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The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? [New poll options added 1-22-08]

The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? (New Poll Options)

  • Methadone

    Votes: 325 27.1%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 278 23.2%
  • Oxycodone

    Votes: 198 16.5%
  • Hydrocodone

    Votes: 54 4.5%
  • Fentanyl

    Votes: 83 6.9%
  • Buprenorphine

    Votes: 43 3.6%
  • Morphine

    Votes: 51 4.3%
  • Others - If so please specify

    Votes: 85 7.1%
  • Hydromorphone

    Votes: 21 1.8%
  • Poppy Pods

    Votes: 47 3.9%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 14 1.2%

  • Total voters
Methadone. I found it hard after 2 years on 110ml p/d. I got back on it but then found a miracle. I'm not sure how dangerous it was, but i took bupe 10 mins after my Done dose. I knew what i was in for but wan't to stop done. 2 Days of shit then peace on the third. Precipitated withdrawals are hard but fast. I started H again 2 weeks later. Now i'm using good old codeine. Works great at 1g a dose. 4 Day mild withdrawals, btw. Good today. And i'll dose in 2 days, hopefully will get high again. I think i'm actually building a tollerence to w/d's. Any other thoughts on this???? Peace.
After my first Labrum Surgery I was taking Oxy 40-50mg per day along with 2mg Xanax before bed for sleep. After I finished rehabbing my shoulder I decided to quit Cold Turkey both medications after 3 months. I felt awful & ended up not sleeping a wink for 3 straight nights. Then only 4-5 hours or so for a few weeks after that. Doc never warned me about that, nor did he mention to Taper.

From what Ive been reading on this forum, Quitting Xanax Cold Turkey is no walk in the park either so I'm sure my Withdrawal was exacerbated from saying bye to both depressants at the same time..

Another interesting note to mention is shortly after my withdrawal I had a Hormone panel done & my Testosterone was way below normal (around 125 ng/dl). Normal is over 300ng/dl . 6 months before that I was in the 600 ng/dl range! I have read that prolonged opiate use can sometimes cause T levels to drop significantly, which could contribute to the nasty withdrawal we feel. The decrease in T could also affect woman’s levels too I imagine. ..Anyone else experience this?

Well fast-forward to today. I recently re-injured my shoulder again and am scheduled for another surgery on my same shoulder in a months time. So my surgeon put me back on the Oxy-train again, this time without the sleeping pill Xanax.

It's only been 4 days back on the Oxy so far and I don't want to experience anything close to that hellish withdrawal again.

What is the maximum amount of days I can be on the Oxy without experiencing the major withdrawals that Ive been reading in this thread? Example: 2 weeks, 30 days etc?
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I voted Methadone. It was worse than my heroin habit(which was pretty excessive) Horrible experience.

I have to think that all the people who voted oxycodone have never WDed from Heroin or Methadone. Just my personal opinion though...

Do you shoot or sniff? I sniff, and for me the oxy WD is twice as bad a the H WD. Doses about the same, the smallest amount that produces a nod, around 80mg oxy for reference, with a 40mg booster dose at night. Both binges were for about 90 consecutive days, literally, maybe 88 days of Oxy and 92 of H, but very close, so the amount of days wouldn't make a difference.

I don't find physical WD that bad anyway, as I used to use xanax and valium to ease the discomfort, but I don't need it anymore. Then again, I just sniff, but even after a 150 day binge I was 100% physically after 72 hours or so...I tell myself it isn't going to be "THAT" bad, and I believe it really does help, as we all think WD is the worst thing in the world, when in reality(unless you are coming off a year long shooting binge) it isn't THAT bad(if you can seclude yourself in a warm bed, away from reality, so to say, with a book/TV to entertain you...being around people, especially those who you dislike, makes WD's twice as bad, if not moreso)...best of luck!
Of the ones listed:

1. Methadone, for it's extended withdrawals.

2. Oxycodone, for it's immediate severe depressive episodes after the highs subside.

3. Morphine, because a high that feels (and is) so natural should last forever.

4. Pods, for their wide range of withdrawl symptoms.

(I have yet to try Heroin, so I do not know about it's high or withdrawl)

Heroin and Morphine are pretty much the same. Not chemically, but either way you get high off of morphine. W/D's are the same. Peace.
Well fast-forward to today. I recently re-injured my shoulder again and am scheduled for another surgery on my same shoulder in a months time. So my surgeon put me back on the Oxy-train again, this time without the sleeping pill Xanax.

