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Thought to hold drugs in anus, man taken to hospital and forcibly probed, then billed


Bluelight Crew
Dec 16, 2010
4 On Your Side investigates traffic stop nightmare


This 4 On Your Side investigation looks into the actions of police officers and doctors in Southern New Mexico.

A review of medical records, police reports and a federal lawsuit show deputies with the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office, police officers with the City of Deming and medical professionals at the Gila Regional Medical Center made some questionable decisions.

The incident began January 2, 2013 after David Eckert finished shopping at the Wal-Mart in Deming. According to a federal lawsuit, Eckert didn't make a complete stop at a stop sign coming out of the parking lot and was immediately stopped by law enforcement.

Eckert's attorney, Shannon Kennedy, said in an interview with KOB that after law enforcement asked him to step out of the vehicle, he appeared to be clenching his buttocks. Law enforcement thought that was probable cause to suspect that Eckert was hiding narcotics in his anal cavity. While officers detained Eckert, they secured a search warrant from a judge that allowed for an anal cavity search.

The lawsuit claims that Deming Police tried taking Eckert to an emergency room in Deming, but a doctor there refused to perform the anal cavity search citing it was "unethical."

But physicians at the Gila Regional Medical Center in Silver City agreed to perform the procedure and a few hours later, Eckert was admitted.

While there, Eckert was subjected to repeated and humiliating forced medical procedures. A review of Eckert's medical records, which he released to KOB, and details in the lawsuit show the following happened:

1. Eckert's abdominal area was x-rayed; no narcotics were found.

2. Doctors then performed an exam of Eckert's anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.

3. Doctors performed a second exam of Eckert's anus with their fingers; no narcotics were found.

4. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

5. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema a second time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

6. Doctors penetrated Eckert's anus to insert an enema a third time. Eckert was forced to defecate in front of doctors and police officers. Eckert watched as doctors searched his stool. No narcotics were found.

7. Doctors then x-rayed Eckert again; no narcotics were found.

8. Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert's anus, rectum, colon, and large intestines. No narcotics were found.

Throughout this ordeal, Eckert protested and never gave doctors at the Gila Regional Medical Center consent to perform any of these medical procedures.

"If the officers in Hidalgo County and the City of Deming are seeking warrants for anal cavity searches based on how they're standing and the warrant allows doctors at the Gila Hospital of Horrors to go in and do enemas and colonoscopies without consent, then anyone can be seized and that's why the public needs to know about this," Kennedy said.

The story continues: http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S3209305.shtml?cat=500#.UniTPpRoTsk
If that was me I would go on a long killing spree for being anally raped by the police.

I have heard just as horrific things happening to women. It's a real sad country we live in.
If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. Now drop your pants and bend over!
How is this any thing short of molestation.
This is a human beings body, he doesn't have the right to get high and buy drugs but officers and doctors get to forcibly gang bang him and hummiliate him in the search for said drugs.
I would shove that cops buton straight up his ass after that.

Wtf did they say after... "oh sorry we thought you might have concealed drugs. we are serving and protecting your community to make it a better place."

Beyond crazy what is wrong with america and when will we realize we have put way to much power in the hands of these shady good for nothing cops.
When did the rectum become the new pocket?? Hey honey, just got a bindle, I'm gonna stop at Wal-Mart and get something for dinner, first I better put this in my brown round stinky pocket...
If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. Now drop your pants and bend over!

For real...

I hope the cops and doctors lose there jobs.
I think they all should be charged with gang rape. I support banning strip searches so this just insane to me.

"Doctors prepared Eckert for surgery, sedated him, and then performed a colonoscopy where a scope with a camera was inserted into Eckert's anus, rectum, colon, and large intestines"

What the actual fuck?
Throughout this ordeal, Eckert protested and never gave doctors at the Gila Regional Medical Center consent to perform any of these medical procedures.

There are major concerns about the way the search warrant was carried out. Kennedy argues that the search warrant was overly broad and lacked probable cause. But beyond that, the warrant was only valid in Luna County, where Deming is located. The Gila Regional Medical Center is in Grant County. That means all of the medical procedures were performed illegally and the doctors who performed the procedures did so with no legal basis and no consent from the patient.

Hope these slimy fucks burn they should all be fired. The cops the doctors and the judge who couldn't give two shits that law enforcement is out terrorising the citizens of his county.
Honestly what kind of person could put some one else threw this. And after the enemas and x rays the docs knew he had nothing. They still continued send them all to prison and give this man his million dollar check.
^ that lady got how many million for spilling hot coffee on herself.. think getting forcefully knocked out and raped is going to pay out way bigger than that.

I hope they lose their shirts and that their malpractice doesn't cover this as they weren't practicing medicine. Hahh and I would be really surprised if a jury won't side with the "patient".. people are sick and tired of authority figures overstepping their bounds, time for the really criminals to get raped, raped in their pocket books and hopefully their medical licenses. Really, what made you think you had the right.. Paybacks a bitch and its coming=D.. lol.
But, if he had drugs in there, the drugs might have hurt him!
So, they had to rape and violate him to save him from possibly being hurt by the evil drugs.
Dont forget drug him too.. they had to drug him to prevent the possibility of him doing drugs.
kind of embarrassed to say this but some IV midazolam might make it all worth it for me.
Guys how can we expect to be safe if we don't rape everybody's asshole? I hope he gets a big settlement.
I think I would go on a homicidal rampage at my local police station if that happened to me.

Couldn't he refuse to be anally probed, and the rest? Or are you not allowed to refuse anymore in the U.S., if the cops order it?

What I'm wondering is how these cops got a warrant, based on how someone was standing. How can cops do phone warrants with such lack of probable cause? The judge should be part of this lawsuit.

I just don't get wtf is happening to the U.S.
Even sedated, a colonoscopy (at least IME) can be quite unpleasant (painful). Imagine how irritated the poor bastard's guts were after the 3 enemas. That colonoscopy must have hurt like a bitch.

Fucking pigs... The can't seem to stop the enjoyment that comes with going through other people's shit. Three times a charm!
I'm of a mind to just inundate the Hidalgo county and Deming police depts with emails questioning how they could possibly wake up in the morning and not be disgusted with what they see to the point of wanting to blow their brains out with their "service revolvers" after this!

you have to think someone other than us is horrified by this, but people seem to support this sort of thing! I can't even fathom this...
I'm of a mind to just inundate the Hidalgo county and Deming police depts with emails questioning how they could possibly wake up in the morning and not be disgusted

Stick drawings or cartoons or pictures might work good as possible way of communication in these emails.=D
You can't even e-mail them....maybe the Deming NM police department has facebook with pictures of this sort of thing....

"Hey honey, guess what I did at work today? we forcibly made some guy shit and inserted things in his anus because we thought he may have had drugs on him! I have no regrets, we're making New Mexico a safer place to live, one asshole at a time!"