone. Sorry, but body cavity searches would be absolutely and utterly illegal under the laws if I had any control of them.
speechless....im surprised they didnt bring in a thorasic surgeon to completely open him up. you can fit a decent amount of some dense like tar up there but not to the point that you couldnt feel it a little. at first when i saw the words emergency i thought it was a joke. i hope these cops not only lose their jobs, but are sent to jail for beyond violating this guys rights. the drs that did this should all be banned from practicing medicine, its not like he was posing a public health rish by hiding anthrax in his butt. and since when has having clenched butt cheeks giving prob cause to search> maybe he had to take a shit? fucking pigs that violate ppl like this should get sent to a third world country and be beaten to death.
^apparently a sniffer dog first "confirmed" the presence of drugs and then the officers perceived his butt cheek positioning as reasonable suspicion of possession and location of a illicit substance.

You know the shit houses is going up in flames when dogs are given the responsibility to asses whether someone gets anally raped.
How can you tell someones arse cheecks are clentched, witout actually seeing the arse?


And I mean, shit, if his arsecheecks where clentched, wouldent he be worried about something about to fall out?
Not something thats been inserted so far he can taste it.
But they still insisted on raping him a few times.
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did anybody notice the name of the second doctor named in the man's lawsuit?

Okay Odocha, M.D.

Im assuming that is a typo cause that is the most pathetic, idiotic name Ive ever heard. I would never, ever see a doctor named Okay Odocha. Especially after he anally raped a man at the behest of a bunch of faggot ass cops.

This is why people HATE police, and not just drug users, most people with half a brain know the police are never on your side and never around when they are needed. They are just there to literally fuck your day in the ass.
Jesus Christ...It's just getting worse and worse, when will this shit end? I can't even comprehend how someone could take pleasure from putting someone through this... well, no. I can. Sadistic fucks.

I wanna know what they told the judge in order to get this search warrant. Like, I wanna know verbatim. God damn. I don't want this dude to suffer anymore, but I kind of can't wait for the next news headline to read "Man raped by police, police found tortured and killed along side of road." Or something to that affect.

If this would have been done by ANYBODY else... please believe those people would be in jail right now, probably getting THEIR asshole probed. But since it was the police? "Oh, they're just doing their job!" Yeah, fuck you. Anybody else would be facing rape charges, with more charges tacked on, I'm sure. & what about the fucking doctor that did this shit? What about the Hippocratic Oath? At least the first doctor said he wouldn't do it. But still... this doctor needs his license revoked, STAT.

I hope this dude gets millions. & then buys the city it happened in, and burns it to the fucking ground.
This is why people HATE police, and not just drug users, most people with half a brain know the police are never on your side and never around when they are needed. They are just there to literally fuck your day in the ass.

"I could demonstrate that every single bank robbery that in every single case practically the cost of the police was more than the actual money the robbers took from the bank, OH you see theres no economic interest involved then... There are people that believe that the function of police is to fight crime and thats not true, the function of police is social control and protection of property." - Micheal Parenti

Yeah police are on the side of banks, big business and politicians, they are basically the front line defense between the rich and poor. This is just sick, depraved and a horrible abuse of power, I mean after the first x-ray there is no reason to believe the man had anything in his body and no reason to repetitively penetrate him and "clenching checks" does this mean anyone thats watching a particularly scary movie or needs to shit can be arrested and basically raped. Anyone else ready for the revolution?
The judge who even let that warrant go through ought to be punished along with the sick officers that were involved and the people at the 2nd hospital fucked up just as bad imo. The dude should never have to work again or worry about money imo.
They will keep doing this is we let them. If you have a minute why not write a letter to the people who need to hear whats going on. Im sure they dont want to be the representatives of a state that stands for civil rights violations like these. If you have a minute please consider taking the time to stand up for our rights.