It's only been 4 days back on the Oxy so far and I don't want to experience anything close to that hellish withdrawal again.

What is the maximum amount of days I can be on the Oxy without experiencing the major withdrawals that Ive been reading in this thread? Example: 2 weeks, 30 days etc?

It all depends on how often you use. I use once a day no matter what. Double dosing within 24 hours leaves a large impact on the brain, due to no time to recover or come down. Half life dosn't matter with xanax or most drugs when it comes to w/d's. It's the effect on the brain after it adapts to the drugs, so you could use oxy for 1-3 months once a day and w/d's should be easy, if any. However xanax is nasty nasty shit to come off. I went cold after years of 20mg - 40mg a day and had the worst seizures, well the only seizures i've had...ever. Side efffects of xanax w/d are panic, shivers blah, blah, seizures and "death" can occur. I didn't know and wasn't told by doc. I used it legit to start. Good luck mate, and jump on the oxy train once a day and put up with the pain. I prefer surgery pain over w/d's any day. Peace.
I think this poll is very subjective,but heres my choices..
No 1 methadone,complete torture,absolutly unmanagable evan at the longest tapers/smallest dropoff

no 2 heroin not as bad as methadone still hell

no 3 morphine much the same as no 2

no 4 codeine surprisingly bad,but managable

no 5 bupe not that bad,but lenghty..

Take care!!!!!!!
It all depends on how often you use. I use once a day no matter what. Double dosing within 24 hours leaves a large impact on the brain, due to no time to recover or come down. Half life dosn't matter with xanax or most drugs when it comes to w/d's. It's the effect on the brain after it adapts to the drugs, so you could use oxy for 1-3 months once a day and w/d's should be easy, if any. However xanax is nasty nasty shit to come off. I went cold after years of 20mg - 40mg a day and had the worst seizures, well the only seizures i've had...ever. Side efffects of xanax w/d are panic, shivers blah, blah, seizures and "death" can occur. I didn't know and wasn't told by doc. I used it legit to start. Good luck mate, and jump on the oxy train once a day and put up with the pain. I prefer surgery pain over w/d's any day. Peace.

Yeah, I figured the Xanax to be the main culprit during my last withdrawal...

I take the Oxy twice a night but usually at around 9pm & 1am(b4 sleep). So usually 19 hours pass or so between doses, so hopefully my brain can use that time to go back to normal. One thing Ive noticed here on day 13 is my tolerance has gone up a little and have to take 2, 10mg now to get the same relief. And I know it doesn't stop there !
Yeah, I figured the Xanax to be the main culprit during my last withdrawal...

I take the Oxy twice a night but usually at around 9pm & 1am(b4 sleep). So usually 19 hours pass or so between doses, so hopefully my brain can use that time to go back to normal. One thing Ive noticed here on day 13 is my tolerance has gone up a little and have to take 2, 10mg now to get the same relief. And I know it doesn't stop there !

20mg aint that high buddy, but it depends from person to person. When i use oxy i'll do about 200m/g. You look like your in control mate, just take it easy and you'll come out fine. If you get w/d's just ask to taper down to like 5mg a day, then stop. Good luck mate. Peace.
Done is the worst depending on the dose, but mg for mg it takes the cake on w/d. However i must say that after using tramadol with codeine 1g codeine and 600mg tramadol, the w/d's really sucked. Not just the crave and aches/shivers but anxiety and depresion as well. If i was on trams with done i don't know how i could stop. Just a warning to those mixing drugs. Xanax still the worst drug to w/d off, by far. Seizures suck ass, specially when your driving....... Peace.
IME and IMO I think Oxymorphone/Opana to be the worst. I am currently on 30 mg's 3 times a day for pain. I have been on this for almost 2 years. I used to chew them up in my mouth for about the first nine months and then I started snorting them, getting greater pain relief, and a little buzz. Ahhhh!!! WD's from hell.

I am an ex heroin user, IV'd daily for close to a year, and I thought back then the WD's from that was the worst.

Then after serious neck and a back injury, I started on OxyContin 80 mg's 3 times a day, 30 mg oxycodone, 8 pills a day for breakthrough pain, IV'd the OC's but not the roxicodone. Just took them by mouth. That was 10x worse then the Heroin WD's IME. I know he was over prescribing me, but my mother holds all my meds, because my brother OD'd on 3 50 mcg Duragesic patches I was prescribed, so I never really went through too much WD from that.

