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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

^Pass the celery, sir.

I also heard shooting heroin is safer than eating celery.
^Pass the celery, sir.

I also heard shooting heroin is safer than eating celery.

at the lowest ebbs of my addiction i was freebasing several grams of high-grade celery salt and. plugging 5-8 sticks daily.
I grow my own celery, it starts in my garden and ends plugged in veggie adicts anuses.
Veggie agencies constantly looking for my celery garden.

They will never find it.



Mouth watering, any idea how much this is worth?!? Man i have it made in the shade.
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I grow my own celery, it starts in my garden and ends plugged in veggie adicts anuses.
Veggie agencies constantly looking for my celery garden.

Mouth watering, any idea how much this is worth?!? Man i have it made in the shade.

i got these cheeeseburgers maaaan
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i got these cheeeseburgers maaaan

Oh dogg, passs the whopppper with macc sauce and O ringss.

Back on topic: Celery.
Dont forget..

IF you are caught driving after eating celery, mandatory 10 years out in 5-6 with good time, if you're lucky.
Loophole, if you plug it.. no sentencing.
Moral to this?

You tell me, how will you be taking your celery from now on?
Higher BA that way anyways.
Reminds me of that classic reggae tune 'under me celery'

You mus av 2 stick of celery under your tongue
Anyone tried Celery Salt?
It's the HCl version of celery. All this time this celery was base form.
That is why some don't enjoy celery, gotta know how to use each kind.
I sense a celery epidemic that could potentially cause devastation ib towns and cities across the world, worse than meth its getting worrying. Celery us not to be taken lightly Please stay safe folks
Works for me

I been doing it for long enough and it is fine, but as already stated it will increase sedation and you will sleep heavier and drop off quicker usually. other than that no serious interactions except benzo addiction which you will get if you take any diazepines or z drugs long enough.

Is it safe to take etizolam with zoplicone?
Guys, the stuff I've been getting from my usual dealer is lacking in quality (hint, big one, starts with a Wal and ends in a Mart).

Anyway, the color is off, and the effects just aren't the same I remember. I don't think it's tolerance, it's just as crunchy as ever. I have been using a little more salt then usual and resorted to eating it raw, and even holding the ranch.

Point is, watch out, cause I think people are passing off lesser varieties of A. graveolens then all of us are used to. Just, make sure you get it in pure form and have a sensitive scale. Just trust me, stick with it cause when the quality improves you're getting better results then you ever will with other greens or veggies like cabbage, romaine, or God forbid radishes.
So I made a celery solution and had some insolubles..

Really though. Ethanol + etiz, heated and agitated, but there's couple specks that won't dissolve even after a week. Any suggestions? My thought is that if the bits that didn't dissolve are filtered out then I should have a stable solution.. Correct?
So I made a celery solution and had some insolubles..

Really though. Ethanol + etiz, heated and agitated, but there's couple specks that won't dissolve even after a week. Any suggestions? My thought is that if the bits that didn't dissolve are filtered out then I should have a stable solution.. Correct?

What do you mean by stable?
So I made a celery solution and had some insolubles..

Really though. Ethanol + etiz, heated and agitated, but there's couple specks that won't dissolve even after a week. Any suggestions? My thought is that if the bits that didn't dissolve are filtered out then I should have a stable solution.. Correct?

With ethanol?!
Yes, with ethanol. I'm not interested in putting PG in my body, no need to discuss. I don't see the big fuss about using ethanol if the bottle is tightly capped, no evaporation occurs.

@lolz, stable may have not been the right word. Evenly distributed is more like it.

I'm not sure if the specks are etiz or not. I've done this before without having any specks. It's literally like 3-4 1mm specks. I think i'm just going to physically separate the specks from the solution. Just wondering if anyone had this issue or any thoughts.