Congressman Ben Ray Luján

2446 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Ph: (202) 225-6190
Fax: (202) 226-1528

Email Ben

Congresswoman Lujan Grisham

214 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202-225-6316
fax: 202-225-4975


Congressman Steve Pearce

2432 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 855-4-PEARCE (732723) or (202) 225-2365


Senator Martin Heinrich

702 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
p: (202) 224-5521
f: (202) 228-2841

Write Martin

Senator Tom Udall

Washington, DC
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
(202) 224-6621

If we continue to sit back and allow fear to prevent us from sticking up collectively for ourselves then we will continue to be abused and exploited. Its up to us to win our freedom. Bravery and Action won rights and proper treatment for Women, Blacks (US), and Homosexuals... seams like its beyond time for us to start standing up for us.
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I think they all should be charged with gang rape. I support banning strip searches so this just insane to me.

"Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert's anus, rectum, colon, and large intestines"

What the actual fuck?

At this point it wouldn't surprise me if they did gangbang him while he was sedated after telling the doctors that they would be taken care of if it ever got out.
Dont forget drug him too.. they had to drug him to prevent the possibility of him doing drugs.


But yeah, you can't make someone undergo all of that on the chance of drug possession. Honestly, a single digit penetration and they may well have gotten away with it, but all that? No-one is going to call that OK. That said, can you imagine the growing terror the doctors must have felt as they began to realize just how far they had taken the procedures, on an innocent man?

Also, I clench my ass and my jaw whenever I'm nervous. It's just one of the ways my body reacts to stressful or frightening situations. As in, the dentist, going into an exam room, being pulled over by a cop...
^that's the fucked up thing though...if they had found even a shitty .5 gram bag of cocaine, the whole thing would be completely justified and necessary to protect public safety!

After all, .5 grams of cocaine from someone's ass has a street value of $750!
"I was drugged and anal probed by aliens who looked like humans!"
^that's the fucked up thing though...if they had found even a shitty .5 gram bag of cocaine, the whole thing would be completely justified and necessary to protect public safety!

After all, .5 grams of cocaine from someone's ass has a street value of $750!

On a moral level, I feel like you pretty much need good solid evidence that someone has something as evil as blood diamonds or as time sensitive as a bomb up there to warrant such an extensive search. Those doctors should be publicly and professionally disgraced, barred from practicing and possibly even serve some time. But on an empathetic level... man, I've experienced fiending, I've looked for drugs that never existed. The police never should have been granted the warrant, and the doctors never should have gone beyond a simple digit exam on the basis of just one warrant, but man do I know that by the time you've [metaphorically] moved an entire bookshelf on the possibility that you at some point dropped a rock down the back of it, you pretty much have to rip up the carpet when you don't find it. Otherwise, you're admitting you were crazy for moving the bookshelf.

/bad empathy
^They fucking did!

Ha, well..I've had my mother have me committed to the psych ward for bogus reasons because she wanted me to detox from drugs, got diagnosed...held for 3 weeks and sent a bill for 5000...

It's like, you think I'm crazy enough to hold for 3 weeks, but you somehow think I have the want or the power to hand over 5000 for being "treated" against my will...

I didn't know what I do now about a lot of medical professionals....If you fight with them, it brings out some kind of primal, latent sadism that builds in them from having to deal with dickhead patients day after day....Basically, if you mock, argue, yell and generally make a scene, they'll use that as evidence to "punish" you with some form of unsolicited treatment...My psych diagnosis might as well have been "Argumentative and insulting asshole disorder", because I sure as hell wasn't psychotic...that time...

What I'm saying is, I wonder how much this guy escalated it by doing things like:

Continually asserting his legal rights...
Being generally argumentative and combative...
Fighting them every step of the way while they were trying to get at his ass...

It's like these people that refuse to hand their license over to the cops because they're being "unlawfully detained"...the police are egotistical bullies by nature most of the time....you have to feed into their narcicissm, not challenge it!
Jesus what the fuck happened to the days your ass was a safe hiding place shit nowadays cops go round making people who aren't even hiding anything get colonoscopy. jesus. Nobody has rights anymore.