Anyhow, I love my Opana, but the WD's are Hell! I could almost go through every symptom of the WD's but the back, leg, neck, muscle pain is too much! I always wake up in the morning to 3 red, lovely pills that I never shoulg have started snorting. Hindsight is 20/20 or some crap. Heh.

Sorry for the long post. Hands down Oxymorphone!
I always thought oxycodone is converted to oxymorphone. I may be wrong, however if i am, it should be added. I'd still put Methadone no.1 then oc's. Both long half life drugs i'd prefer to avoid. But if it's all i had i'd be on 200-300mg to feel it. W/D would be hell.
I always thought oxycodone is converted to oxymorphone. I may be wrong, however if i am, it should be added. I'd still put Methadone no.1 then oc's. Both long half life drugs i'd prefer to avoid. But if it's all i had i'd be on 200-300mg to feel it. W/D would be hell.

oxycodone is metabolized into oxymorphone as well as noroxycodone and noroxymorphone (possibly other things but thats off the top of my head)

regardless, Oxymorphone should have its own choice
As a sniffer...I'm usually fine in 72 hours(physically) after last use of heroin. Estimate binge to be, oh, 50 days on average till I'm forced to WD.

Oxycontin, on a similar binge? Takes around 100+ hours, I find the kicking/insomnia MUCH worse.

Those were my experiences before I did some research on how to tame WD's...nowadays...

With that being said, when I tell myself that WD's really aren't that bad compared to many things, my mind does play some tricks that help me out. It is mind over matter most of the time, if you're able to channel that real, but hard to understand phenomenon. It doesn't make any logical sense, but it works like a charm. If I'm thinking, oh shit, this is going to be friggin terrible, it certainly is...without exception. If I tell myself, yeah..this is kind of like having the flu, I'll be good in a few days... for the most part now, the physical WD's can be kept in relative check...still apparent, and kicking may come into play around the 2am-4am mark on night two of WD, but I'm all good from a physical stand point after 48 hours.

The mental cravings, on the other, can't be kept in check by "out-thinking" your own brain. The pull of the drug will ALWAYS be there in opiate addicts...ALWAYS, imo. Over time it may diminish, but it will lurk in the back of one's head till the day he or she dies.
Some merrit to you JohnyHopkins, but to be honest, i've seen people on doses that high, eg 4g of H a day IV. Good H too, i snorted it though, only shot ice once and hate ice. Anywayz, mind over matter dosn't work really, specially for those heavilly iv'ing. (very well off guy mind you, or one hell of a hooker). But the point is, your mind is the matter, and if there was no mind, there'd be no w/ds. It's the same with any dependence, benzo etc, it's your brain getting back to norm. I've never had them, but i've seen people constantly spewing, kicking, crying and sweating that no matter what you said to them or they could say to themselves to fix it, unless you "FIX" it. The more you w/d the more tolerant you become to w/ds btw. Peace.
I've tried most of the stuff listed but my only WD experience has been with...

oxy - IV/oral - 15months - 160mg/day
tramadol - oral - 2yrs - 1,500mg/day
pod grounds - oral - 3yrs - 20 XXL's/day

The oxy was utter hell (kind of funny that I was in Afghanistan, home of the poppy fields, when this happened). It was my first WD and completely took me by suprise, I was also pulling 12hr guard shifts in 120 degree weather with full body armor, kevlar, and a loaded weapon (believe me it crossed my mind). The only good thing about it was that I was actually sleeping semi-normal a week later.

The tramadol was no joke, long drawn out opiate WD along with "brain zaps" (from the serotonin activity I assume), didn't even come close to sleeping for the first 5 days and was still jumping out of my skin 2 weeks later. Come to think of it I never actually quit tramadol, started ordering pods after 2 weeks.

Still on the pods now, but I did go cold turkey for 15 days about 6 months ago. I didn't even start actual physical WD until day 3 and it just got worse each day. I broke and overnighted some pods on day 14 but I don't think I even reached the peak. It could be that it was just the most recent but it easily beat the oxy on the pain scale and had MUCH worse stomach problems (could be from eating so much plant material every day). Then again 20 XXL pods is a hell of a lot more than 160mgs of oxy so... this is a pretty meaningless post... G'night

Right now I'm down to 2 pods/day and will switch to 1 next week. I'm going to school and on summer break right now, don't think I can make it through another semester being an antisocial junkie. Reading a lot of these posts makes me realize I could have it much worse, I'm 29 and don't want to spend the next 10 years nodding off on my couch alone every night, still think I can beat it.