• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Things you'd never wear...

^^yeah I dont get it either

So many ppl are basically saying "I wont wear anything comfortable" IMO lol
I'm pretty anal when it comes to clothing. I realize the following list is all items that many people wear regularly and never give thought about... I used to be worse, but still:

I'd never wear blue jeans, especially light-blue.

I'd never wear shorts in public.

I'd never wear flip-flops or sandals.

I'd never wear anything with an Adidas or Tommy logo on it...

What's wrong with shorts?
-low-rise jeans w/ a mid-rise or high-rise thong/underwear. nothing is more tacky to me than sitting behind someone and seeing half her thong or underwear sticking out above her jeans. do guys really find this attractive?

None that I know of.
it's just girls annoying other girls. girl clothing is for other girls, not guys. if guys had their way we'd all be naked in high heels
I'd be delighted if I never again had to wear

a suit
a tux
a shirt with buttons
any shoes other than sneakers
a tie. Who the FUCK invented ties and why?????? I don't like having something tight around my neck. It actually induces anxiety.
I'd be delighted if I never again had to wear

a suit
a tux
a shirt with buttons
any shoes other than sneakers
a tie. Who the FUCK invented ties and why?????? I don't like having something tight around my neck. It actually induces anxiety.

Probably someone like me, who has a fetish for slowly stripping men wearing these ;).

That said, I do despise wearing them myself ;).
It's too easy to rattle off obscure things that I would never wear so heres a list of things that most people do wear, that I won't.

Clothes with the brand's name written in large, clear font.
A beanie/skull cap/winter hat (unless I plan to be outdoors for hours in the cold)
Sleeveless shirts.
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My boyfriend was one of the "I'll never wear flip flops" people... until his parents bought him some when we went to their beach house. Now, in the summer, it's all he wears.
I would never...

....wear a toupee.

Guys, what's the big deal about going bald.
You can't say it's age, because of all the young bald guys out there.
Some even shave their heads to be bald.

I wouldn't wear one, as I'm not a guy.
As to the guys out there considering wearing one, please, don't.
Not just for your own dignity, but for those around you.

^ yeah bald is better.....
like comb overs.
Any clothes that are expensive just because they have a logo on them.
Any clothes that are uncomfortable if I do not have to wear them.
I would wear anything and everything as long as it isnt chick clothes(even those are ok i guess if your at a costume party or something).



Crocs are the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. Every time I point this out, there's always the "But they're comfortable!" defense. I don't care if they're the most comfortable shoes ever made. There's no way I'd put those damn clown shoes on my feet.

my ex use to have a brown pair just like the last ones and i haaaaated them.
"they're comfortable" he'd say
i slid one on and it didnt feel comfortable to me at all...plastic weirdness
bah! they looked so doofusy
he had no clue

i'd also never wear a turtle neck
they completely take away your neck, leaving your face framed as if on display
The original Crocs are ugly, but they make some pairs that are really cute...

i have these:
